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MSNBC blames “deeply racist” Alex Jones for Boston bombings – because he has a bigger audience than they do?

I’ve been defamed by the lamestream media more than once. Hannity calls me “a nut.” The New York Times publishes an op-ed falsely accusing me of pushing my own political views on my students.  O’Reilly calls for me to be murdered in a mob hit. National Post editor Jonathan Kay publishes a book calling me a “left wing Holocaust denier” and quotes me as saying insane things I never said. All in a day’s work. But MSNBC’s recent claim that “deeply racist” Alex Jones is responsible for the Boston bombing is a smear too far. I am not an uncritical…


US ‘aid’ destroys Egypt’s economy, democracy

US State Department honcho William Burns to El-Sisi:“Kill as many demonstrators as you want, we’ll pay for it.” American President Obama says he deplores the Egyptian junta’s decision to massacre peaceful protesters and declare martial law. If he deplores it so much, why is he paying for it? Read the full article:


US “death squad envoy” arrives in Egypt – and the slaughter begins

The Zionists have been grumbling “something has to be done about that truther Morsi” ever since he became Egypt’s first-ever democratically-elected leader My new Press TV article, published Monday, is looking prophetic – or as we Muslims prefer to say “precognitive.” When the US sends a “death squad ambassador” to Egypt, you can figure that the big slaughter is about to begin. As of today, it has begun. Just as I predicted, the mass slaughter of Morsi/democracy supporters was triggered by false-flag terror. Yahoo News reports: “Live (Egyptian) television footage on several channels appeared to show hooded Brotherhood (sic) gunmen…


9/11 truth takes over peace movement!

VFP convention shocker! Overflow crowd seeks 9/11 truth Kevin Ryan’s 9/11 truth talk – at 8:30 a.m. – drew a standing-room-only crowd at the Veterans for Peace National Convention in Madison today. Also, James Lee – the Guantanamo chaplain who converted to Islam and got witch-hunted – added yet more evidence that no Arabs or Muslims were on the 9/11 attack planes. Full story: I met UW-Eau Claire 9/11 activist Klayt Morfoot at the VFP Convention.  


Tsarnaevs 9/11 truthers, not terrorists

“Why would a Muslim who knew that 9/11 was an anti-Islam PR stunt – and a disaster for Muslims – want to stage another 9/11-style attack on US civilians?” Full story: See also the Boston Globe report on which the above op-ed is based:


Sig heil THIS! Russian TV announcer gives “Obama salute”

Remember the Hitler salute? A Russian reporter, honoring Obama’s world takeover bid, has invented the “Obama salute.” So from now on, any mention of Obama, or any appearance of Obama’s image on the TV screen, must be immediately greeted by a mandatory “Obama salute.” Any failures to salute the world dictator will be punished. Remember, the NSA is watching!


Interviews with Radio 786 (South Africa), LHV News, and Press TV

Three new interviews today: Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 1 Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 2 LHV News: Kevin Barrett: American culture has a long history of scapegoating black people   Press TV: US using terror alert to keep war on terror going: Barrett


World Citizen Foundation president Troy Davis

Note: From Saturday morning until Tuesday, this show will be exclusively available to subscribers to ! It will be publicly broadcast Tuesday, August 6th, July 23rd, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Guest: Troy Davis, son of World Citizen Movement founder Garry Davis, who passed away July 24, 2013, in Williston, VT. Garry Davis was known worldwide for markedly furthering world citizenship and recognition of the “reality of one world”. The founder of the World Government of World Citizens and the World Service Authority, host of a weekly World Citizen Radio Show, author of ten books, including My Country…


Absurd US ‘terror alert’ hints at coming false-flag

“The US government has issued a worldwide travel alert for the entire month of August. To show it means business, it has closed 21 embassies and consulates around the world. “The US authorities say that ‘al-Qaeda’ terrorists may attack Western targets this month. Where? Anywhere on the planet. How? Nobody knows. Why? That is a very good question. “No specific information whatsoever about this alleged terror threat has been released.” Full story:


Richard Gage and Pam Senzee return to push “Re-Think 9/11 – the home stretch”

Listen to the show here. Guests: Richard Gage, A.E.A., founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth; and Pam Senzee of return to remind listeners to join the Re-Think 9/11 campaign! “The Rethink911 global ad and grassroots action campaign is set to raise a 54′ high billboard in Times Square for the entire month of September!  Nearly a million people a day are expected to see this sign about World Trade Center 7  – that’s nearly 30 million views by months end! When we factor in the other 10 major cities around the world doing similar advertising throughout September…

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