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David Chandler on 9/11 Pentagon conference; Muhammad Abdullah and Ihsan Ward on Saudi corruption and Muslim slave narratives

Broadcasts live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth discusses the recent 9/11 Pentagon Conference held in Denver last month. Videos of the presentations are now available.  During our discussion David refers to his critique of CIT’s flyover hypothesis. Second hour: Muhammad Abdullah of Muslims for 9/11 Truth has been banned from Saudi-influenced mosques in Southern California for his activism. We’ll discuss 9/11 truth, Saudi corruption, and Muhammad’s new book MUSLIM SLAVE NARRATIVES IN AMERIKA 1619 – 1865. Halfway through the hour we are joined by Ihsan Ward, who…


Tom Mysiewicz on “The Hidden Side of the Mueller Report”

Listen HERE Red-pilled former MSM journalist Tom Mysiewicz argues in “The Hidden Side of the Mueller Report” that Mueller was barking up the wrong tree: “There is, I believe, considerable evidence that non-governmental forces acting on behalf of Israel succeeded in placing an individual in charge of the U.S. who is currently redirecting the power and financial resources of the nation to almost entirely serve the interests of a foreign power. (And that entity is not Russia!)” Did JINSA, AIPAC and the Chabad Lubbivitcher sect of fanatical messianic millenarian Zionists—perhaps in conjunction with the Russian-Israeli mafia—insert Trump into the Oval Office? That…


FFWN: YouTube’s War on Free Speech

Broadcast live Friday 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN bust down YouTube’s jailhouse walls! Happy Eid! (But Did Psychopathic Saudis Gaslight the Muslim World with OBVIOUS Lie About Seeing the Moon?) 2) Caught Between the Moon, Iran and Saudi Arabia: Muslims Divided Over Ramadan’s End 3) Bezos & Sanchez hang in Florida amid reports Saudi prince wants leak prober ‘dead’ 4) Trump sold nuclear tech to Saudis in secret after Khashoggi killing Fake Patriotism: D-Day & 9/11 “Public Myths” (Zelikow) 5) D-Day And The Myth Of A U.S. Victory (2 slides)…


Paul Larudee and Kevin Barrett Debate “Deal of the Century” on International Quds Day

Press TV In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, editor at Veterans Today from Madison and Paul Larudee, co-founder of Free Palestine Movement from Berkeley on the importance of the International Quds Day and the ineffectuality of the so-called “deal of the century”.


Germans threatened with “mandatory yarmulkes” to “make Jews feel safer”

Watch False Flag Weekly News above, and click HERE for links to the stories we covered, including Germany’s Antisemitism Czar Wants Every German to Wear Yarmulkes to Make Jews Feel Safer  In Germany you can be imprisoned for refusing to kowtow to the sacred Holocaust myth. If you treat the Holocaust as debatable history, rather than sacred myth, you may join lawyer Sylvia Stolz in maximum security lock-up. (Stolz’s crime was representing accused “Holocaust deniers” in court.) It’s bad enough being forced to worship the idol of someone else’s sacred narrative. But it gets worse. Now Germans may be forced…


Opposing views on “right-wing populist surge in Australian & European elections”

Dr. Gideon Polya, an Australian scientist best known for his work on avoidable mortality (27 million Muslims murdered in the 9/11 wars, etc.) is not happy about the outcome of the recent Australian elections: “The right-wing, Trumpist  and climate criminal Liberal Party-National Party Coalition has just won the 2019 Australian Federal election, defeating an earnest and altruistic  Labor Party Opposition and gaining a bare majority in Parliament. The surprise defeat of the Labor Party came about because of neoliberal greed, support for the climate criminal Coalition from the racist One Nation Party, the Sinophobic and Trumpist United Australia Party of…


FFWN: America’s highest-ranking military officer wary of anti-Iran false flag—and likes Alan Sabrosky

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern on — or watch live on Kevin’s YouTube channel PSAs 1) Help FFWN expose hidden history! 2) THE LOBBY live streamed Sunday June 2nd War on Palestine 3) It’s Quds Day—Worldwide Rallies for Palestinian Resistance 4) Quds Day 2019: resistance will triumph 5) Canadian doctor: Israeli soldiers shot me in both legs as I was treating injured protesters in Gaza 6) Jordan’s King tells Kushner Palestinians must have a state 7) Debating “Deal of the Century”: Kevin Barrett vs. Geoffrey Alderman 8) “False Flag of the Century”: Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi on “Israel’s…


BREAKING! America’s highest-ranking military officer wary of anti-Iran false flag

WATCH THE VIDEO “ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO MIGHT LIKE TO GET THE UNITED STATES TO DO SOMETHING? CERTAINLY, YOU CAN SEE THAT EVEN IN THE OPEN SOURCE WHERE THAT SPECULATION IS OUT THERE.” -Gen. Joseph Dunford By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It isn’t every day that America’s top military man gets a question referencing Dr. Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky AND Operation Northwoods. And it’s even more unusual when he acknowledges that he knows about that stuff—and is on the lookout for a (presumably neocon-Zionist/Saudi) false flag to lure the US into war with Iran. It happened yesterday at the Brookings Institution, where Gen.…


Kevin on Press TV: “Deal of the Century” Debate, and more

Listen HERE Since my last two Press TV interviews have been disrupted by “Abnormal Interference” I thought I’d better archive some Press TV material in case the whole network gets disabled. (I understand the US Deep State is working on a plan to tangle up Press TV’s transmitters in John Bolton’s mustache.) The first segment is my Tuesday May 28 Debate with Geoffrey Alderman on the Bibi/Kushner “Deal of the Century.” Then come interviews on migrant children dying in US custody, Trump’s nonsensical attempt to hand Israel the “stolen Golan,” Trump’s impending impeachment, Trump’s threats to attack Iran, and the…


Debating “Deal of the Century”: Kevin Barrett vs. Geoffrey Alderman

Note: I drove an hour to the studio to do this show, only to discover that the satellite uplink didn’t work. (The same Zionists who got Press TV censored from various satellite and cable services are presumably jamming them.) So I had to connect to Press TV via Skype, holding my laptop in my lap, craning my neck to look down at it and trying to hold it steady. So if I look annoyed at the Zionists and their BS “deal of the century,” that’s probably because I really AM getting seriously annoyed. -KB “In this edition of The Debate,…

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