Watch the video – click here. A political analyst says the main objective of the Israeli regime in attacking the besieged Gaza Strip is to destabilize the Middle East and ultimately prepare it for more Zionist expansion and domination. Full story:
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Lyin’ for Zion: Pro-Israel media incites genocide British pro-Israel extremist Charlie Wolf thinks it’s “anti-Semitic” to ask any questions about 9/11. Who’s afraid of the big bad Zionist, Charlie Wolf? Not me. I got into a little verbal tiff with Charlie on yesterday’s Press TV interview – watch the fireworks here. I’m a fair-minded, polite person. So normally I let people have their say, as my radio show fans know. But if the person I’m talking to is being a real asshole – like Sean Hannity, Juan Cole, or Charlie Wolf – I’ll occasionally throw the rules out the window and fight no-holds-barred.Even though Charlie started…
FULL ARTICLENow it’s payback time! Why Obama should bust Netanyahu for 9/11
by Kevin Barrett, for Press TV All observers admit it: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did everything in his power to destroy President Barack Obama’s political career. President Obama should return the favor. He should destroy Netanyahu’s career in the biggest, most spectacular way possible – by busting Netanyahu for 9/11. Read the full article: * * * Eleven Questions for Veterans Day How did The Simpsons know 9/11 was coming? 1) Veterans Day, 11/11, commemorates the end of World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. What’s with all those…
FULL ARTICLE“Zero percent BS” with Stephen Lendman & Gordon Duff sitting in for Eric Walberg
Fri. 11/9/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Since I’ve had a few complaints about Wednesday’s guest Gordon “40% BS” Duff (see the comments on Wednesday’s radio blog entry), I’ll appease the angry mob today by bringing on two of my favorite subdued, careful, fact-checking, palpably sincere author-journalists – Stephen Lendman and Eric Walberg. [UPDATE: Eric Walberg couldn’t make it, so Gordon Duff joined us for the second hour to deny the “40% BS” story, reveal as much truth as he could about the Petraeus resignation without getting us all killed, and assert that the pro-Netanyahu forces, routed…
FULL ARTICLEBusting Larry Silverstein and the Likudniks!
Fri. 11/2/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Update: Former lead BBC Middle East correspondent and 9/11 truth supporter Alan Hart will join us during the last segment of the first hour to discuss his new article Remembering Abu Jihad and why, really, the Israelis killed him. * * * “Larry and the Likudniks” sounds like a zio-nazi skinhead punk rock band. Unfortunately, they’re not a punk band – they’re a band of 9/11 criminals and genocide perps. And just because these creeps call themselves Jewish, doesn’t mean that Jews in general support them. Polls show that Jews,…
FULL ARTICLEHolocaust apologist Jonathan Kay: A Bully Among the Truthers
Here is a terrific new review of Jonathan Kay’s anti-truth diatribe Among the Truthers. The author, Yehuda Littman, is a young Orthodox Jewish man who has recently joined the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth. Yehuda is booked for today, Wednesday 10/31/2012, on Truth Jihad Radio. I hope he will return to debate Jonathan Kay – if Kay dares show his face after this! Jonathan Kay libels me outrageously, getting nearly all his facts wrong, in his book. Please help me find a pro bono libel lawyer! – KB Holocaust apologist Jonathan Kay: A Bully Among the Truthers by Yehuda Littman,…
FULL ARTICLEMind-controllers chant “anti-Semite!”
When you point out simple, obvious, yet taboo political facts, you’re going to get smeared. Here is my latest Press TV interview: [Listen to the interview and read the transcript.] Because I’m willing to speak such simple, obvious truths, and because Press TV occasionally invites guests who say such things, both Press TV and I are under fire. Press TV has been taken off the air by the European Fascist Union (protest here) and I have been smeared for the second time by the Defamation League. Why? For the crime of letting an occasional word of truth escape the containment…
FULL ARTICLEEx-CIA officer Philip Giraldi on “Why I Dislike Israel,” Ken Jenkins on “why I dislike carniverous martian plesiosaurs”
Wed. 10/10/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Philip Giraldi‘s new article “Why I Dislike Israel” has gone viral. It begins: Philip Giraldi “Even those pundits who seem to want to distance U.S. foreign policy from Tel Aviv’s demands and begin treating Israel like any other country sometimes feel compelled to make excuses and apologies before getting down to the nitty-gritty. The self-lacerating prologues generally describe how much the writer really has a lot of Jewish friends and how he or she thinks Israelis are great people and that Israel is a wonderful country before launching…
FULL ARTICLEProfessors Juan Cole, James Petras join Truth Jihad Radio!
Fri. 10/5/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Juan Cole may be the best-known Middle East Studies expert in America. A professor at the University of Michigan, he has taken up the role of public intellectual with a vengeance in response to what I (not he) would call the 9/11-triggered war on Islam for Israel. And like me, he has been hounded by the Zionist lobby’s fronts, including the McCarthyist snitch-on-your-professor confederacy of weasels known as Campus Watch. From his bio: Juan R. I. Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University…
FULL ARTICLEIs NetanBombYou a ‘Toon?
In the wake of “Bibi” NetanBombYou’s bizarre speech to the UN, questions have been raised about the Israeli Prime Minister’s political acumen, and even his mental health. As he glowered and pointed at a cartoon figure of a bomb, the Likudnik leader looked like Wile E. Coyote devising a plot to blow up the Road Runner. Among the questions about Netanyahu that have been raised, the one that stands out is: Could this guy be a ‘Toon? We’ve known, ever since the Roger Rabbit movies, that realistic-looking people can inhabit cartoon worlds, and vice-versa. Netanyahu, more than any other…