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Teddy Woodward on “Burning Rainbow Farm,” Lenny Charles on 9/11/2010 Symposium in New York

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 9/3/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First Hour: Activist and musician Teddy Woodward. Teddy Woodward writes:On the 3rd of September, 2001, eight days before 9/11, my good friend Tom Crosslin, the owner of a pro marijuana campground in Vandalia, Michigan, was shot and killed by the FBI. The next day, his partner, Roland Rohm, was shot and killed by the Michigan State Police. There…


Am I Attracting Persecution by Using the Word “Jihad” ?

Why have I (and other voices of 9/11 truth) been stalked and persecuted — not just by Fox and friends, but by people claiming to be part of the 9/11 truth movement? My friend Ken Jenkins recently advised me that he agrees that I have been subjected to many unfair attacks, but he thinks that while I don’t deserve the mistreatment, I “attract” it. He cited the Law of Attraction, a metaphysical doctrine suggesting we attract the reality that we experience. As an example of how I may be “attracting” persecution, he said that by using the word “jihad” in…


See You at FIGHTING BOB FEST and PEACE FEST on Saturday, September 11th!

On Saturday, September 11th, the Wisconsin Coalition for 9/11 Truth will have a booth at Fighting Bob Fest, the Midwest’s biggest “progressive” celebration. I will be hanging out at the booth chatting, taking questions and debating any who dare. See you there! Later on the 11th, I will be speaking at Peace Fest II in Baraboo, Wisconsin, right across the street from Fighting Bob Fest. Free Snacks! Music @ 5pm and 6pm: Speakers@5:15pm.  At: Thunderbird Lanes (air conditioned!), Across Hwy 33 from Fairgrounds & M&I Bank, 1117 8th St.,  Baraboo,  second building East of Washington Ave. Below is the…


Concurrent local AE911Truth press conferences this 9/9/10!

Tuesday, August 31st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: David Slesinger of, organizer of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth concurrent local press conferences set for Friday, September 9th: Get Started Today1. Email us at CongressionalOutreach(at) to let us know that you are interested in making the five-minute press conference happen in your area. We need your name, phone number, email, and the exact address of your press conference location. 2. You don’t have to be an architect or engineer to organize the press conference, although that…


Putting a Mosque Next to WTC-7 Is…BLASPHEMY!

Guest column by Rev. Darvis P. Fuddlesnapper, Pastor, Church of Jesus H. Christ Warmonger When I first heard that them thar Islamics wanted to put up a mosque next to that big hole where the Twin Towers use to be, it made me so mad I almost split my britches. And I preached me a sermon calling on the Almighty to strike down the mayor and the Islamics and all the rest of the blasphemers. But after church, one of them nice Christian ladies who graces the front pew every Sunday (I call her “Our Lady of the Cleavage” but…


Concurrent local AE911Truth press conferences this 9/9/10!

Tuesday, August 31st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: David Slesinger of, organizer of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth concurrent local press conferences set for Friday, September 9th: Get Started Today 1.  Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to let us know that you are interested in making the five-minute press conference happen in your area. We need your name, phone number, email, and the exact address of your press conference location. 2.  You don’t have…


More Lies from “Cosmos”

Updated 9/15/2010 Cosmos spent the week before the 9/11/10 anniversary flooding the internet with this attack on me: I wrote a response, but decided not to post it (thanks to Carol Brouillet for the good advice) until after the anniversary. Here it is: More lies from “Cosmos”A Response to the Latest Cosmos Hit Pieceby Kevin Barrett Cosmos has been posting vicious lies about me, under various fake names, at his TruthAction blog since 2007. Yet he writes: “I personally had never spoken out against Barrett until very recently…”  I guess if you maintain a “Barrett promoting disinfo” thread at…


Stanley’s Fish Tale

Last Tuesday I invited the well-known scholar and NY Times columnist Stanley Fish to join me on the radio. Since he hasn’t gotten back to me, I assume he isn’t interested. That would be fine — except that this is the guy who lied about me, and thereby helped trash my academic career, in a huge article on the op-ed page of the Sunday New York Times! Below is my email to Fish. I’m not holding my breath waiting for a reply. -KB Dear Stanley Fish, I saw your article about the 9/11 conference in the Catskills, and would like…


How NYC mosque controversy could bring a new 9/11 investigation

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 8/28/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First hour: American Muslim therapist and author Anab Whitehouse of Sufi Amanesis: “I propose that Imam Rauf and the other stakeholders in the Burlington Coat Factory property should be willing to move the mosque in exchange for a fair, independent, and transparently rigorous investigation into the events of 9/11.” (See Muslims for 9/11 Truth.) Second hour: Leading Muslim…


I Graciously Accept Rolling Stone’s Obnoxiousness Award – Now Where’s My Check?

Since an excited friend emailed me that I had won Matt Taibbi’s “Most Obnoxious Thing on the Internet This Month” award, I have been looking forward to my $10,000 check and working on my acceptance speech. Here is a draft of that speech: Ladies and gentlemen…I stand before you humbled, awed, and amazed to have been recognized as the author of the most obnoxious thing on the internet. My late father, a two-time Olympic medalist, had to triumph over thousands of talented and determined racing sailors. Muhammad Ali, to become “the greatest” (boxer of all time), had to beat out…

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