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Press TV “Debate”: Malaysia Muslim Leaders’ Summit

Is this the beginning of a new paradigm? This is a possibility although Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammad says the Islamic summit hosted by his country is not meant to be a replacement to the Organization of the Islamic Coopertion but a way to bring about a new alliance between Muslim countries to be united in fighting unilateralism.


Peter Simpson on Christian/Islamic Approaches to Theocracy

Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson returns to follow up on his November 29th interview “Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism.”  Tonight we continue that conversation, and compare Christian and Islamic approaches to theocracy. Contrary to popular stereotypes, theocracy is not religious tyranny. Instead, it is a system in which a spiritual authority exists alongside secular authority. Peter Simpson explains: “The important thing about theocracy…is that there has to be, and there is in these three great religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) a spiritual authority that has some real say and control over what goes on in society,…


FFWN: Tweedledumb BoJo & Tweedledumber Trump Ban BDS

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) CNN vs. Fox = Tweedledumb & Tweedledumber—Support FFWN! 2) Ex-Feith/Wurmsur/Wolfowitz/Cheney colleague Michael Maloof Doesn’t Find 9/11 “Conspiracy Theory” Implausible Tweedledumb: BoJo & Vote Fraud Defeat “Anti-Semitic” Apologizer Corbyn 3) U.K. Election Meddling: Where did all the votes go? 4) BoJo’s landslide is literally unbelievable—but MSM bans even asking the question 5) Corbyn’s Defeat Has Slain the Left’s Last Illusion 6) Jeremy Corbyn should never have apologised over anti-Semitism claims, says French far-Left ally 7) Boris Johnson to pass bill making BDS illegal Tweedledumber: “King of Israel” Trump Impeached But Won’t Be…


Trump Claims “King of Israel” Nationality, Bans Criticism of Himself by Executive Order

Dissociated Press In the wake of President Trump’s executive order banning criticism of Israel and making “Jewish” a nationality, the White House announced yesterday that Trump will go one step further and claim “King of Israel” nationality and “Second Coming of God” status, effectively exempting himself from criticism. Trump, who annointed himself King of Israel and Second Coming of God last August, is expected to issue a new executive order tomorrow making “King of Israel” a protected nationality and “second coming of God” a special religious identity off-limits to sacrilege, blasphemy, heresy, or any other form of criticism. Once the…


Michael Maloof (ex-Feith/Wurmsur/Wolfowitz/Cheney colleague) on what changed his views

Listen HERE Less than a month after 9/11, Pentagon official Michael Maloof was called to Douglas Feith’s office to work with David Wurmsur on the Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group project aligned with then-SecDef Paul Wolfowitz and VP Dick Cheney’s office: “Wurmser and Maloof’s ‘matrix’ leads them to conclude that Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and other groups with conflicting ideologies and objectives are allowing these differences to fall to the wayside as they discover their shared hatred of the US. The group’s research also leads them to believe that al-Qaeda has a presence in such places as Latin America. For weeks, the…


Ron Unz: How the Truth Movement Can Win

Listen HERE Ron Unz, publisher of the Unz Review and author of the critically important American Pravda series of articles, has argued that the truth movement ought to recognize that its primary enemy is the mainstream media—and strategically work to discredit it by “swarming” its weakest links with alternative perspectives. Rather than limiting themselves to one or two issues—say, 9/11 and JFK— alternative analysts should attack the mainstream line on a wide variety of topics, especially those where the mainstream defenses are weakest. This will entail forging alliances between alternative thinkers whose goals and worldviews are very different from each other.…


Thaddeus Kozinski on “Modernity as Apocalypse”

Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski discusses his new book Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. “With a questioning spirit not unlike that of Socrates, the ‘gadfly’ of Athens, Thaddeus Kozinski here examines modernity through a variety of lenses—historical, cultural, philosophical, theological, anthropological, psychological, political, pedagogical—casting light on the Logos that the sacred nihilism of liberalism has so obscured, and unmasking its myriad counterfeits.” After doing False Flag Weekly News with E. Michael Jones this morning, then interviewing Thaddeus Kozinski eight hours later, I’ve been privileged to talk to two of America’s most important Catholic…


FFWN: Criticism of Israel Now Banned by Executive Order (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Support FFWN…It’s Double-Plus Ungood! 2) Road to 9/11 Justice? A Year-End Update from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry 2.5)  #FreeJahar : Innocent Boston Marathon patsy begins appeal to overturn his death sentence   Evidence he’s innocent: Saudis, Pensacola, & 9/11 3) Six Saudis Said to Be Questioned After Pensacola Navy Base Shooting 4) Three Were Filming Attack 5) Flashback: 9/11 “Hijacker” Patsies Lived and Trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station 6) Saudi murders revive 9/11’s unanswered questions Impeachment 7) Kissinger Opposes Impeachment (Posted by pro Trump Sinclair Employee James Rosen) Anti-Semitism:…


Trump, ADL Propose Re-Education Camps for “People Who Don’t Love Israel Enough”

Dissociated Press In the wake of President Trump’s executive order banning criticism of Israel on college campuses, the ADL has unveiled a plan to send violators to re-education camps—and Trump just tweeted his approval. The plan calls for the US Army Corps of Engineers to repurpose dozens of derelict strip malls, Wal-Marts, military bases, and sewage treatment facilities as re-education camps tasked with helping critics of Israel overcome their destructive habit and become productive members of society. “Critics of Israel may be subhuman goyim who must ultimately be enslaved or exterminated,” ADL spokesman M.M. Schneerson explained, “but they deserve a…

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