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The Debate – Saudis & Child-Killer Blacklist

Press TV Just as the UN took Saudi Arabia off the child killer list, the Saudi-led coalition struck Yemen, which led to the deaths of children. Why does the UN, which is supposed to watch out for the well-being of children, take Saudi Arabia off a list in which it knows it is guilty if those crimes? In this edition of the debate, we will ask this exact question from our guests, and look at why this illegal war is still being waged one of the poorest countries in the world…


Pastor Randy Short Calls Out BLM Movement Phonies

  Listen HERE Pastor Randy Short is helping lead authentic black leaders’ pushback against the sold-out-and-infiltrated Black Lives Matter movement. Does he agree with me that white police should be ejected from African-American communities, in favor of self-policing by religiously based groups? Listen and see. Randy once faced a police officer busting into a university study area at three a.m. with gun drawn: “I guess because I was very calm, and the officer said ‘you look tense.’ And I said ‘you have a loaded pistol.’ He put his gun away and left. But he would have happily killed me. And it…


David Pidcock: Signs of the “End Times” Are All Around Us!

Listen HERE Video HERE David Musa Pidcock, co-founder of the Islamic Party of Britain (the first Islamic party in the West) is the author of Satanic Voices – Ancient and Modern – a classic discussion of the Salman Rushdie Satanic Verses affair from a Muslim perspective. His other books include Dark Knights of the Solar Cross and Inside the Brotherhood (co-authored with Martin Short). In this interview he begins: “The British Embassy wrote a letter notifying the British government of what had just happened on July 8th, 1908, in Constantinople. A coup d’état had taken place. And the whole of the Ottoman…


US bankers stole $7 trillion during COVID-19 lockdown, destroyed small businesses

By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV Donald Trump has a way of saying a lot of crazy and incoherent things. And he’s such a ‘genius’ at it that people (like comedian Sarah Cooper) can parody him pretty much by just playing a tape of what he says. And recently, the most recent example of this is his quite amazing statement that the concept of chokeholds sounds ‘so innocent, so perfect.’ That is a very strange statement. It sounds like something that an insane murderer would say after he’s been arrested for choking hundreds of people to death. They finally got…


Gideon Polya on “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”

Listen HERE Australian scientist and holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his brilliant and important new book US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide. In it he defines the terms holocaust and genocide, sketches the historical context, and relentlessly exposes the US-led murder of 27 million Muslims in the 9/11 wars, along with millions more in related events (the war on Iran since 1978, on Iraq since 1990, on Somolia since 1992, on Palestine since 1916, and so on). My sure-to-be-controversial introduction begins: “The academic field of Holocaust Studies, like the fictional field of Hitler Studies in Dan DeLillo’s novel White…


LIVE RADIO! Gideon Polya on “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”; Pastor Randy Short Calls Out BLM Movement Phonies

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Australian scientist and holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his brilliant and important new book US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide. In it he defines the terms holocaust and genocide, sketches the historical context, and relentlessly exposes the US-led murder of 27 million Muslims in the 9/11 wars, along with millions more in related events (the war on Iran since 1978, on Iraq since 1990, on Somolia since 1992, on Palestine since 1916, and so on). My sure-to-be-controversial introduction begins: “The academic field of Holocaust Studies, like the fictional…


FFWN: George Floyd Killing: Mafia Murder or Human Sacrifice? with E. Michael Jones

Live broadcast every Saturday 11 to noon Central on  PSAs  1) Help FFWN Question Everything! 2) Atlantic Magazine vs. “Conspiracy Theorists” 3) QUESTION EVERYTHING 2020 CONFERENCE, Austin, TX (7-8 November 2020) Corona Biowar? Questioning the Official Narrative 4) Matt Ridley: New Evidence Debunks Official Story of Virus’s Origin 5) The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin Corona False Alarm? Questioning the Official Narrative 6) German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’ 7) China’s Covid-19 statistics are accurate, while lockdown makes little difference – Nobel laureate biophysicist Levitt tells RT Censorship Emergency 8)…


Israel taught ‘knee-on-neck’ terror tactic to US police: Analyst

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor for Press TV USA Today just published an article about the history of police brutality against black people in the United States, going back to pre-United States colonial times. The headline cites the 400-year history of anti-black racism in the United States. It talks about the slave patrols that were basically vigilante squads that enforced slavery and tried to catch runaway slaves and those who helped them. And then after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery similar groups like the Ku Klux Klan sprang up, and often got assistance from police departments and…


Eric Beeth, MD: HCQ Works, WHO’s Corrupt, COVID Plandemic is “An Operation with an Agenda—to Create Chaos”

Listen HERE WARNING: THIS POST MAY BE CENSORED BY SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS THAT CONSIDER THE W.H.O. INFALLIBLE! Is the COVID plandemic “an operation with an agenda”? Dr. Eric Beeth, who has been successfully treating COVID-19 patients in Brussels,  suspects exactly that. In this interview he suggests that the people in charge of the big global health organizations (and presumably the banksters who own them) may be deliberately steering people away from effective COVID-19 treatments in order to heighten the disruptive impact of their “plandemic.” Dr. Beeth says: “From the beginning, when we were hearing what was going on in China,…


Tony Hall and Matt Ehret Debate “Canadian Patriotism”

Listen HERE Matthew Ehret of encounters another Canadian patriot, Anthony Hall, professor emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, author of The American Empire and the Fourth World: The Bowl With One Spoon, Part One and Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization and Capitalism. As it turns out, their respective approaches to Canadian patriotism are quite different! “Two Canadian patriots, three opinions.” And you thought Canadians were always ridiculously polite! Matt Ehret writes: Here are two pieces on Canadian History from my Untold History of Canada series which I published this week which you guys may enjoy. 1- Tomorrow’s Arctic:…

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