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The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews: Taking human trafficking to the next level

Editor’s note: I just returned from Mashhad, Iran, site of the Jerusalem al-Quds conference. (No hassles at the border this time.) Below is a very interesting paper presented at the conference. Its author, Maria Poumier, is the author of Marchandiser la vie humaine and maker of the documentary The Fruits of Our Womb.  –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews  Maria Poumier (France) [1] Paper for the 6th New Horizon International conference, Mashaad, May 2018. The Zionist entity is number one in biotechnologies, and especially in fabricating artificial kids. Doron Mamet is the one who developed the triangular…


Professor Lori Handrahan: Does “Franklin Scandal” pedophile ring still run the USA?

Dr. Lori Handrah Fri. 9/14/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Dr. Lori Handrahan (Ph.D. London School of Economics) has reluctantly become an expert in the interrelated issues of human trafficking, pornography, and the pedophilia rings that, according to Nick Bryant’s research, reach the highest levels of power in the USA…and have almost complete blanket-impunity for the most atrocious crimes imaginable. I say “reluctantly” because Dr. Handrahan, like so many of us, just didn’t want to believe this stuff…until she was finally forced to by horrific events she has personally experienced. Dr. Handrahan, like everyone else who has…