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Ron Unz on “Holocaust Denial”

Listen HERE What exactly is “holocaust denial”? Why do so many seemingly well-informed people doubt the canonical narrative of the Nazi holocaust? Or perhaps we should ask: Why do so many people who know little or nothing about the historical questions involved express such fervent belief in that canonical narrative? And why has such faith become legally mandated—to the point that in most of Europe one can actually be imprisoned for professing one’s good-faith interpretations of a historical event? In his new essay “American Pravda: Holocaust Denial,” Ron Unz traces the bizarre history of “the Holocaust.” The picture Unz paints…


Trump hires Russian whores to piss on McCain’s grave — report

Dissociated Press According to a new Trump–Russia dossier, President Trump has already hired a team of Russian prostitutes to urinate on the freshly-dug grave of Senator John McCain. The new “Schpiel Dossier,” compiled during the past 24 hours by a high-level MI-6 source, includes decrypted transcripts of Trump’s latest conversations with Russian mob boss Semion Mogilevich. According to the report, Trump installed a special quantum-encrypted hotline to Mogilevich in the White House shortly after taking office. Unfortunately for Trump, Schpiel and his team, code named “Schroedinger’s Cat,” broke the code and have been listening in on Trump’s ultra-sensitive conversations with the…


Eric Walberg on “The ‘Protocols’ Revisited”

Listen HERE Eric Walberg, formerly a journalist with Egypt’s leading newspaper al-Ahram, is the author of The Canada Israel Nexus, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, and Postmodern Imperialism. In this interview we discuss Eric’s latest essay, “The Protocols Revisited.” Eric’s take on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is shockingly heretical: “The ‘elder’ly bile aside (pretty nasty stuff), it is in fact an series of 24 mostly articulate, well-argued lectures outlining a plan for world capitalist domination, with sharp political and social analysis, lots of Machiavelli and a Marxian sophistication in its understanding of capitalism and historical processes. Briefly, it…


Discussing 9/11 activism with Matt Van Slyke—then Rolf Lindgren weighs in on “trials and travails of Trump”

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Matt Van Slyke discusses 9/11 activism as the 17th anniversary approaches. Matt is part of the 9/11 Truth Action Project plan to hold Vigils for Justice at American courthouses on September 11, 2018. Please consider holding or joining a vigil in your area! Contact for details. Second hour: Rolf Lindgren, former Libertarian and Barrett for Congress campaign manager, now a Trump supporter, joins us to weigh in on what he calls “the witch-hunts against Socrates, Galileo, and Trump.” Seriously, Rolf?! Socrates, Galileo…and TRUMP?!  ROFL! For information on…


FFWN Aug. 24: Trump’s Trials and Travails

PSAs  1) Defeat Censorship: Watch and Promote FFWN! 1a) Coming Sept 10-11 (3) 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! Trump Trials & Travails 2) It could be Trump’s worst day, ever: Manafort guilty on eight counts 3) Cohen pleads guilty and implicates Trump 4) Manafort: The American Lobbyist Who Undermined a Democracy 5) Manafort trial sheds light on Cyprus links of Trump/Rothschild ‘serial grifter’ Commerce Sec. Ross & Russian Jewish Oligarchs Deripaska & Vekselberg 6) DONALD TRUMP IS A ‘RUSSIAN ASSET’ OWNED BY THE MAFIA, AUTHOR CLAIMS IN NEW BOOK 7) Christopher Steele wins libel…


Subjexuals Rights Movement Recognized at University of Minnesota

“Use the FIRST PERSON pronoun when referring to us, or else!” Dissociated Press The University of Minnesota has become the first American campus to recognize the rights of subjexuals, a class of oppressed persons who identify as first person pronouns. The decision modifies the previous policy, under which students were only allowed to choose from a list of third person pronouns on the campus website: He/him/his, none, prefer not to specify, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, or ze/zir/zirs. They could also specify their gender identity as one of the following: Agender, gender nonconforming, genderqueer, man, nonbinary, prefer not to specify, two spirit, woman,…


Soren Korsgaard: US “justice” system is CRIMINAL!

Listen HERE Soren Korsgaard, editor of the peer-reviewed criminology journal Radians and Inches: The Journal of Crime, discusses the crimes of the American criminal justice system, which systematically uses torture and slavery in pursuit of maximum profit for billionaires—who are far worse criminals than anyone who gets prosecuted, incarcerated, enslaved, and tortured. If there really were a “responsibility to protect” (R2P) the international community would need to bomb the USA back to the Stone Age, invade us, and liberate the millions (a great many of them innocent) enslaved and tortured in America’s privatized for-profit prisons—then arrest, prosecute, and sentence those responsible…


David Skrbina on “Technological Slavery” and panpsychism

Listen HERE Philosophy professor David Skrbina edited Ted “the Unabomber” Kaczynski’s book Technological Slavery which I finally got around to reading. Dr. Skrbina is also, along with 9/11 truth superstar David Ray Griffin, one of the world’s leading experts on panpsychism, which holds that everything in the universe has at least a degree of consciousness. If things have consciousness, does that mean that when computers become vastly more intelligent than people, they will also have enough consciousness to decide to dispense with us? That is one of the many horrors of technology that Kaczynsky warns against. (For details on why this may…


Jonathan Simon on election rigging; Gideon Polya on anti-racist Jews vs. Zionism; Jim Fetzer on internet censorship

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio  First hour: Jonathan Simon of the Election Defense Alliance discusses his book Code Red: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy. I cannot recommend this book too highly; it makes a persuasive case that wholesale voting-machine rigging has massively distorted US politics and government since around 2002, when black-box voting machines owned by right-wing Republicans started “counting” the votes…and exit polls, which used to be extremely accurate, suddenly started under-predicting Republican “surprise victories.” Those on the brink of exposing this high-stakes fraud have a habit of dying suddenly. Karl Rove’s top…


FFWN: It’s False Flag Season—9/11 anniversary approaches

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above. Click HERE to donate  9/11 truth events are coming to San Francisco, New York, and Washington DC…and will be live streamed by No Lies Radio!  I’ll have a table at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA. Stop by and say hi! If you can’t make it to SF, NYC, or DC, but want some real world 9/11 truth action, why not call your friends and create a mini-event in your own neck of the woods? Have a 9/11 truth barbecue party— burn the…

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