Rumble link Bitchute link Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. PSA 0) Help FFWN Figure Out What It Was That Candace Said 9/11 Anniversary 1) Israel Did 9/11 (Wyatt Peterson) 2) American Pravda: October 7th and September 11th Media Stranglehold 3) Jews Who Control Media Suspend Candace Owens for Claiming Jews Control Media, Thereby Proving Jews Don’t Control Media 4) Vance Declines to Denounce Carlson After Interview With Holocaust Revisionist (NYT) 5) ‘Biden is out to get me’: Russian-American TV host Dmitri Simes facing 60 years in a US jail speaks out 6)…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on Gaza, WW2 revisionism, open borders; Wyatt Peterson on JFK-9/11 Coups (with “call-in” from Laurent Guyénot)
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio—later archived at First hour: Alan Sabrosky , once Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College and more recently “the most censored man in America” makes his “first Friday of the month” appearance. He writes: “Preferred topics for today: 1. Gaza conflict – my “take” on it. 2. Tucker Carlson & the historian on WWII (origins & conduct) 3. Europe and its “open borders” (I would like to discuss what happened to the German women’s anti-migrant group) 4. That last FFWN item “US Navy Dismisses Warship Commander After Photo of Backward…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ron Unz on “Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and the Tottering American Empire”; Alan Sabrosky on “Fallout of the Butler faux ‘assassination attempt'”
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ron Unz, editor and publisher of the Unz Review, discusses “Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and the Tottering American Empire.” a useful summary of ongoing ever-more-bizarre developments in American politics. We’ll compare notes on the “Trump shooting” in Butler, Pennsylvania, an issue we sharply disagree on. The likelihood of a major escalation on the West Asian front, in the wake of Israel’s assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh and Fouad Shukur, will also be on the agenda. Second hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky returns for another “first Friday of the month”appearance. He…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on Satanism Panic; Wyatt Peterson on JFK-RFK-9/11 Parallels
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link Bitchute link First hour: Laurent Guyénot, author of From Yahweh to Zion, discusses his two new French-language articles “Hollywood, CIA, Epstein, Pizzagate : Check out the Documentary Out of Shadows ” and “Manufacturing False Memories and the MK Ultra File.” (Non-francophones can cut and paste the text into Google translate to get a sense of their contents.) We’ll also discuss the apparent Trump shooting. Spoiler: Laurent agrees with my interpretation. Laurent wrote me to ask about Islam’s interpretation of Satan and satanism, adding: “I’ll have to state…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Richard Falk on Biden, Gaza; Philip Kraske on RFK Jr., Gaza, and His New Play “How Far Casablanca”
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Richard Falk, Princeton International Law Professor Emeritus, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his recent article on Biden’s worldview (and competence or lack thereof), and the Gaza genocide. Memorable quote: “The Netanyahu invitation (to once again address a Joint Session of Congress) is an edifying metaphor that confirms the dark foreboding of skeptics like myself critical of the US global role since the end of the Cold War and deeply pessimistic about the future of the country.” Richard Falk has been repeatedly and ineptly attacked for…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Biden Deathwatch (with Cat McGuire)
Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Rumble link Bitchute link PSA 0) Keep FFWN Watching (so You Can Keep Watching FFWN) Biden Deathwatch 1) Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit 2) House Oversight Subpoenas Top Biden Handlers To Find Out Who’s Running The Country 3) Hunter: proxy president & CIA asset? 4) The names being floated as Kamala Harris’ running mate if Biden drops out 5) Joe Biden’s Cognitive Issues Are Destined for the Memory Hole Dumbocracy 6) American Pravda: JFK Richard Nixon the CIA and Watergate 7) Why’s…
FULL ARTICLEJewish Theocracy, Zionist Governance? (FFWN special with Prof. Anthony Hall)
Rumble link Bitchute link Anthony Hall discusses The Influential Role of Jewish Theocracy in the Zionist Governance of the West .
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “Coup & Assassination Plots that Deserve Our Support”
Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Rumble link Bitchute link PSA 0) Help FFWN Expose Candidates Who Need Drug Tests Good News for a Change 1) Assange Freed, Returns to Australia Prez Wannabes 2) Iran Votes 2024: Presidential race goes to runoff between Pezeshkian and Jalili 3) NYT Times Urges Biden to Die, Run as Corpse (Kevin parodies “resign!” editorial) 4) Ahead of debate, Trump escalates calls for Biden drug tests, accusations of CNN bias 5) ‘This wasn’t a debate, it was a medical emergency’ 6) NYT focus group shows RFK Jr. voters…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! AJ Smuskiewicz on Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies; Fadi Lama on “Jewish Settler Colony in the Levant”
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Author AJ Smuskiewicz discusses his new book Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies. It recount’s AJ’s career journey from graphics designer to biologist to writer-editor to damnable heretical dissident, and includes essays published at Intellectual Conservative, The Unz Review, and VT Foreign Policy, as well as at his personal website. It seems AJ used to be within hailing distance of consensus reality. He once made a living editing work that fell squarely within the Overton Window of acceptable discourse. But somewhere along the way, something…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Jewish Theocracy, Zionist Governance? (with Prof. Anthony Hall)
Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Rumble link Bitchute link PSAs 1) Help FFWN catch up with two Fundrazrs that barely fell short Axis of Resistance vs. Genocide 2) Houthi attacks sink second Red Sea ship after mariner killed 3) Israeli military approves plan for ‘offensive’ in Lebanon 4) Is Cyprus about to be dragged into a war between Israel and Hezbollah? 5) Israeli army in ‘urgent need’ of troops as resistance deals heavy losses 6) Biden Deploys Record Number of Troops to Jordan in Quiet Buildup 7) Israeli military knew Hamas…