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Urgent! Stop World War III – here’s how

A US “regime change” bombing campaign against Syria could ignite World War III. Mark Anderson of American Free Press writes: HELLO. Please read this…. While many say calling D.C. does no good, we have to assume that if we all call—and encourage many others to do so—then there could be enough of a groundswell to make the imperialists in Washington blink and avoid a war on Syria, at least long enough to buy some precious time. I urge everyone, at least this one time, to immediately call the White House at 202-456-1414 [follow the prompts, to get to public comment,…


Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?

Today’s Press TV op-ed: Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag? “On Wednesday – just hours after the massacre of hundreds of Syrians with chemical weapons – Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon claimed he knew who did it: The Syrian government…Christopher Bollyn reminds us: “Within minutes of the airplane crashes on 9/11, Ehud Barak (the founder and master of the Israeli military’s covert operation force, the Sayeret Matkal) was in the London studio of the BBC World ready to provide a plausible (and political) explanation to the world. Barak, the real mastermind of 9/11, was the first person to…


My interview with Siasat Rooz (Iranian newspaper)

Persian speakers can find the published version of V.Alvandiour’s interview with me at Below is the English version. 1. First of all, would you please tell me what your overall view about Iran is? I want to know how Iran is pictured in your mind. What is its role in current international politics? Iran is not just a remarkable modern nation-state. It is also one of the world’s oldest and most impressive civilizations. I think Iran’s greatest contribution to world history is the way it accepted, democratized and enriched Islamic civilization. By “democratized” I mean that Iran was in…


Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda

Will al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri be America’s next Homeland Security chief? “Kerry argued that Hezbollah is indeed a terrorist organization because it ‘has deepened its support’ for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. What Kerry didn’t say is that Assad is fighting an insurgency led by al-Qaeda. “Translation: John Kerry supports al-Qaeda. He even says that anyone who opposes al-Qaeda is a terrorist. “This comes after Republican leader John McCain sneaked across the Syrian border to join al-Qaeda a little over a month ago. “In today’s USA, al-Qaeda apparently enjoys bipartisan support…” Read the full article:


Gordon Duff on Snowden, Bloomberg, and what the world is really like

Tuesday, July 2nd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Special sporadic summer broadcast! Regular programming will resume in August. When I stopped at his house on my way home from PorcFest,  Gordon tried to tempt me – a good, practicing Muslim – with his ridiculously expensive wines and high-end scotch. Shame on you, Gordon! (I did drink his turbo-charged espresso, which was so strong it too should probably be declared haram)  Guest: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today. Did Bloomberg News Service just dream up its story about…


Erdogan’s attack on Syria backfires

“FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed that elements of the Gladio-linked Turkish deep state were used by neoconservative moguls Richard Perle and Douglas Feith to finance the 9/11-anthrax coup d’état of September 11th, 2001. Obviously it is these people, not Erdogan, who hold the real power in Turkey.” Read the article:


Elias Davidsson on his new book “Hijacking America’s mind on 9/11”

Fri.  5/17/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Elias Davidsson has just published a new book, “Hijacking America’s mind on 9/11.” Elias writes: “Four features distinguish this book from other 9/11 critical studies: – The definite (or ultimate) demonstration that there is no evidence of Muslim hijackers– Evidence that at least two of the four aircraft were still airborne after the alleged crash time– The most exacting and comprehensive analysis of the phone calls said to have been made from the aircraft– The presentation of a theory regarding the nature of the phone calls” Human rights…

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