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LIVE RADIO! Richard Falk on Biden, Gaza; Philip Kraske on RFK Jr., Gaza, and His New Play “How Far Casablanca”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Richard Falk, Princeton International Law Professor Emeritus, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his recent article on Biden’s worldview (and competence or lack thereof), and the Gaza genocide. Memorable quote: “The Netanyahu invitation (to once again address a Joint Session of Congress) is an edifying metaphor that confirms the dark foreboding of skeptics like myself critical of the US global role since the end of the Cold War and deeply pessimistic about the future of the country.” Richard Falk has been repeatedly and ineptly attacked for…


David Ray Griffin, Gilad Atzmon take the United Nations!

Hillel Neuer: Unwitting publicist for twoof the most important authors of our time When Israeli propagandist Sayan Hillel Neuer stood up on the floor of the United Nations and started waving around David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor and Gilad Atzmon’s The Wandering Who?, he probably didn’t realize that he was giving priceless PR to two of the most important books of our time. And yes, “priceless” is the word. Get a load of Neuer hawking Griffin’s and Atzmon’s books: Neuer’s unintentional book-promotion stunt was meant to be part of his witch-hunt against Special UN Human Rights Rapporteur Richard…


Richard Falk discusses trip to Lebanon; Klaus Dona says ancient artifacts challenge conventional chronologies

Fri.  5/31/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Richard Falk First hour: UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur Richard Falk visited Lebanon earlier this month for a conference on Palestinian refugees. Now, in the wake of Hezbullah’s decision to defend Syria against al-CIA-duh and the bankers behind it, peace advocates fear (and some Zionists hope) that the war in Syria may spill over into Lebanon. (I listened to NPR, National-socialist Public Radio, yesterday, and was appalled to hear the Zionist guests and hosts drooling at the prospect of destroying Lebanon again, barely able to suppress their chortles of triumph…


Feroze Mithiborwala: “Occupy Jerusalem!”

Tuesday, November 16th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Feroze Mithiborwala of the Muslim Intellectual Forum of India and the South Asian Solidarity Initiative, organizer of the Global March to Jerusalem, which aims to bring a million pro-Palestine people to Jerusalem next May 15th. The Zionists are freaking out:Israel National News: Millon Man Worldwide ‘Caravan’ Set to ‘Liberate Jerusalem.’ The Global March to Jerusalem was recently endorsed by one of my favorite regular radio guests, Richard Falk: “…it is important for all those committed to peace and justice to…


My Richard Falk interview transcribed by Zionist neo-McCarthyites at UN Watch

Richard Falk endorses 9/11 “inside job” theory,  interviewed in his official UN capacity(“In his official UN capacity?” As in speaking for the UN as an institution?! The U.N. Watch witch-hunters are lying through their teeth as usual. -KB) UN Watch   March 21, 2011 09:44  (Listen to the interview, recorded last October, here) HOST: Hi, this is Dr. Kevin Barrett of Truth Jihad.Com. You may know me as the host of a certain controversial radio show, namely “The Kevin Barrett Show,” heard every Tuesday right here on No Lies Radio. No Lies Radio offers fearless and honest coverage of the 9/11 truth…


Why the Zionists Want to Silence Richard Falk on 9/11

Why did the Zionist group U.N. Watch engineer a witch-hunt targeting Special Rapporteur Richard Falk? Why would Zionists, whose prime concern is maintaining and expanding their apartheid state in Occupied Palestine, care about Falk’s mild allusions to unanswered questions about 9/11? Why the fuss? Debbie Menon suggests an answer: “The fact the Israeli supporters rush to the defense and go into hysterical denial when they have not been accused of something, is sure an indicator that something stinks in Tel Aviv!” In short, the Zionist doth protest too much. In a recent bombshell report, Wayne Madsen explains why. Madsen is…


Zionist terror group “UN Watch” targets Richard Falk; bans comments!

Listen to my latest interview with Richard Falk here.  Richard Falk responds to the Lobby’s vilification here. Elizabeth Woodworth asks “Why the Fuss?” here.Veterans Today says Richard Falk Is Right on 9/11. “UN Watch,” like “Campus Watch,” is a cowardly Zionist terror group. Campus Watch is tasked with terrorizing the academic community, especially professors who teach anything related to Middle Eastern Studies, in order to frighten off would-be critics of Israel. U.N. Watch is tasked with terrorizing the diplomatic community, especially UN officials, in order to frighten off would-be critics of Israel. Like Campus Watch, it may be assumed to be a…


Princeton Prof. Richard Falk, U.N. Human Rights Rapporteur

Tuesday, October 26th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: Richard Falk, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, and Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University; (co-)author/editor of more than forty books. Richard Falk is one of the great truth-and-justice figures of our time. An enthusiastic endorser of the work of David Ray Griffin, Dr. Falk once made headlines by calling for a study of the neocons’ role in 9/11 on my radio show. His work on behalf of the human rights of the Palestinian people has…