Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 10/19/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Legendary truth-and-justice activist Splitting-the-Sky (check out his autobiography) reports live from Arrest Bush Again in Surrey, British Columbia! In spring 2009, in Calgary, Splitting-the-Sky (STS) tried to arrest George W. Bush for 9/11 and other crimes against humanity – and was himself arrested. STS risked years in prison by using a civil resistance defense: He argued that Bush was a war criminal, and the arrest attempt was justified. After a court case that stretched…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Christopher Bollyn returns to the KB Show
Tuesday, October 11th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Christopher Bollyn, author of the important book Solving 9/11. He has a great new article out entitled Chicago’s Elders of Zion and Obama’s War for Profit. Highly recommended! Excerpts: “Because the scale of the war-for-profit scam is so immense, an example comparing what the money wasted on the wars could have bought for the American people is helpful: The U.S. military spends an estimated $20 billion a year just to air-condition its tents and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. This…
FULL ARTICLEAnthrax expert Barry Kissin, ex-BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 10/14/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Antrax expert Barry Kissin discusses last week’s media breakthrough: The New York Times is finally admitting that the anthrax that terrorized Bush’s opposition in 2001 “may have” come from secret military and CIA bio-warfare labs, not Bruce Ivins. Specifically, as those following the case have known since 2001, it came from Battelle Laboratories in Ohio and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah – and was part of a larger secret operation that included the false-flag attack…
FULL ARTICLEKen O’Keefe on the limits of nonviolence, being a world citizen, and more!
Tuesday, October 11th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Ken O’Keefe, my colleague at Veterans Today, is an ex-Marine who is now fighting the good fight – the fight to save humanity, and the planet, from the psychopaths in power. Whether he is disarming murderous Israeli soldiers on the Mavi Marmara, or helping Irish travelers at Dale Farm stave off eviction, Ken has a way of putting his body between the aggressor and the victim. He is also a supremely articulate and passionate speaker. Ken writes: I am very blessed…
FULL ARTICLEGilad Atzmon’s The Wandering Who – a joyous affirmation of the end of identity politics
As a recovering angry Muslim, I cannot help loving fully-recovered ex-Zionist Jew Gilad Atzmon’s The Wandering Who: A Study of Jewish Identity of Politics…and the firestorm it has sparked. It isn’t just the joy of watching Atzmon say all the things about Jewishness that need to be said, but that hardly anybody has the guts to say. It isn’t just the fun of watching Atzmon and his defenders like John Mearsheimer and Jonathan Cook rip apart Zionist thugs like Jeffrey Goldberg and clueless gatekeepers like Andy Newman. It isn’t just the irrepressible voice of Gilad Atzmon, the inspired thinker and…
FULL ARTICLEGilad Atzmon provokes firestorm, joins Truth Jihad Radio on Rosh Hashanah!
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 9/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) two-hour special! Guest for both hours: Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born saxophonist and author whose terrific new book The Wandering Who? has drawn a blitzkrieg of attacks not only from the usual zio-nazi suspects like Jeffrey Goldberg…but also from certain self-styled peaceniks and pro-Palestinians. The common thread is that the attacks on Atzmon are as vitriolic as they are moronic. (Watch John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago annihilate Goldberg.) Atzmon’s book…
FULL ARTICLEJim Dean of Veterans Today: Erdogan was waiting to clean Zionists out of Turkish military before breaking with Israel
Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Last week Imran Kurter discussed Turkey’s recent turn against Israel. Today we’ll get another angle on this historic shift from Jim Dean, Managing Editor of Veterans Today. Jim writes: A light went on when I just couldn’t figure why Erdogan was soft shoeing the Israelis after the Marmara as a lack of action would seem to me to have weakened his base. But I had missed all the high officer arrests that had been going on, starting with the major round…
FULL ARTICLEElias Davidsson debates Joshua Blakeney: Is Veterans Today wrong about Zionism-9/11 connection?
Elias Davidsson and Joshua Blakeney are two of my favorite 9/11 researcher-activists. They recently copied me on this email exchange, which seems timely, since I just joined the staff at Veterans Today. Joshua and other Veterans Today writers will join me this week on Truth Jihad Radio; I have invited Elias as well, and hope to have him as a guest next week. Dear Josh, Is it true that you cooperate with Veterans Today? If so, I wish to warn you that Veterans Today are most probably a covert operation aimed at destroying the 9/11 movement by peddling the “Israel…
FULL ARTICLEToday on TJ Radio: Toronto Hearings, Israeli Spying on U.S.
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 9/19/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Rolf Lingren discusses new developments in Ron Paul’s campaign; then Jim Fetzer comes to to discuss his new article on the Wellstone assassination, as well as the Toronto Hearings. (9/11 scholar Joshua Blakeney ( ) has just published a very interesting critique of the Toronto 9/11 Hearings, and will join Truth Jihad Radio next week.) Second hour: Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.…
FULL ARTICLEHas Turkey turned against Israel? Imran Kurter of the Turkish-based Islamic democracy activist group Yeni Asya
Imran and yrs truly in Istanbul. Behind us: the Golden Horn, former home of the Ottoman Navy. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Imran Kurter of Yeni Asya, the rapidly-growing Turkish-based Islamic democracy activist group, will discuss Turkey’s new and unprecedented tough stand against Israel. As yesterday’s guest Gordon Duff puts it: Something doesn’t fit anymore. If this is the post 9/11 world Israel wanted, must they have lost their friggin’ minds? Turkey wants them dead. Saudi Arabia is, after years of silence, threatening the US…