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Maisoon Rice on Quds Day and the struggle for Palestine

Listen HERE Maisoon Rice, a London-based British-Palestinian-Pakistani activist, joins us for the run-up to Quds Day—this Friday, May 31, the last Friday in Ramadan, when Muslims around the world hold demonstrations celebrating resistance to Zionism. As Crescent International editor Zafar Bangash writes: “Every year on the last Jumu‘ah of Ramadan, Muslims around the world participate in Quds Day rallies. The purpose is to draw attention to the continued occupation by the Zionists of the first qiblah and the third holiest site in Islam. In 1980, Imam Khomeini proclaimed the last Jumu‘ah of Ramadan as the Day of Quds so that…


Was Israel behind 9/11? Adam Green vs. Elias Davidsson

Watch this week’s False Flag Weekly News featuring guest commentator Adam Green above; click HERE for links to the stories we covered. The week’s biggest story: “Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks.” Adam Green of KnowMoreNews was the perfect co-host to discuss Israeli complicity in 9/11 in general, and the Dancing Israelis in particular. The Dancing Israelis affair, on the face of it, seems to prove Mossad foreknowledge (and approval) of the demolition of the World Trade Center. Along with other evidence, both hard and circumstantial, it suggests that—as Alan Sabrosky once informed his…


Live show: Randy Short on race & religion; Eric Walberg on John Walker Lindh and Bowie Bergdahl

Listen LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio (Studio A). First hour: Washington DC pastor and activist Dr. Randy Short, a leader of the Gone2Far movement opposing the “Equality Act”, joins us to discuss the latest gossip from our nation’s capital. For instance: Did you know that Donald Trump is part African-American? That’s according to the research of legendary attorney Alton H. Maddox Jr.  Dr. Short also discusses the surprising racial diversity of America in general and its founding fathers and other notables in particular. Towards the end of the show we discuss religious trance and its relation to Pentacostalism.…


FFWN: Israel’s 9/11 gift keeps on giving (with guest commentator Adam Green)

PSA 1) FFWN needs your help 9/11 2) Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks 3) 9/11 Hush Money Fixer Feinberg Will Handle Roundup Payoffs 4) Iranian official taunts Trump with 9/11 jab—says US like Towers ready to miraculously implode War on Iran 5) Rocket in Baghdad: Mossad Psychic Friends Network Strikes Again 6) The Trump Administration Panicked Over Nothing 7) WikiLeaks Cable From 2009 About Houthis and Iran 8) Iran Allegedly Transfers S-300 to Persian Gulf Amid Tensions With US 9) US president tweets World War 3 – George Galloway 10) On…


Michael Brenner on Trump-Russia: It’s about the Russian mob, not the Russian government—but Mueller won’t go there

Listen HERE Will Trump’s organized crime activity be buried by a bipartisan coverup? International Affairs professor Michael Brenner writes: “Mueller supposedly has forwarded some material to federal and New York State prosecutors who have clear legal authority in those domains. It has been known for at least two years, though, that substantial grounds (and evidence) already existed to bring several cases to a grand jury. That suggests that serious action never will be taken. For one things, a number of prominent people would be exposed: e.g. Bibi Netanyahu, the heads of the Russo-Israeli mafias, Felix Sater, the twice convicted felon…


Gary Kohls MD: “I am an anti-OVERvaxxer”

Listen HERE Dr. Gary Kohls, a retired family physician from Duluth, MN, has researched the effects of vaccines and believes that Americans are wildly over-vaccinated…and suffering an epidemic of autism and auto-immune diseases linked to overvaccination. Is big pharma making big profits by harming children? Is a vaccine-security complex emerging to force toxic vaccines on the population? Is the media’s pro-vaccine propaganda comparable to its propaganda for war and neoliberal oligarchy? Is the mainstream’s line on vaccines as big a lie as its line on 9/11? Was 9/11 comparable to an auto-immune disease? These are some of the questions considered…


Historian/novelist Dr. James Hufferd on Col. Crystal’s defense-only military; Ph.D. structural engineer Ibrahim Soudy on 9/11 & WW2 lies

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: James Hufferd, Ph.D. geologist/historian, advocate of a defense-only military, and coordinator of, writes: “My new book, Colonel Crystal’s Parallel Universe, (189 pages) is officially published today, May 15, by Trine Day…It’s based on two premises, or questions. The first, partly for my own bemusement, but serious, was: Would it be possible for a very high-ranking U.S. military officer to develop the same critical dissident view of United States foreign policy practices, tactics, and especially, the multi-faceted brutal nonstop war on humankind, ultimately including its own helpless people at…


FFWN: Expose False Flags, Stop War on Iran! 

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern on — later archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose False Flags, Stop War on Iran! 2) “The Lobby”–Come See What They Don’t Want You to See–Live Stream Sun June 2nd  War on Iran 3) After initial denial, UAE confirms ships ‘sabotaged’ off its coast 4) First assessment blames Iran for (false flag) Middle East ship explosions, official says plans to deploy 120,000 troops in Middle East to counter Iran – report 5) Detailed footage shows extent of damage to tanker ships in Persian Gulf (VIDEO) 6) Iran suggests oil attacks orchestrated to…


Novelist Philip Kraske on “11/9”

Listen HERE “Nuclear blackmail! America’s iconic symbols attacked! The nation is terrorized again. Not only that, but it emerges that one of the terrorists is still on the loose…” That’s from the publicity for Philip Kraske‘s excellent new novel 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bansai Trees. It’s a great read—and one of the most plausible fictional portrayals of false flag terror you’re ever likely to come across. Most of us who continue to do research on 9/11 focus primarily on the question of what really happened that day. There will eventually be a definitive answer to that question that…

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