Listen HERE This is the second hour of the Dec. 23 live show. The discussion frequently refers to the first hour with Daniel Pinchbeck. Alan Sabrosky and editorial associate Cat McGuire discuss their new essay “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust.” It begins with a meditation on Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook would no longer permit “misinformation about settled historical events,” and goes on to question just how “settled” historical events can ever be, with the Holocaust being a case in point. Alan Ned Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Daniel Pinchbeck on “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam”
Listen HERE Daniel Pinchbeck and Alan Sabrosky are important public intellectuals who have distinguished themselves tackling controversial topics with integrity and insight. Coincidentally, both just published articles on issues related to Jewish identity politics. (They are both ethnically Jewish but don’t practice Judaism, and are generally non-tribal in political orientation, with Daniel leaning left and Alan leaning right.) First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck discusses his new article “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam: The Beginning of an Inquiry.” It begins: “I don’t know why, exactly, I feel this desire — this responsibility — to say the unsayable. I don’t feel totally…
FULL ARTICLEHouse Committee: Trump Plotted Insurrection
Are the polarized narratives of both pro- and anti-Trumpers, of “election deniers” and “election true believers,” almost equally uncritical and mythological? We aren’t allowed to ask that question in US or Western mainstream media. Fortunately we still have Press TV.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Daniel Pinchbeck on “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam”; Alan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire on “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Daniel Pinchbeck and Alan Sabrosky are important public intellectuals who have distinguished themselves tackling controversial topics with integrity and insight. Coincidentally, both just published articles on issues related to Jewish identity politics. (They are both ethnically Jewish but don’t practice Judaism, and are generally non-tribal in political orientation, with Daniel leaning left and Alan leaning right.) First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck discusses his new article “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam: The Beginning of an Inquiry.” It begins: “I don’t know why, exactly, I feel this desire — this responsibility…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN Special: Anthony Hall’s “News From Canada”: Will 2023 See a Reckoning for the COVID Catastrophe?
PSA: Support FFWN: E. Michael Returns for “Biggest Stories of 2022 – What’s Coming in 2023” Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, presents this year’s news from Canada (and some historical context), focusing on the pushback against Trudeau’s COVID dictatorship. Will 2023 see a worldwide reckoning for COVID crimes? Prof. Anthony Hall taught Native American Studies and Globalization Studies from 1982 through 2016, when he was suspended by the University of Lethbridge administration on the ludicrous pretext that parties unknown had posted an anti-Semitic image on his Facebook page for a couple of hours. The…
FULL ARTICLEStrip Club Owners Demand Apology From Tucker Carlson
They don’t appreciate Fox News host comparing them to Zelensky Dissociated Press The Strip Club Owners of America, the industry’s leading Washington lobby, has demanded that Fox host Tucker Carlson apologize for what they called his “vile” comparison of them to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. “I don’t care if he’s the president of war-torn Timbuktu, this guy is a sleazeball, even compared to us,” said Sam Skanksky, SCOA’s slimy-green-sweatsuit-wearing spokesscumbag. “I wouldn’t hire him to play piano at my club, even if he promised to wipe off the keys afterwards.” “I may be a small-time clubowning pimp who deals coke…
FULL ARTICLERamin Mazaheri on France’s Yellow Vests
Listen HERE Ramin Mazaheri discusses his book France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. The two-part volume begins with a plausible revisionist history of French socialism, then moves on to a sympathetic examination of the Yellow Vest (gilets jaunes) workers movement that nearly erupted into French Revolution 2.0. Ramin Mazaheri was on-site covering the Yellow Vests for Press TV during the movement’s heydey, and his coverage, more than anyone else’s, underlined the historical significance of those extraordinary events. We’ll also discuss the CIA regime change operation in Iran that is falsely portrayed in Western media as a…
FULL ARTICLEGordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK”
Listen HERE Gordon Duff of offers an insider’s view of the Victor Bout affair, Tucker Carlson’s “CIA killed JFK” episode, and more. Gordon told me before the interview that in his early days with the Company he met some of the key characters depicted in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Unlike Piper and Guyenot, Gordon Duff blames CIA Nazis (Allan Dulles and friends) more than Zionists. He also reminded me that our mutual acquaintance Dmitri Khalezov, whose 9/11 revelations range from plausible to ridiculous, was living with Victor Bout in Thailand when Bout was arrested.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK”; Ramin Mazaheri on France’s Yellow Vests
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Gordon Duff of offers an insider’s view of the Victor Bout affair, Tucker Carlson’s “CIA killed JFK” episode, and much more. Gordon told me before the interview that in his early days with the Company he met some of the key characters depicted in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Unlike Piper and Guyenot, Gordon Duff blames CIA Nazis (Allan Dulles and friends) more than Zionists. He also reminded me that our mutual acquaintance Dmitri Khalezov, whose 9/11 revelations range from plausible to ridiculous, was living with Victor Bout in Thailand…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Elon Musk Says “Don’t Stalk My Small Plane”—Maybe He Should Just Stay Out of Them
Normally FFWN is posted here by 1 pm Eastern Saturdays. But today, due to co-host’s schedule, expect us by 4 pm Eastern Guest commentator: Tommy Carrigan PSA: Don’t Let Them De-Dollarize FFWN! 1) Help FFWN Fly High Like Elon 2) The Road to De-Dollarisation Will Run through Saudi Arabia Prosecute/Fauci 3) Elon Musk: “My Pronouns Are Prosecute/Fauci” 4) Elon Musk’s Twitter bans CNN, NYT, WaPo journalists without explanation then reinstates them 5) Yoel Roth’s ‘Gay Data’ dissertation ‘mistakenly’ blocked from UPenn website after Elon Musk’s tweet 6) Elon Musk uses QAnon tactic in criticizing former…