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Joan Mellen on JFK Coup & USS Liberty

Listen HERE Temple University professor Joan Mellen has published twenty-four books; her overriding theme is “the history of the Central Intelligence Agency and its role in the planning and cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.” In this interview we discuss the JFK assassination, the anniversary of which is one week from tonight, with reference to Joan Mellen’s books: *Faustian Bargains (about LBJ’s personal hit man Mac Wallace); * A Farewell to Justice (about New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s attempt to prosecute JFK’s killers); *Blood in the Water (on suspected Kennedy-killer LBJ’s conspiring with Israel to murder hundreds of American sailors to…


Gideon Polya on (Post)-Humanism

Listen HERE Dr. Gideon Polya has at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA and the Australian National University, Canberra, and thence taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria over 4 decades. He recently  reviewed Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Israeli historian Yuval Harari. Polya says Harari’s book “is fascinating, well-organized  and best-selling, but is also a Eurocentric and Anglocentric book with massive omissions e.g. the deadly, neoliberal  subjugation of the Developing World (15 million avoidable deaths from deprivation annually), existential threats to Humanity (Homo sapiens) from nuclear weapons and climate change, and the worsening Climate Genocide that…


Is a Hidden Hand Destabilizing Iraq?

The United States has “hijacked” the anti-government protests in Iraq to destabilize the country for defying Washington’s demands, an American scholar says. “The United States occupying Iraq was one of the greatest war crimes of the past century and the occupiers are now calling for immediate new elections,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “When the occupier says it’s time for the current government to step down on the basis of these protests, that’s a sign that the protest has been hijacked and weaponized by the occupation,” Barrett told…


FFWN: No One Here Gets Out Alive: 5-G — 9/11 — Holocaust — Coups — Jeffrey Epstein Beer Cans — and much more

  Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose the Evil Clowns 2) Perils of 5G–Live Stream Monday, November 18 3) Ian Greenhalgh Draws Holocaust Maps— compare to Laurent Guyénot’s new article A Holocaust of Biblical Proportions 9/11 Wars 4) Attorney: 9/11 secrets were motive for murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi 5) Cost of 9/11 Wars: $6.4 Trillion and Rising 6) Tim Robbins calls out Ellen DeGeneres for friendship with (9/11 traitor) George W. Bush: He’s ‘responsible for a lot of death’ 7) Israeli Psy-Op Group MEMRI (“ISIS”)…


Asking Good Questions About Totally Taboo Topics! David Duke & the Holocaust (with Martin Hill and Ian Greenhalgh)

Listen HERE Are there names and topics that should never EVER be brought up, mentioned, or discussed? Let me know and we’ll air them here! First 30 minutes: Martin Hill a.k.a. “Grandpa Groyper” discusses the recent wave of “groyper” sightings at astroturf pseudo-conservative events. Scroll down for Martin’s article; watch him question Matt Walsh about the neocon wars at 52:59 of this video., and watch Nick Fuentes discussing the incident at 1:18 and 1:27 here.  Martin apparently caused a minor scandal by merely mentioning the name of David Duke—saying something like “if Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard could have a civil…


Craig McKee Disputes “Big Plane DID Hit Pentagon” Revisionists

Listen HERE Craig McKee of Truth and Shadows discusses  the question of what really happened to the Pentagon on 9/11. All serious researchers agree that the official story—that hijacker-pilot Hani Hanjour, who couldn’t solo in a Cessna training aircraft, took over a 757 and performed an amazing stunt flight beyond the capabilities of professional pilots—is a load of rubbish. But did a big plane even impact the Pentagon? Last May’s Denver Conference featured revisionists who say “yes.” Craig McKee begs to disagree. Craig supplies these links to articles relevant to the discussion:


John Leonard and Andrew Schlademan on Ulfkotte’s “Presstitutes”

Listen HERE First hour: Publisher John Leonard and translator Andrew Schlademan just brought out the late Dr. Udo Ulfkotte’s whistleblowing instant-classic Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession: “Would you be surprised to learn that spies sit and write articles in newspaper editorial offices? Which are then published on op-ed pages under the names of well-known journalists? Or which journalists receive bribes for their reporting? Have you heard how prestigious ‘journalism prizes’ are a reward system for cooperation? Much as ‘Heroes of Labor’ were honored for writing the best communist propaganda in the former East bloc.…


US says has right to “defend” (plunder) Syria oilfields

Donald Trump plays the Ugly American role to perfection Press TV interview featuring Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor “The Pentagon claims that revenues from US-controlled oilfields in northeastern Syria are channeled into (terrorist) forces backed by the US in the country.” -Press TV Smedley Butler, who would have founded Veterans Today if the internet had existed back then, famously said “War Is a Racket.” Normally US presidents don’t admit that. They say they’re defending democracy, human rights, oppressed minorities—anything but oil and gangsters and corporate profits. Donald Trump, with his tasteless, charmingly psychopathic lack of hypocrisy, has changed all that. From…


Rolf Lindgren: Trump Is My President and Will Win in 2020

Listen HERE Rolf Lindgren, a former Libertarian activist, managed the 2008 Barrett for Congress campaign. Now he is a Trump-lovin’ Republican. Rolf joins us with the latest on the “NWO conspiracy to reverse the results of the 2016 election.” Does Rolf really believe Trump’s ludicrous account of al-Baghdadi “dying like a dog”?! Yes he does: “Trump would never lie about something like that…it’s a lot different from the Bin Laden raid, which was a joke.” Rolf opines: “Trump is taking on the military-industrial complex. He’s taking on the endless wars. He’s talking about the trillions of dollars cost. He’s talking…


FFWN: The War on “Conspiracy Theories” (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Push Back Against MSM Stooges MSM vs. “Conspiracy Theories” 2) CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report 3) CONSPIRACY THEORIST Labour activist who wants to unseat Boris Johnson claimed US government was behind 9/11 attack 4) Tulsi Gabbard: U.S. Government ‘Is Hiding the Truth’ on 9/11 Terror Attacks 5) MSM Blasts Gabbard’s “9/11 Conspiracy Theories” 6) NYT Bashes Trump “Conspiracy” Tweets—But Like Trump, Can’t Discern Which “Conspiracy Theories” Are True 7) Prof. Offers Vague, Banal Evolutionary Explanation for “Conspiracy Theories”…

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