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LIVE RADIO! Prof. Tony Hall on Corona/Beirut WW3, Gordon Duff Says Israel Nuked Beirut

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Prof. Emeritus Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, discusses Beirut/BLM-Antifa/COVID—and wonders whether all of these bizarre phenomena of 2020 are part of an escalating hybrid war. If so, the author of that war would presumably be the same bankster cabal that gave us the world wars of the 20th century. We’ll discuss various analyses of the Beirut bombing including Thierry Meyssan’s “Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon,” Taxi’s “The US, Israel, and Beirutshima,” Richard Silverstein’s “Israel Bombed Beirut,” and the Gordon Duff articles referenced below. Anthony…


Debating Zionist Annexation and Hezbollah on Press TV

Listen HERE In two recent Press TV debates I sided with the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah—not something one can do anywhere in the Zionist-dominated Western mainstream media.  First 25 minutes: “This edition of The Debate is about the US-engineered annexation of Palestinian territories to Israel. Political commentator William Spring and Middle East expert Kevin Barrett exchange views on this issue.” Second 25 minutes: “This edition of The Debate is about the United States’ claims of Lebanese Hezbollah misusing state funds. Kevin Barrett, Middle East expert, and Fredrick Peterson, senior US Congressional defense adviser, exchange views on this issue.” Speaking of…


FFWN: Roger Waters Apologizes for Telling the Truth

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to Noon Eastern on This episode’s guest commentator is J. Michael Springmann PSA  1) Help FFWN Remain Unapologetic! COVID Agenda: Econopocalypse & War on China? 2) China conducting covert biological weapons research, State Dept. says (to set up China for the fall) 3 )The Second Great Depression Incitement 4) Largest Newspaper in Tennessee Publishes Huge Ad Saying “Islam” Will Nuke Nashville on July 28        For background on possible false flag nuking of US cities see: and 5) Trump Directs People to Watch Random Black on White Violence Video: ‘Looks What’s Going on Here’ Culture…


James Thring on Zionist Coup in UK; Gerard Menuhin on “Truth for Dummies”

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: James Thring is a retired architect-planner concerned about the Middle East since Israel’s 1967 War. He designed the first Cambridge Autonomous House in 1971 with a view to helping people isolated from public services, as in Palestine, and applied the technology to a plan for Saharan Libya in 1975. He has been in the front lines of UK peace activism, which has pitted him against the Israeli lobby, the main instigator of war in today’s West. In this interview we discuss the Israeli takeover of Britain, including Israel’s use of its treasonous “British” assets to prevent…


Israel taught ‘knee-on-neck’ terror tactic to US police: Analyst

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor for Press TV USA Today just published an article about the history of police brutality against black people in the United States, going back to pre-United States colonial times. The headline cites the 400-year history of anti-black racism in the United States. It talks about the slave patrols that were basically vigilante squads that enforced slavery and tried to catch runaway slaves and those who helped them. And then after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery similar groups like the Ku Klux Klan sprang up, and often got assistance from police departments and…


Robin Mathews on Academic Freedom & Tony Hall

Listen HERE Did public servants in the Albert government and the University of Lethbridge conspire with a hostile foreign government to deprive Professor Anthony Hall of his rights to free speech and academic freedom? Robin Mathews, a retired professor of Canadian Studies and English Literature (and spearhead of the Canadianization campaign) recently wrote: Dear Vice Dean of Law (and) Professor Adams … and interested others ….  The question so forcefully put (vice Dean Adams) by your refusal to reply to my direct and simple questions about the nature of your task in the matter of the Anthony Hall case at…


THE DEBATE: Germany Bans Hezbollah — Kevin Commits Civil Disobedience with Headband

In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, editor at Veterans Today from Madison and Michael Lane, political analyst from Washington DC to look at whether Germany’s anti-Hezbollah decision was made as a result of US and Israeli pressure or it is to help US hegemonic plans for the region.

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