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Trump Vows to “Finish the Job Hitler Started”—Jewish Audience Stunned

Ft. Lauderdale, FL Dissociated Press President Donald J. Trump, in a speech to  The Organization of Eminent Jewish-American Magnates (TOEJAM), shocked his audience yesterday by vowing to “finish the job Hitler started.” “A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all,” Trump said. “That’s why, together, we can finish the job Hitler started.” Amid audible gasps, Trump continued: “By ‘finish the job,’ I mean the Greater Israel project. Did you know that without Hitler, Israel never would have existed? It was Hitler who signed the…


Linh Dinh on “Corpses in Ocean”

Listen HERE I introduced Linh Dinh‘s ferocious, touching, painfully autobiographical essay “Corpses in Ocean” as follows: As my Vietnam veteran VT colleagues can attest, that atrociously bloody war seemed totally pointless at the time. (Almost as pointless as destroying the Middle East for Israel today.) But now, looking back with pride, we can reflect that had we not made such heroic efforts to save ‘Nam from the Godless commies, Linh Dinh would probably never have written in English. So, quoting Madeleine Albright, “we think the price was worth it.” In this interview Linh elaborates on “Corpses in Ocean”: “This last…


Creg Nelson Discusses His Defamation Suit Against the SPLC

Listen HERE Craig Nelson is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation. As he wrote in his interview with Linh Dinh: “…while white males are only 30 percent of the US population, we are, according to the Centers for Disease Control, a mind-blowing 70 percent of the nation’s suicides. “It became obvious to me the country was experiencing a public health crisis, and it was getting virtually no attention. That led me to develop the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club, a 13-week residency program combining healthy eating, exercise, and academic study including philosophy, literature, math, music, history, and, to help…


Eric Walberg’s “Global Timeline 2010 – 2019”

Listen here Eric Walberg, Canadian Muslim geopolitical analyst and author of The Canada-Israel Nexus and other books, discusses his  new articles Timeline 2010-2019: United States&Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa&Asia and Timeline 2010-2019: Middle East. Beginning with the Middle East, Eric argues that the Palestinian people and Islamic Iran—and the Islamic faith in general—were the decade’s biggest winners, by virtue of surviving against tough odds despite the determination of the world’s most powerful forces to eliminate them: “I’m just puzzled at how people can fail to see how Iran is standing on the right side of all the major issues. And the other big winner is…


FFWN: London Bridge Terror: Fake Reformed Fake Jihadist in Fake Suicide Belt (with Lucy Morgan Edwards)

  Broadcasts live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s co-host is Dr. Lucy Morgan Edwards, Former Political Advisor to the EU Ambassador in Afghanistan and author of The Afghan Solution. PSAs 1) FFWN Was Talking About Epstein YEARS Ago — Help Us Keep Talking! 2) Pearl Harbor Day Tomorrow: New Kimmel-Tarpley Debate Article London Bridge Terror: Fake Reformed Fake Jihadist in Fake Suicide Belt 3) UPDATED: London Bridge “terror attack” — another false flag? 4) London Bridge attack: suspect wearing fake explosive vest shot dead after fatal stabbing 5) London Bridge stabber Usman Khan faked being…


Trump says Macron’s stance nasty and insulting

Press TV interview featuring Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Trump calls Macron nasty and insulting, says Trudeau is two-faced, and keeps the whole group waiting for him to show up late at the NATO 70th anniversary summit. Macron says NATO is brain-dead—and he’s right. The alliance has no coherent mission. It needs to be re-thought, if not abolished.


Peter Simpson on Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism

Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson has published “Theocracy’s Challenge” presenting a cogent argument for the superiority of theocracy over secular liberalism. It concludes: “The modern world has prided itself on getting rid of a theological power capable of commanding and restraining the political. Its much-touted claim is that we have thereby secured for ourselves a freedom unknown and inconceivable by a past under the deadening thrall of priests. But pride, as they say, goeth before a fall. Few things in human life can be trusted pure and left alone without external check and restraint. Most men are no…


Criminal Zionist elements behind ouster of Bolivia President Morales: Analyst

Press TV Criminal Zionist elements in the US, Israel and other parts of the world were involved in overthrowing former Bolivian President Evo Morales, an American scholar says. “The Zionists are causing mischief all over the world,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “Zionists are the biggest pro-genocide group of thugs and criminals on the planet and undoubtedly they were at the forefront of the people who overthrew Evo Morales with the intent to continue committing genocide in Latin America,” Barrett told Press TV on Friday. Zionists mobs “undoubtedly…


Walt Gragg on Apocalyptic Mideast War Novel “The Chosen One”

Listen HERE Novelist Walt Gragg just published The Chosen One, a new apocalyptic Mideast war novel. It envisions a US war against a self-styled Mahdi’s military attempt to unite the Arab world under an Islamic theocracy. Gragg’s take on Islamic eschatology is, to say the least, problematic: “For fourteen hundred years the prophecy had remained unfulfilled. Islam had yet to complete its conquest. Each day two billion voices prayed for Allah to give them a sign. Each evening they searched the heavens for the Mahdi’s arrival. At last their prayers had been answered…their guide, the Chosen One, had shown himself. The…

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