Listen HERE Australian New World Order researcher Peter Myers returns to raise questions about the role of Freemasonry in the last two centuries of world history. Was Stalin a Freemason? Why were Peter’s emails on the topic censored? Were the French and Russian Revolutions organized by Freemasons? Was Bolshevism’s cultural genocide against Eastern Orthodox Christianity driven by Freemasonic anti-religion ideology? Was Cecil Rhodes’ secret society The Round Table part of a Freemasonic world takeover bid? Why does Anthony Fauci flash Masonic handsigns? Is ex-Freemason whistleblower Altiyan Childs right to fear for his life?
FULL ARTICLETag: peter myers
LIVE RADIO! Christopher Fogarty on Irish Holocaust Denial; Peter Myers on NWO & Freemasonry
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Christopher Fogarty discusses his recently-revised book Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect”. The book presents detailed evidence supporting its claim that millions of Irish, possibly as many as five to six million, were murdered by the British government between 1845 and 1850. Contrary to the Irish Holocaust deniers’ claims of a mythical “potato famine,” Fogarty argues that potatoes were merely one item among Ireland’s copious production of foodstuffs, most of which were confiscated for export by British landlords backed by private militias, a…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers Responds to “Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth”
Listen HERE Peter Myers is one of many Australians concerned about Chinese financial encroachment, or “debt trap imperialism.” But are Chinese lenders really as predatory as Western economic hit men? Even the Atlantic now tells us that the “Chinese debt trap”—at least the Sri Lanka version—is a myth. We’ll also discuss other subjects taken up in Peter’s email digest. To subscribe, contact him at myerspeterg(at)
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers Responds to “Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth”; Michael Brenner Debunks West’s Anti-Russia Narrative
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE The Anglo-Zionist empire’s stale propaganda war on Russia and China, and the Eurasian bloc they are building, drones on in the MSM. Let’s open the Overton window and let some fresh air in! First hour: NWO researcher Peter Myers is one of many Australians concerned about Chinese financial encroachment, or “debt trap imperialism.” But are Chinese lenders really as predatory as Western economic hit men? Even the Atlantic now tells us that the “Chinese debt trap”—at least the Sri Lanka version—is a myth. We’ll also discuss other subjects taken…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! John Hankey Says COVID Biowar Vaccine Developed Long Before 2020; Peter Myers & Mike Springmann Continue COVID/Vaccine Conversation
Listen HERE First hour: John Hankey, director of the new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job, argues that the COVID-19 vaccines we are seeing now must have been developed years ago by the germ warfare scientists who manufactured the virus itself. He casts derision on this claim: “Moderna told reporters that their labs were already set up to make mRNA vaccines, so that once they downloaded that data (the COVID-19 genome) they were able to whip up a vaccine in two days.” But wait! There has never been an mRNA vaccine for humans. There has never been a vaccine against any of…
FULL ARTICLEJohn Hankey & Peter Myers on “COVID-19 Inside Job” & “Plandemic”
Listen HERE First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr.discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world by the same group that orchestrated the world wars…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! COVID CONSPIRACY DOCUMENTARIES: John Hankey & Peter Myers on COVID-19 Inside Job; Meryl Nass MD on HCQ & Other Plandemic Issues
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr. discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers: “Covid-19 Was Made in a Lab”
Listen HERE Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection against the weapon. WIV would have many workers, not only virologists but also cleaners and people who look after animals (they do experiments on animals). Most likely, one of these workers was infected by the Coronavirus, and unintentionally took it outside. After a few contacts, it reached the nearby Seafood Market, which is a local gathering-spot. From there it disseminated in Wuhan. There’s no way Xi or other…
FULL ARTICLEMyers-Brown Debate Pt. 2; Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3
Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Ellen Brown and Peter Myers continue their debate on the rise of China. Final 30 minutes: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today, discusses Trump’s murder of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and what it portends for the rest of 2020. Hint: It isn’t good! Gordon just published “Trump’s War on Iran: A Bullet in the head for America.” Excerpt: “General Soleimani is being smeared as is the Quds Force. For those of us who know the facts, who are combat veterans and security specialists, Soleimani is Robert E. Lee (yes, VT would keep his statues up despite…
FULL ARTICLEChina: Brutal or Benign? Ellen Brown vs. Peter Myers! Plus: Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3
Listen HERE Ellen Brown rebuts the anti-China position Peter Myers articulated on my previous show. Peter Myer responds. One key issue: Has China been making tremendous strides towards ecological sustainability, as Andre Vltchek and John Cobb argue? We’ll reference Ellen’s latest article on the Green New Deal and how to finance it. Ellen says China’s mostly-public banking sector points the way toward a better and more sustainable way of doing business. She adds that China like all countries has corrupt elements and negative aspects, but that we shouldn’t let negatives dominate our perception of the country as a whole. Peter…