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LIVE RADIO! Mees Baaijen on “the Predators vs. the People”; Ahnaf Ibn Qais on “The End of ‘Israel’ and the Death of Zionism”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Mees Baaijen introduces his new book The Predators vs. the People: The Big Picture of the 500-Year Secret War Against Humanity. He makes a case that a global mafia or “Glafia” has been riding the power of usury, a.k.a. exponentially-compounding interest, toward complete global domination. For an introduction to his thesis, check out his 2016 article “Who Are the Controllers?” Excerpts from The Predators vs. the People: “In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years (1986), Jewish scholar and survivor of the…


FFWN: “Israel” Checkmated? (with Cat McGuire)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute PSA 1) Help info-checkmate Bibi, support FFWN! (old one that needs a boost) Breaking News Updates 2) “Conspiracy theorist” immolation at Trump trial 3) US vetoes Palestinian attempt to gain statehood at the United Nations as Russia walks out in protest before Israel speech 4) Breaking: Iran state me­dia says air de­fence sys­tems shot down three drones The Missiles of April: Checkmate 5) Scott Ritter: The Missiles of April = Checkmate 6) U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones And Missiles 7) US makes failed…


FFWN: Israhell Misfires! (With J. Michael Springmann)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute PSAs 1) Boycott Isra-hellish propaganda, support FFWN 2) In Michigan, a Ramadan like no other as Muslims grapple with Gaza: Across the US, the Islamic holiday is less joyous, more sombre as Muslims seek answers to the suffering in Gaza. 3) Bažant’s Fraudulent theory exposed! The mathematics he used to explain the Twin Towers Collapse is WRONG! Iran vs. Israhell 4) HOW WILL IRAN RESPOND TO DAMASCUS EMBASSY ATTACK? 5) What are likely scenarios for Iran’s retaliatory strike against Israel? 6) Israel threatens to strike Iran…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on US Collapse, Zionism, Gaza, and the Uniparty; AJ Smuskiewicz on “Why I’m Still for Kennedy”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge as a metaphor for the collapse of America; will the Zionists start World War 3, and/or finish the genocide of Gaza, with no interference from the US; where did these crazy Zionists come from originally; is the two-party system just a “faction fight” with the Jewish-dominated uniparty; and “what do we do when we realize the Left has won?” Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of…


LIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on “Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror”; Oliver Boyd-Barrett on Moscow Terror Attack & War Updates

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Historian Laurent Guyénot discusses his new article “Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror.” It begins: ““It’s time for Jews to be feared!” declared Rabbi Shmuley recently. Jews having failed to overcome anti-Semitism by trying to be loved, respected or admired, must now make themselves feared. This is the new watchword. The problem is, if Jews want to be feared, then they must also accept being hated.” Laurent Guyénot is the author of From Yahweh to Zion and many other books and articles. He is…


LIVE RADIO! Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower Glen Stanish, Rick Sterling on Political Weaponization of Sports & JFK-Israel

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Retired Air Force officer and commercial airline pilot Glen Stanish reflects on the history of the 9/11 truth movement. Was a consensus ever reached about how the illusion of hijacked-then-crashed planes was manufactured? Were the crashed planes ever identified based on their dozens of virtually-indestructible parts with serial numbers and replacement date codes? If not, why not? Whatever happened to Glen’s friend Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11, which implicates Israel as the author of 9/11? Could the Gaza genocide have been avoided if the truth about…


FFWN Special! Cat McGuire Asks Jeff Brown about “Zio-American Empire vs. China”

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute This week, instead of the regular weekly news roundup, False Flag Weekly News presents a special edition on “The Zio-American Empire vs. China” featuring Cat McGuire questioning bullish-on-China Jeff Brown. Cat McGuire’s questions: How does “socialism with Chinese characteristics” differ from the two political systems China straddles:  capitalism and communism? CCP versus Chinese billionaires: Is the CCP the good cop for the people whereas Chinese billionaires are the bad cop in bed with Western FinTech companies like BlackRock? How deeply involved is world Jewry with multipolar world projects such as…


FFWN: Can Israel’s “Anti-Zionist Fringe” Save the Jews?

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute PSAs 1) Help FFWN help the “anti-Zionist fringe” 2) Supreme Court to hear oral arguments re injunction in Murthy v Missouri: the most important free speech case ever. RALLY outside the court @ 9 am Monday March 18 3) This Ramadan starving Gazans will break their fast with scraps found in the garbage Free Speech 4) Is TikTok Censorship Bill Finally Getting Passed Tied to Israel? 5) Trump Reportedly Considering TikTok Billionaire Jeff Yass For Treasury Secretary Zio Atrocities 6) Israel…


FFWN: Will “Redemption Through Genocide” End Golden Age of American Jews?

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute Guest host: Cat McGuire PSAs 0) Help FFWN seek “redemption through truth” 1) Fight Anti-Semitism: Slaughter All Non-Jews Starting with Children and Mothers Trump 2) US Supreme Court rules Trump can remain on 2024 primary ballots 3) Appeals Court Overturns Jan. 6 Defendant’s Sentence, Potentially Impacting Dozens of Cases 4) ‘Finish the Problem’: Presumptive GOP Nominee Trump Endorses Gaza Genocide Genocide Propaganda 5) KIBBUTZ BE’ERI REJECTS STORY IN NEW YORK TIMES OCTOBER 7 EXPOSÉ: “THEY WERE NOT SEXUALLY ABUSED” 6) UN’s “reasonable…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on Zionist Lies, Peter Koenig on “Israel Is an Illegal State”, Eric Walberg on “Islam and Jesus as Jewish Messiah”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Note: Peter Koenig had something come up and will have to leave after 20 minutes in the second hour; Eric Walberg will finish the show. First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss ever-escalating genocidal Zionist lies including the Intercept’s exposé of Zionist Oct. 7 rape lies and the NY Times’ response; Israel’s shameless lies to the World Court; its mowing down starving Palestinians lined up for food aid and then blaming the victims; and more. We’ll also discuss other topics which may…

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