Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 5/9/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Alternative healer and anti-circumcision activist Patricia Robinett says: Cut it out! (Circumcising, that is.) She is the author of The Rape of Innocence: Female Genital Mutilation and Circumcision in the USA. Second hour: Ron Paul update with Rolf Lindgren, Libertarian activist and Ron Paul expert. Rolf, former Advisor to the Barrett for Congress campaign, will also discuss my plans to consider running for Congress again – this time in Wisconsin’s 2nd District. Here is…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Return of Son of Underwear Bomber: The Terrible, Horrible Truth
G.W. Bush models earlier version of exploding codpiece, designed to destroy US secrets in the event of penetration of the presidential underwear by enemy agents. The same basic design, greatly enlarged and with minor modifications, was used in the recent “Underwear Bomber II” attack. The Guardian has revealed that Underwear Bomber II, who was about to blow up a passenger jet with an undetectable explosive codpiece when he was somehow detected, was actually a CIA agent. Based on a number of interviews with those involved (zero is a number, right?) and my expertise as a Ph.D. Arabist and terror expert,…
FULL ARTICLECan Ron Paul win – and end the empire?
Tuesday, May 8th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).Guest: Ron Paul expert Rolf Lindgren, who says Ron Paul has a chance to win the Republican nomination, beat Obama, and become the greatest “peace president” in history: The president who ends the empire and restores the republic. Dr. Paul, unlike even the most peacenik of Democratic politicos, wants to abolish the CIA, close down every foreign military base, bring ALL of the troops home, and return to a “defend the borders” military posture – a shift that could save the US…
FULL ARTICLEElias Davidsson, son of Holocaust survivors & 9/11 truth advocate, visits Iran
Guest blog by Elias Davidsson, who will join me to discuss his visit to Iran on Truth Jihad Radio today. -KB Elias is on the far right Report on a visit to Iran by Elias Davidsson, 6 May 2012 Between 19 and 29 April 2012, I had the opportunity and pleasure to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran with a group of 15 German intellectuals. I will attempt to summarize my numerous impressions. Preparations In 2011 I was invited by Dr. Yavuz Özuguz (the tall person with the gray beard) , who manages the Muslim website Islam-Market and leads a…
FULL ARTICLEIran visit provokes hate campaign; New book “proves OJ’s innocent”
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 5/7/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Elias Davidsson is the son of German-Jewish holocaust survivors who migrated to Occupied Palestine. A human rights activist and researcher who has proved that the alleged 19 hijackers were innocent and framed for 9/11, Elias recently visited Iran as part of a peace delegation – and was viciously attacked by Zionists when he got home to Germany! “We were met by a barrage of hateful blogs and thereafter mainstream media attacks, for having met…
FULL ARTICLEClint Richardson on “Corporation Nation”; Dan Sullivan on Henry George
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 5/4/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Clint Richardson’s film The Corporation Nation isn’t your garden-variety leftist rant against mulitinational corporations (not that there’s anything wrong with those…) Instead, it exposes the surprising fact that governments – local, state, and federal – are the majority owners of USA, Inc. Net government assets, Richardson suggests, are over $100 trillion dollars. So why is the government constantly whining that it’s broke and needs to raise taxes and/or borrow more money from the banksters?…
FULL ARTICLECIA whistleblower Glenn Carle on TJ Radio today
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 5/2/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest for both hours: Glenn Carle, 23-year veteran of the CIA’s clandestine services, retired in 2007 as Deputy National Intelligence Director for Transnational Threats. Carle’s book The Interrogator is the best insider account of the CIA I’ve yet read. After 9/11, Carle was assigned to interrogate an “al-Qaeda high value target.” It turned out that the alleged terrorist – supposedly “al-Qaeda’s banker” – was obviously innocent. Despite Carle’s heroic efforts, he couldn’t stop the machinery of…
FULL ARTICLEActivist Carol Moore joins the KB Show today
Tuesday, May 1st, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). We’re celebrating the International Workers Holiday with veteran activist Carol Moore. Like me, Carol is a non-dogmatic libertarian. We’ll discuss the neocon-Zionist attempt to take over the Libertarian Party (as if they didn’t already own just about everything else!) And since it’s 2012 – and one disaster scenario has it that the earth will pass through a highly energized region of space that will ignite both solar hyperactivity AND extreme weather events and volcanos – we’ll at least mention Carol’s contention…
FULL ARTICLEMohamed el-Masry, Robert Rynearson on TJ radio today
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 4/30/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Mohamed Elmasry, Professor of Engineering, University of Waterloo; editor, The Canadian Charger; leader, Canadian Islamic Conference; frequent contributor, Toronto Globe and Mail. Dr. el-Masry appears in a recent Press TV report hosted by Friday’s TJ Radio guest Joshua Blakeney (see below). Second hour: Robert Rynearson, MD, author: Time to Listen. Dr. Rynearson is a highly-regarded psychiatrist who has crossed paths with MK Ultra CIA brainwashing experts, and developed a promising approach to psychotherapy called…
FULL ARTICLEI am a Sianist
Flag of the modern Islamic Emirate of Granada credit: I am a Sianist. No, that’s not French for Zionist. It’s short for Andalusianist. Never heard of it, you say? You will soon. We Andalusianists – not al-CIA-duh, a.k.a. the wahhabi foreign legion – are the real Muslim threat to take over the world. The Zionists have their myth. They claim that they’ve been exiled from their promised land for centuries, and they’re going to take it back – “and if you don’t like it, my hairy friend Samson here will nuke all the capitals of Europe.” We Sianists have…