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FFWN: Mass shootings, mass censorship

Watch FFWN live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern at or at Kevin’s YouTube channel: PSAs 1) Help FFWN seek the truth and beat the censors! 2) Please welcome new FFWN commentator Michael Springmann — and check out his exposé of Israeli agent Sigal Mandelker 9/11: 18 Years Later the Smell Keeps Getting Worse 3) Smell that New World Odor! “One World” stink pumped into Silverstein’s WTC-1 4) Biomarkers confirm higher incidence of thyroid cancer among World Trade Center responders 5) Marianne Williamson was interviewed by a 9/11 conspiracy theorist in 2012 and seemed to think he was…


Mass shootings, mass censorship: Charles Moscowitz and Doovid ask the hard questions

Listen HERE Conservative talk show host Charles Moscowitz  was about to interview Jewish interfaith activist Doovid when the latter suggested bringing me into the conversation. The three of us have very different political perspectives and religious worldviews. But we all agree that free speech is in danger—and that YouTube and other social media platforms should honor the Constitution and encourage, rather than ban,  questioning official versions of violent events. Specifically, until those responsible for Operation Gladio are prosecuted, we should assume that any act of apparently senseless violence targeting civilians could be part of Gladio B.


J. Michael Springmann on Israel’s Trumped-up war on Iran; Hummux on “5G = glyphosate” and why fearlessness is key

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: J. Michael Springmann is an attorney and former State Department official whose bizarre experiences at his post in Saudi Arabia are recounted in Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts that Rocked the World. Along with former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, ex-Defense Department advisor Michael Maloof, and US Army anti-terror official Scott Bennett, Mike Springmann attended the spring 2018 New Horizon conference in Mashhad, Iran.  Following the conference, the Trump Administration’s Zionist-occupied Treasury Department slapped sanctions on the New Horizon NGO and has threatened that any American who attends…


The Manson Murders, JFK, 9/11, and the Psychopathy of Power

Watch False Flag Weekly News on this article and related issues above; click HEREfor links to all the stories we covered. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, first published at “With Alan Scheflin, a forensic psychologist and law professor who’d written a book on MKULTRA, I laid out a circumstantial case linking (CIA mind control guru Jolly) West to Manson. Was it possible, I asked, that the Manson murders were an MKULTRA experiment gone wrong? ‘No,’ he said, ‘an MKULTRA experiment gone right.’” (CHAOS , p. 369) I moved out of Southern California in the summer of 1969. I was…


FFWN: NYC Fire Commissioners Expose 9/11 Controlled Demolition

PSAs 1) Help FFWN report on “conspiracy theories” that are true 2) Google’s New Chrome Makes It Easier to Bypass Newspaper Paywalls (and read MSM stories that FFWN critiques) 9/11 Anniversary (& Truth Breakout?) Approaching 3) FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat 4) New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation 5) New York Fire Commissioners Call for New 9/11 Investigation About “Pre-Planted Explosives” 6) Lawyers Press Case That 9/11 Confessions Given to F.B.I. Are Tainted 7) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed could help 9/11 families in Saudi Arabia lawsuit if death…


Prof. Anthony Hall on internet censorship

Listen HERE University of Lethbridge Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall retired in October 2018 “because the university environment became too toxic for him to work in as a result of his having been falsely accused of antisemitism.” In this interview he reflects on the rise and fall of internet freedom of expression; the role of the Israeli lobby in general and the ADL in particular in censoring academics and activists; the question of “hate speech”; the false-flag-9/11-triggered war on Islam; the manufactured Hegelian dialectic of “Antifa vs. the alt right”; the accelerating divides between rich and poor, and between super-rich and…


YouTube reverses itself, un-bans “What Makes a Jew a Jew?”

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor One week after YouTube censored my “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” interview with Doooovid and froze my account, the company reversed itself: So now you can watch this terrible, horrible, dangerous video featuring a Muslim and a Jew engaging in friendly, respectful interfaith dialogue. Unfortunately, by freezing my account, YouTube prevented me from live-streaming this week’s False Flag Weekly News, and posting various other videos I would normally have posted. I would not be surprised if YouTube keeps targeting me with this kind of petty harassment. Please help me keep pushing back by…


Russia warns of extensive military confrontation with Iran

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, and Keith Preston “Russia has warned that anti-Iran moves have escalated tensions in the Persian Gulf to dangerous levels.” -Press TV Lavrov points out that the Trump is shredding agreements and destabilizing the world. Was 9/11 designed to help the US and its Israeli masters demolish the whole edifice of international law?


Henry Herskovitz defends the 1st Amendment; Thomas Willcutts refutes libertarianism a.k.a. “anarcho-capitalism”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio – then archived HERE (1st hour) and HERE (2nd hour) First hour: Henry Herskovitz of Witness for Peace has been picketing the Beth Israel synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan for many years due to that congregation’s support for Zionism. Now they’re trying to shut him down…and he’s fighting for his First Amendment rights. Will attorney Marc M. Susselman succeed in his “lawfare” action contending that Witness for Peace has no First Amendment rights to carry signs on public sidewalks? And are we lucky to even have public sidewalks protected by the…


FFWN vs. demolition celebrants

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN beat the censors who are celebrating the demolition of freedom 2) Youtube algorithm bans friendly Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue—Kevin’s channel is frozen, can’t broadcast FFWN today 9/11: The Biggest Reason to Mistrust the Government 3) US mistrust on the rise, with government seen as worst: poll 4) Authorities ID remains of 9/11 victim; 40% of victims vanished without leaving a single bone fragment for DNA ID—impossible in gravity-driven collapse 5) Iowa Activist Takes 9/11 Truth to 17 Presidential Candidates, Several of Them Highly Receptive 6)…

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