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U.S. activists offer help to Iran over 9/11 court ruling (Press TV)

Press TV US political activists have urged Iran to appeal a New York court ruling that orders Tehran to pay a massive amount of money to the victims of the September-eleven attacks. In a letter to the Iranian government, nearly 40 activists said they are ready to give court testimony in support of Iran’s innocence. They said the case is QUOTE extremely weak and Iran will likely win if it chooses to defend itself. The signers of the letter are prominent critics of the official narrative about the 2001 attacks. In April, the Southern District Court of New York issued…


Mike Keegan presents “From Vedic Russia With Love: The Restoration of Love to Families”

Listen HERE Why does Russia terrify the masters of the New World Order? Since the collapse of communism, Russians have begun returning to traditional worldviews and lifeways centered on religion and family. A resounding example is the rise of the kins’ domains movement, discussed in this interview with documentary filmmaker Mike Keegan. Mike’s visit to a kins’ domains settlement in southern Russia is the subject of his new film “From Vedic Russia With Love: The Restoration of Love to Families.” The kins’ domains movement was inspired by the bestselling Anastasia books by Vladimir Megre. This movement strikes me as parallel –…


Bernie Meyer “the American Gandhi”

Broadcast live Friday May 25, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: “An activist for forty three years, Bernie Meyer took his message one step further and began emulating Gandhi in his dress, words, and actions. In his book, THE AMERICAN GANDHI, Bernie presents his graphic initiation into activism and details his experiences while portraying Gandhi and advocating justice and peace.” He recently returned from India where he was one of 150 invitees participating in planning the sesquicentennial of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi said that Truth (sat/satya) is “the only correct and fully sign fact name for God.” (Likewise, the…


False Flag Weekly News: Friday, May 25

1) Help FFWN keep challenging the bad guys!   2) Reports on Iran conference Kevin attended:      9/11 News 3) 9/11 truth leaders’ letter to Iran 4) Ontario Liberal Apologizes for Her “Endorsed 9/11 Conspiracy Theory” War on Iran5) Why Trump’s Strategy for Iran Is Likely to Lead to War 6) No Plan B: New US demands on Iran ‘set stage for war’ 7) Iran deal fallout: Trump Drives Wedge Between Germany and France 8) US-led strike hits government targets in Syria – state media War on Korea 9) Trump cancels June summit with Kim,…


9/11 truth leaders’ letter to Iran

Dear Iran: Please appeal—then annihilate the Official Conspiracy Theory in court! On Monday, April 30, Judge George B. Daniels of the Southern District Court of New York ordered Iran to pay more than $6 billion to 9/11 victims. Thus far Iran has refused to acknowledge the court proceeding on the grounds that the whole world knows it is transparently ridiculous political propaganda with no legal or factual basis. But what if Iran chose to defend itself by presenting proof—in court—that the whole Official Conspiracy Theory is false? That is the suggestion of (originally) fifteen (now 81 and counting) prominent critics…


Cat April Watters and Kevin discuss trips to Iran, Gaza…and much more

Listen HERE. Cat April Watters interviews Kevin Barrett about his recent trip to Iran…and looks forward to her upcoming Freedom Flotilla to Gaza journey—help her crowdfunding effort if you can! Topics include: Why to the Zionists act the way they do? Why is Bin Salman, like Saudi “leadership” in general, such an atrocious embarrassment? Who was really behind the world wars?  Was Hitler an unwitting tool of Zionism? Is the New World Order power elite satanic? Would ending the NWO usury-based currency system solve most of the worst problems facing humanity?


Trump Renegotiates Iran Deal!

The signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal, announced yesterday that they have found a way to “fix” the deal to make it acceptable to US president Donald Trump. Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif explained: “After lengthy Twitter discussions with the White House, we learned that Trump had only one real objection to the deal: Obama got credit for it, not him. So we decided to keep the deal intact, including the acronym, but change the name to honor Trump. From now on, instead of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA will…


Greg Felton on Bolton, Jerusalem, Pompeo and the new American arrogance

Listen HERE Ex-mainstream journalist Greg Felton argues that the Trump Administration has become insufferably arrogant in its unilateralist imperialism, harking back to the days of Teddy Roosevelt…except that today the US empire is not busy being born, but busy dying. (Thanks, in large part, to the Zionists running it into the ground.) Greg Felton: “After the August 2013 gas attack in Ghouta, Trump warned Obama four times not to go into Syria. And he was right—in 2013. You look at 2013 and you look at 2017-2018 and you ask yourself  ‘what happened to Donald Trump, to go from being cautious on…


The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews: Taking human trafficking to the next level

Editor’s note: I just returned from Mashhad, Iran, site of the Jerusalem al-Quds conference. (No hassles at the border this time.) Below is a very interesting paper presented at the conference. Its author, Maria Poumier, is the author of Marchandiser la vie humaine and maker of the documentary The Fruits of Our Womb.  –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews  Maria Poumier (France) [1] Paper for the 6th New Horizon International conference, Mashaad, May 2018. The Zionist entity is number one in biotechnologies, and especially in fabricating artificial kids. Doron Mamet is the one who developed the triangular…


“Jerusalem al-Quds: Eternal Capital of Palestine” conference in Mashhad, Iran

Mashhad, Iran 6:00 pm, Al-Ghadir Hotel lobby The post-conference wrap-up session for the 6th New Horizon Conference just finished an hour ago. Its theme “Jerusalem al-Quds: Eternal Capital of Palestine” was painfully timely, since Trump chose this week to move the US Embassy to Occupied Jerusalem al-Quds and tear up the Iran nuclear deal in acts of obsequious fealty to Netanyahu. Meanwhile, Israeli sharpshooters mowed down thousands of unarmed Palestinians with live gunfire and exploding bullets. Being here in Mashhad for this event was an act of protest against such insane barbarity—as I will tell the DHS interrogators when I arrive home…

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