The Tsarnaev brothers were patsies in a false-flag event, and their whole family knows it. Read More »»
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Dorion Sagan discusses his new book “Cosmic Apprentice”
Wed. 5/1/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Special – two full hours with Dorion Sagan! Call-in: 218-339-8525 In his terrific new book Cosmic Apprentice: Dispatches from the Edges of Science (University of Minnesota Press) Dorion Sagan quotes David Bohm: “Science is the search for truth whether we like it or not.” In other words, scientists are truthers. Unfortunately, few of them are as courageous – or as interesting – as Dorion, who mines the rich gradient separating scientific truth from human meaning better than anyone. It seems that Dorion has inherited his father Carl Sagan’s talent for…
FULL ARTICLEJim Marrs: Are JFK & 9/11 conspiracies symptoms of something bigger?
Tuesday, April 30th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Jim Marrs is the only “conspiracy” author whose works are regularly issued by a major publisher and reviewed by the New York Times. Marrs is noted for Crossfire, the basis for Oliver Stone’s film JFK, and The Terror Conspiracy: 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty. His latest, Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? picks up where Rule by Secrecy left off, exploring various permutations of Zecharia Sitchin‘s thesis that modern humans were genetically engineered by ancient…
FULL ARTICLEJim Marrs: Are JFK & 9/11 conspiracies symptoms of something bigger?
Tuesday, April 30th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Jim Marrs is the only “conspiracy” author whose works are regularly issued by a major publisher and reviewed by the New York Times. Marrs is noted for Crossfire, the basis for Oliver Stone’s film JFK, and The Terror Conspiracy: 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty. His latest, Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? picks up where Rule by Secrecy left off, exploring various permutations of Zecharia Sitchin‘s thesis that modern humans were genetically engineered by ancient…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Hart retires from activism; authors discuss romantic thriller “Postmark 9/11”
Mon. 4/29/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Alan Hart is “withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for the truth of history…” That’s a big loss! A former BBC lead Mideast corresponded and back-channel negotiator, Alan Hart is the author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the best introduction to the conflict in occupied Palestine. He is also one of the most eloquent broadcast voices in English. I hope he’ll return to the battlrfield one day!Second hour: Tara Young and Blake Watson are the authors of Postmark 9/11, a novel about…
FULL ARTICLECIA’s Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs, ran 9/11 cover-up in Turkey
The Tsarnaev brothers’ intel-connected uncle married the daughter of CIA spook Graham Fuller – who led the 9/11 cover-up in Turkey. Small world! Read the full story
FULL ARTICLEWTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever?
When the 9/11 perps lowered a piece of Boeing landing gear by ropes into the narrow space behind the “Ground Zero Mosque,” they may have set a new record for obviousness in the planting of bogus “evidence.” (read the full story)
FULL ARTICLE1st hour: American Muslim activists plan huge 9/11/13 event! 2nd hour: Were 9/11 “passengers” murdered at airports?
Fri. 4/26/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour guests: M.D. Alam ]co-founder of the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC); and Muhammad Salim Akhtar, National Director of the American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections. Muhammad Salim Akhtar So far more than twenty groups have endorsed AMPAC’s Million American March Against Fear, scheduled for September 11th, 2013 in Washington, DC. The following weekend, September 13th-15th, DC 9/11 Truth will be hosting a conference. So it looks like DC will be the place to be on the next 9/11…
FULL ARTICLEThe Brothers Tsarnaev: The Lee Harvey Oswalds of the Boston bombings
Veterans Today A speaker of Russian, he traveled to Russia and back on ultra-sensitive missions – supposedly without any spy services noticing. Yet it turns out that he was followed for years by the FBI! Framed for a murderous crime on a crowded street, exonerated by crime scene photographs, declared innocent by loved ones and by all who knew him, caught by police after being framed for “murdering a police officer,” gunned down by agents of the National Security State after his arrest to prevent him from proclaiming his innocence in court…haven’t we heard this story before? Are we talking…
FULL ARTICLEAt America’s Worst News Source, Morons Drool and Call Smart People Names
Yahoos run amok because some professor’s smarter than they are. At Yahoo News (news for yahoos*?) the latest headline reads:At America’s worst university, a professor calls Boston Bombings ‘mass casualty drill’ The story, by some yahoo named Eric, is a low-grade psy-op designed to pressure Florida Atlantic University into harassing professor James Tracy. “Jeez! Dr. Tracy is bad for business! If he keeps posting this stuff on his blog, people with cockroach-level IQs won’t want to send their kids here!” The perpetrators, and their media cover-up team, don’t like James Tracy’s excellent analysis of the mass casualty drill in Boston.…