Does the new 12-part agreement between Iran and Oman signal a regional shift, as former Western clients and puppets assert their independence as sovereign nations? As the world grows multipolar, will the West Asian region expel US imperialists and Zionist colonizers? Syed Mohsin Abbas and I discuss the issue on Press TV’s Spotlight program. News report:…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Joachim Hagopian on Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare
Listen HERE Joachim Hagopian discusses his new article “Today’s Shifting Balance of Power, Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare: Its Winners and Losers.” An extract: “For eons the planet overlords have not only retained their centralized control and power over the population, but in recent years exponentially increased their absolute control through ownership of all public and private sector institutions and organizations. Be it through bribery and/or sexual blackmail, puppetmasters never seem to fail at compromising, owning and controlling governments at all levels, including judiciaries, law enforcement, intelligence services, militaries, mass media, Big Tech, Fortune 500 multinational corporations, the primary through university…
FULL ARTICLESaudis seize another Yemen-bound fuel ship, violating two-month truce
The Saudis may have paused their bombing, but they are still committing genocide by deliberately depriving Yemenis of life support. – -Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Press TV: The Saudi-led coalition has seized another Yemen-bound fuel ship in violation of the terms of a two-month truce brokered by the United Nations. The Yemen Petroleum Company said the ship was denied docking at the port of Hudaydah even though it had gone through required inspections and obtained clearance from the U-N. Essam al-Mutawakel, a company spokesman, censured the coalition’s acts of piracy. He said the coalition had also seized two other…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Prof. Michael Brenner on NATO in Azovstol; Joachim Hagopian on Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half-hour: International Relations professor Michael Brenner (University of Pittsburgh) summarizes the historical background to the Ukraine conflict that mainstream institutions ignore, and discusses his new article “NATO Officers in Azovstol Murdered & Mutilated by Azov to Spare Western Governments Embarrassment?” Note: Eric Zuesse was scheduled to appear but experienced technical problems, so he has been rescheduled for next week. Final hour: Joachim Hagopian discusses his new article “Today’s Shifting Balance of Power, Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare: Its Winners and Losers.” An extract: “For eons the planet overlords have…
FULL ARTICLEBREAKING! Monkeypox Virus Escapes, Simian Death Syndrome (SDS) Cases Soar
Biden Blames Putin, Calls for Vaccines and More Aid to Ukraine Dissociated Press The Center for Disease Scares (CDS) has issued a new warning that the dreaded monkeypox—a highly contagious illness that makes monkeys of men and women—is spreading across America. At a hastily-arranged press conference in the monkey house of the National Zoo at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, President Joe Biden and his Chief Medical Ape Anthony Fauci called for Americans to unite in shared sacrifice to defeat the dread disease. “I have ordered the purchase of more than 500 million doses of experimental monkeypox injections from my…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “Unfortunate” Bush Gaffe; Jewish Heroes “Evacuate” Mariupol! (with E. Michael Jones)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help Us Tell “Unfortunate” Truth, Support FFWN! 1.5) US experiments ‘may have contributed to emergence of Covid’ – Jeffrey Sachs 9/11 Fallout 2) George W. Bush makes unfortunate Iraq gaffe when condemning Putin’s Ukraine invasion 3) What happened in Guantánamo: victim meets torturer Jewish Heroes “Evacuate” Mariupol 4) Senior Zelensky adviser: 40 ‘Jewish heroes’ fighting in Mariupol steel plant 5) NATO Surrenders in Azovstol—MSM Says They’re “Evacuated” 6) NATO Officers in Azovstol Murdered & Mutilated…
FULL ARTICLEJoel Hirschhorn on Long COVID & Collapse of Scientific Medicine; Fatna Bellouchi on Alternative Healing
Listen HERE First 40 minutes: Joel Hirschhorn discusses his article “Brain Fog A Stubborn Symptom of Long COVID.” Dr. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder (which scooped RFK Jr.’s book by a year) argues that so-called “long COVID” is a very real problem, at least for a substantial minority of people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. If Hirschhorn stopped there, I could post this interview on YouTube. But he goes on to say that long COVID is at least partly caused by the toxicity of the spike protein—which explains why vaccinated people sometimes suffer long-COVID-like symptoms. (As well as short…
FULL ARTICLE“Miracle of Fatima” Anniversary Special: Pt. 2 with Dr. Peter Chojnowski
Listen HERE Dr. Peter Chojnowski of argues that Sister Lucy, who received the Fatima revelations and served as their primary transmitter to the world, was “disappeared” and replaced with an imposter circa 1960 (an issue we covered in our previous interview). Tonight we discuss the meaning of the Fatima apparitions in relation to current events including the war in Ukraine. Listen to the first hour of the special with Gary Giuffre
FULL ARTICLEMcDonalds Leaves Russia—Russians Gain Four Years of Life Expectancy
Dissociated Press The Russian Ministry of Health announced Tuesday that McDonalds’ decision to leave Russia is expected to add more than four years to the average Russian’s life expectancy. Studies undertaken by the University of Moscow School of Health Issues and Troubles (UMSHIT) show that when the drunken buffoon Boris Yeltsin took over Russia after the CIA coup of 1991, Russian men lost almost a decade of life expectancy. Originally it was thought that the looting of Russia by CIA-affiliated Zionist billionaire oligarchs had destroyed life-support systems for food, utilities, and other infrastructure, and that Russians were so depressed about…
FULL ARTICLE“Miracle of Fatima” Anniversary Special with Gary Giuffre
And a khutbah on the same topic Listen HERE The date of this live broadcast, May 13th, 2022, was the 105th anniversary of the “Miracle of Fatima”—the topic of the khutbah I gave a few hours before the broadcast. To commemorate the occasion, two leading Catholic experts, Gary Giuffre and Dr. Peter Chojnowski, joined me for an interfaith discussion of the meaning of the most celebrated miracle of the modern age. In this, the first hour of the live show, I interview Gary Giuffre, author of the forthcomingThe Plot Against the Pope and Grave Reasons of State: The Atomic Bomb…