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Elizabeth Woodworth on “9/11 Unmasked” (her new book with David Ray Griffin)

Listen HERE Elizabeth Woodworth is the co-author (with David Ray Griffin) of 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation. Sociology prof Edward Curtin has called it “the definitive book on the defining event of the 21st century.” Alongside Curtin’s outstanding review, we must also mention the extraordinary review by another professor, Philip Roddis, who had always scoffed at the 9/11 truth movement until 9/11 Unmasked fell into his hands.  (Dr. Griffin himself has published an appreciation of Roddis’s review.) In this interview Elizabeth Woodworth and I discuss the Consensus Panel’s methodology and why it is important; which issues were easy or…


Yemeni general: Attacks on UAE will continue

Above: Press TV interview with Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett Yemen’s army and its allies have staged a drone strike on Dubai International Airport in retaliation for the United Arab Emirate’s role in stepped-up Saudi attacks on the impoverished country, a television report says.   A Samad-3 drone hit the world’s third busiest airport during several attacks early Sunday, al-Masirah TV network reported, citing an informed source at the drone unit of Yemen’s army and popular committees. The army and popular committees announced their first retaliatory attack on Dubai airport in August, saying it had disrupted air traffic, but which Emirati authorities denied. The UAE is…


Kavanagh converts to Judaism to save Supreme Court nomination

Circumcision ceremony scheduled for noon tomorrow at National Cathedral Dissociated Press In the latest shocking turn of events in an increasingly twisted saga, embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanagh has announced his impending conversion to Judaism. Speaking at a hastily-convened press conference on the Capitol steps, Kavanagh said he will undergo a conversion ceremony, including a public circumcision by top Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi Yehuda Karinski, at the National Cathedral in Washington DC beginning at noon tomorrow. “Henri IV said Paris was well worth a mass. I say a Supreme Court seat is well worth a public whacking. By converting to Judaism…


No FFWN yesterday — sorry! Jeremy and I will be back next week Oct. 5

Help make next week’s episode happen—contribute HERE Dear FFWN viewers, I am traveling in Morocco and Spain so I was unable to do FFWN this week. Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and I will be back for next week’s show, October 5…assuming we can make or exceed our minimum weekly requirement! (See above.) Best Kevin Barrett


Why Western media silent on Ahvaz terrorist attack

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The mainstream Western media have been mostly silent about the deadly US-sponsored terrorist attack in the Iranian city of Ahvaz, according to US scholar and political analyst Kevin Barrett. “Innocent people being killed by terrorists is front page news in the West; but, in the case of terrorism against Iran, suddenly, everything changes and the media tends to ignore and downplay it,” Barrett told Press TV in an interview on Saturday. Barrett sees the attack as another terrorist operation launched by the United States and its regional allies. “There have been close to 20,000 people…


Jonathan Simon: Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump? Will the midterms be rigged too?

Listen HERE Guest: Jonathan Simon of the Election Defense Alliance. Even Donald Trump noticed that rigged voting machines stole the 2016 Democratic primaries from the real victor, Bernie Sanders. But did the same corporate hackers also rig the November 2016 election for Trump? Prima facie evidence, in the form of a massive “red shift” (discrepancy between exit polls and “results”) in key swing states, suggests they did. So will the usual suspects rig the midterms to prevent a Democratic sweep? And will the American people ever wake up to the fact that black box voting machines have been rigging all…


Peter Koenig on US (trade) wars on China, Iran, Syria, Russia…and pretty much everybody else

Listen HERE Guest: Ex-World Bank economist Peter Koenig. Under Trump the US is picking a trade war with China, the rising #1 threat to American global hegemony…and getting ready to confront the Middle Kingdom militarily, not only in the South China Sea, but also along the “string of pearls” of the Indian Ocean region, and the larger Belt and Road initiative to unite Eurasia free of Atlanticist influence. But the Americans can’t ever seem to get enough enemies, so they are simultaneously fighting Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and even launching trade wars against their own occupied “allies”! But…


Art Olivier on freemasonry & NWO, “DC Dave” Martin on Brett Kavanagh’s coverup of Vince Foster murder

Listen HERE First hour: Art Olivier, producer of the 9/11-truth-based Hollywood-style thriller Operation Terror, joins us to discuss his favorite research topic: freemasonry and the New World Order, symbolism and numerology division. Art recently returned from travels during which he “drove by Stonehenge, went to the Ring of Brodgar and the Standing  Stones of Stenness. We went to the Palace of Scone where the English stole the Stone of Scone which is allegedly Jacob’s Pillow and is allegedly a meteorite. The English took the stone exactly 250,000 (500 squared) days before the day Charles and Diana got engaged. William was born…


Thoughts on Ashura—and on Muslim vs. American “holidays”

Why did the world’s most evil people choose Islam as the “civilizational enemy” following the collapse of communism? What is it about Islam that these evil people fear? Watch the video above, read the article below, and ponder. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor End the silence on Ashura by Salina Khan, Crescent International The sacred month of Muharram follows the sacred month of Dhul Hijjah. Salina Khan argues that the true significance of Ashura and the martyrdom of Imam Hussain must be addressed honestly to create awareness among Muslims about issues of legitimacy, justice, dignity and freedom in Islam. Staff…


FFWN: Massive censorship purge means false flag coming soon?

Watch FFWN above! PSAs 1) Resist censorship—stop false flags—support FFWN! 2) Was the 2016 Election Stolen? Oct 6th Online Conference 9/11 Redux 3) Is America Waking Up About 9/11? (requires subscription) 4) US MEDIA BLACKOUT: INDIA AIRLINES PLANE SUSPICIOUSLY LOSES ALL COMPUTERIZED  FLIGHT CONTROLS OVER NEW YORK-9/11/18 5) The other 9/11 tragedy: The day Chile’s democracy died 6) The other other 9/11 coup: Matt Taibbi on 10 year anniversary of 9/11/2008 orchestrated financial crash: “We’ve learned nothing” Syria: Flashpoint WW3? 7) Russia ‘reserves right to respond’ after saying Israel’s actions led to downing of Il-20 by Syria 8) Idlib Terrorists May Be Moved…

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