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The Permanent Emergency has been revoked! (April 1 False Flag Weekly News)

Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSAs 1) Minimal living provides maximum joy 2) Thank you for supporting “Help FFWN Relocate and Become Sustainable” 3) Avoid the MSM trainwreck, watch FFWN! Permanent Emergency 4) Senate Votes 68-23 to End Covid Emergency 5) Senate votes to repeal Iraq war authorizations 20 years after U.S. invasion 6) 9/11 and the COVID-19 Hoax in the Installation of Governance by “Emergency Measures” Zionist Entity 7) Israeli troops, extremists storm al-Aqsa mosque, force out Muslim worshipers 8) Biden-Netanyahu spat bursts into full view…


FFWN: Why Can’t Tucker Ask Questions About WTC-7? (with Cat McGuire)

 PSAs 0) Help FFWN expose the E-Team! 9/11 1) Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writer’s Latest Book 2) Federal Whistleblower Asks Seymour Hersh About 9/11, WTC-7, JFK Coup 3) Neocons and Neolibs: A Conspiracy of Silence Celebrity Speak-Outs 4) Tucker Carlson: “Why can’t I ask questions about [Building 7]?” 5) RFK Jr. Says CIA Is Connected to 2001 Anthrax Attacks COVID Truth Suppression (War on China) 6) Blame the Raccoon Dogs! 7) Bill Passed by House and Senate to Declassify COVID Origins Documents May Be Attempt to ‘Frame’ China, Experts Warn…


Zionists Continue to Get Away with Murder

Press TV interviews Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett from Wisconsin and Sondoss Al-Asa’ad from Beirut Baruch-Goldstein-worshipping Ben Gvir demands mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners, then storms and threatens al-Aqsa. Netanyahu punishes the PA for taking Israeli genocide to the International Court of Justice. Israel continues to enjoy complete impunity for its deliberate murder of Shireen Abu Akleh…and for JFK, RFK, the USS Liberty, 9/11, and so much more. When will Americans wake up and put the Genocidal Zionist Entity (GZE) out of business?


Reed Sainsbury: Ye Is Right, and Then Some

Listen HERE Reed Sainsbury, author of Exposing the Lies of History: Deprogramming 101 takes up where Ye leaves off. If the ADL ever reviews Sainsbury’s book they’ll probably call it “an exhaustive, profusely-illustrated compendium of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” What they won’t tell you is that some of them are true, others partly true, still others possibly true—and that the best way to sort out what’s true and what isn’t is to have a free and open discussion.


Jila Ansari Offers a Different Perspective on Iran, Religion, and Zionism

Listen HERE Jila Ansari of is an Iranian-American long resident in the US. She has appeared on Ken Meyercord’s WorldDocs show to discuss Iran, Abrahamic monotheism, the social and political dimensions of religion, and related topics—offering perspectives that are very different from those ordinarily heard on Truth Jihad Radio. Her take on Zionism, however, is right at home here!


Sander Hicks on Being Demonized (for 9/11 Truth) in Jewish Daily Forward

Listen HERE Author-activist Sander Hicks discusses his latest 15-minutes-of-fame thanks to the Forward article “Author who alleged Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks endorses candidate in Brooklyn House race.” Sander responded with an open letter to the Forward that commends the Forward for its coverage of the five “dancing Israeli” spies who were caught on 9/11 apparently pre-positioned to film and celebrate the attacks. (The Forward excised that part when they published an expurgated version of the letter.) During the second half of the show we consider spirituality and politics, including Sander’s Christian approach to activism. We also discuss the tragic and…


Why Is Israel Raiding Human Rights NGOs?

Aug 22, 2022 – Press TV Palestinian authority chief has lashed out at Israel for closing seven NGOs in occupied West Bank. European states expressed deep concern over Israeli regime’s attack on Palestinian NGOs. Israeli troops ransacked offices of Palestinian NGOs in occupied West Bank and confiscated their equipment. Israeli regime designated Palestinian rights bodies as “terrorist” groups last October, while the EU dismissed Israeli allegations against Palestinian NGOs as ‘unsubstantiated’. 


Adam Green on Rabbis & Abrahamic Conspiracy

Listen HERE Adam Green of KnowMoreNews discusses the video “Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy.” I think Adam paints with a way-too-broad brush and his analysis lacks nuance and balance. But he’s right to identify “Jewish” messianic millenarian madness, chosenness, and “Jewish power” as real problems. For a good historical analysis see Guyenot’s From Yahweh to Zion. Transcript of Adam Green’s “Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy”  with commentary by Kevin Barrett in boldface Rabbi: Maybe you shouldn’t tell anybody that I said this, but you know all those tropes about Jews controlling the world or at least…


NASA Whistleblower Richard Cook on “Zionist War on Russia”

Listen HERE Richard Cook, the NASA whistleblower who stopped the Challenger disaster coverup, discusses his latest article “Pro-Zionist U.S. Politicians Dead Set on War with Russia.” It begins: “World affairs are rapidly moving toward their culmination as the U.S.-instigated war between Russia and Ukraine threatens to escalate into a nuclear conflagration. The charge to world war is being led by U.S. Zionist politicians and bureaucrats, especially President Joe Biden and his chief implementer, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. As usual, the dirty work on the ground is being carried out by the ever-present CIA and its compliant military superstructure. By now the…

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