Guest host: filmmaker John Hankey Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on 00) Help FFWN Break the (MSM) News…Into Pieces! 0) Coronavirus an Inside Job: Livestreamed Sun. Nov. 29, 3 pm ET 1) YouTube, Google suppress AE911Truth, boost NIST Trump-n-Yahu 9112B?! 2) Prominent Iranian physicist assassinated near Tehran‘Prominent-Iranian-physicist-assassinated-near-Tehran’ 3) Israeli military prepares for possibility Trump will strike Iran 4) Message to Iran: B-52 bombers deployed to Middle East 5) Trump is junking a treaty—and two planes—designed to stop nuclear war 6) The US brokered an unprecedented summit between Israel and Saudi Arabia as…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Israel Shamir on “Did Jews Fail to Deliver?” and “Charlie Hebdo Rides Again”
Listen HERE Russian-Israeli author and commentator Israel Shamir discusses his recent articles “Did Jews Fail to Deliver?” and “Charlie Hebdo Rides Again.” Watch the video version of this show HERE. Speaking of Charlie Hebdo riding again…you can read a sneak preview of my forthcoming article “Macron Escalates False Flag War on Islam” for the next (December) issue of Crescent International, reproduced HERE for my Patreon subscribers only.
FULL ARTICLEAdam Green: New Evidence of Israeli Foreknowledge of 9/11 (Listen to the Confession!)
Listen HERE Adam Green of KnowMoreNews just had his YouTube channel taken down. Why? Maybe because he is asking why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” (During this broadcast, around the 10 minute mark, Adam plays a recording of Rabbi Avraham Benhaim discussing his eyewitness account of a top Israeli Hassidic rabbi’s apparent foreknowledge of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.) Adam Green notes…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Adam Green on US Enslavement to Israel; Harvey Wasserman on Election Fraud Claims and More
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page First hour: Adam Green of KnowMoreNews asks why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” He notes that “Netanyahu takes orders from the Rebbe,” and that “Ariel Sharon says Rebbe gives government officials ‘military advice‘”…and wonders whether “Netanyahu is following ‘war by deception – zohar’ orders from the rebbe?“…and whether this…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: MSM Claims Are Disputed!
Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Tell MSM “This Claim Is Disputed” 2) Coronavirus an Inside Job: Livestreamed Sun. Nov. 29, 3 pm ET Who Made COVID? 3) Suspected Biowar Criminals (Who Made COVID?) Orchestrated “Natural Origin of COVID” Disinfo 4) Flashback: Biowar Expert Dr. Meryl Nass: Lancet’s “COVID-19 Is NOT a Bioweapon” Is a Ludicrous Fraud Transcribed at Trump-n-Yahu 5) Mossad via Newsweek: Trump-n-Yahu Loss “Terrible for the Jews” 6) New York Times: Trump asked advisers about possible strike on Iranian nuclear site 7) Traitor Pollard & His Pedophile Lawyer Dershowitz Get…
FULL ARTICLESudan Complicit in Genocide of Palestinians
Dr. Kevin Barrett interviewed by Press TV Sudan has just officially committed treason and complicity in genocide by accepting a ransom from occupied Washington, DC and its masters in Tel Aviv in return for being taken off the terrorism list which will allow US and Western money to flow to Sudan and of course in return for covert bribes from bin Sheitan in Israeli occupied Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The pathetic Sudanese leadership has set itself up to be executed for treason by its own people and by the world’s 2 billion Muslims and two and a half billion Christians, whose holy…
FULL ARTICLETrump administration pushes the US war on Iran into high gear
Interview by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Press TV The Trump administration is pushing the US war on Iran into high gear with these new ramped-up sanctions that are more extreme than just about any sanctions anyone has ever applied anywhere. These sanctions are now stopping basic medical equipment from getting into Iran such as the Mepilex dressings from Sweden that are used to treat wounds, serious wounds. Apparently, Trump and his Zionist backers want Iranians to be wounded and not to heal. They want to inflict horrific pain on ordinary Iranian people. Why would they do that? Well,…
FULL ARTICLEDavid Friedman is furthering the Kosher Nostra extremist Likudnik Israeli agenda
Press TV US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is an organized crime figure who is furthering the Kosher Nostra extremist Likudnik Israeli agenda, an American political analyst has said. Kevin Barrett, an author, Veterans Today Editor and radio host with a Ph.D. in Islamic and Arabic Studies, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday. Breaking a long-standing tradition of ambassadors being politically neutral, Friedman said on Sunday that US policy toward Iran could take a turn for the worse from the perspective of Israel if Democratic nominee Joe Biden is elected the US president in November.…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: MSM’s War on “Conspiracy Theories” vs. Truth Insurgency
Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s guest commentator: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan PSAs 1) Help FFWN Say 2 + 2 = 4 2) Limited Webinar tickets–The 9/11 Truth Film Festival will be ONLINE this year on Sept. 10th 3 )Justice for Geoff: A Conversation with 9/11 Family Member Matt Campbell Beirut Bombing 4) Is Mossad Leaking to Deflect Blame for Israel’s Role in Beirut Disaster? 5) Phil Giraldi: Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction War on “Conspiracy Theories” 6) ‘Is that such a bad thing?’: Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: The Panopticon Is Already Here
Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Stand Up for FFWN! 2) 9/11 Film Festival Will be Virtual this Year 3) Geoff Campbell’s Family Seeks to Reopen 9/11 Controlled Demolition Murder Case Who Nuked Beirut? 4) Esper appears to backtrack on Beirut explosion cause after White House pushback 5) NETANYAHU ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD IN 2018 THAT ISRAEL WAS GOING TO MISSILE ATTACK A SUPPOSED HEZBOLLAH ARMS STORE NEXT TO BEIRUT PORT. THIS WEEK, THEY TURNED IT INTO BEIRUTSHIMA. EERILY SIMILAR TO THE 2015 DESTRUCTION OF TIANJIN PORT China Syndrome 6) China and Russia ditch dollar 7)…