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Princeton Prof. Richard Falk, U.N. Human Rights Rapporteur

Tuesday, October 26th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: Richard Falk, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, and Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University; (co-)author/editor of more than forty books. Richard Falk is one of the great truth-and-justice figures of our time. An enthusiastic endorser of the work of David Ray Griffin, Dr. Falk once made headlines by calling for a study of the neocons’ role in 9/11 on my radio show. His work on behalf of the human rights of the Palestinian people has…


Kevins for 9/11 Truth?

All kinds of people are speaking out for 9/11 truth: Architects and Engineers, Scholars, more Scholars, and still more Scholars, Pilots, Scientists, U.S. Military Officers, Intelligence Officers, Senior Military-Intelligence-Law Enforcement Professionals, Firefighters, Veterans, Muslim Veterans, Lawyers, Medical Professionals, Religious Leaders, Actors and Artists, Journalists, 9/11 Survivors and Family Members, Political Leaders, Muslims, Christians, Muslims-Christians-Jews, Buddhists (here and here), and even Magicians. During the 1970s explosion of identity-based magazines, the National Lampoon put out a parody called Fred Magazine: The Magazine for People Named Fred. So maybe it’s time for Kevins for 9/11 Truth. The first Kevin to speak out and…


Obama Renews “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” for WTC-7

At a recent press conference, President Obama once again renewed President Bush’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy on the controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. “The policy is simple,” Obama explained to the assembled journalists. “You don’t ask about Building 7, and I don’t tell.” The journalists applauded. Subsequent questions covered topics ranging from gays in the military to the price of tea in Paraguay.


Joshua Blakeney and Anthony J. Hall Investigate Michael Shermer’s Academic Credentials

From Joshua Blakeney: Hello Friends and Comrades, Here is the latest You Tube instalment depicting the unfolding saga implicating Michael Shermer, Claremont Graduate University and University of Lethbridge. Michael Shermer delivered a lecture at the University of Lethbridge on September 23, 2010 entitled “Why People Believe Weird Things,” in which he attempted to discredit those who are skeptical about 9/11 by conflating such investigators with Holocaust Deniers and UFO spotters. Stunned and perplexed by this substandard approach to 9/11 Studies Professor Hall and I resolved to critically investigate Shermer, suspecting that he could not possibly be someone who has…


Untruther Michael Shermer Caught Posing as Professor!

Click here, and forward to the last ten minutes of today’s show, to hear Professor Anthony Hall expose “Professor” Shermer on Truth Jihad Radio. Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic Magazine, has been caught impersonating a professor. Oddly enough, Shermer – a leading 9/11 untruther – has been falsely claiming to be an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Claremont University, home of leading 9/11 truth scholar Dr. David Ray Griffin.  While pretending to be a professor, Shermer also travels around the lecture circuit impersonating a skeptic. Oddly, his skepticism does not extend to the official story of 9/11. As editor of…


The Tea Party Movement Began with 9/11 Truth

Thanks to Jerry Mazza for reminding us that the Tea Party movement began with the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth of 2006 and the follow-up of 2007.  I have fond memories of both. Funny how the corporate media refused to report on these monumentally important events.  I doubt if one in a thousand tea partiers knows where the movement started, or understands how badly it has been co-opted by the neocons.


Tuesday 10/5 KB Show Guest: Sheikh Yusuf Estes

From Yusuf Estes is very loved by young and old alike. Children and adults of all faiths delight to hear him entertain while presenting the pure message of Islam. They call him the “Funny Sheik”. He was raised in a strong Christian home, educated in Texas and became successful owning music stores, TV shows and used his talents for piano and organ as a music minister while preaching the Bible. He served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders and U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000. His story “Priests & Preachers Enter Islam” is truly…


Matt Taibbi’s Great Derangement

My fellow Muslim for 9/11 Truth Bill “Anab” Whitehouse has just posted a wonderful imaginary interview with fanatical anti-truther Matt Taibbi.  Taibbi, as you may recall, recently gave me the Most Obnoxious Thing on the Internet award for my suggestion that the US apologize to Muslims, who have been falsely blamed for 9/11, by building a mega-mosque on Ground Zero. Taibbi’s rabid opposition to 9/11 truth is itself a great derangement. As I once told a radio interviewer, lots of people email me to tell me I’m crazy. My response: Anyone who would email a crazy person to tell them…


Physics prof Denis Rancourt speaks out on 9/11 — and gets it half right!

Physics professor and academic freedom fighter Denis Rancourt appeared on the Kevin Barrett Show yesterday and agreed that the implosion of World Trade Center Building 7 was clearly a case of controlled demolition — but that the destruction of the Twin Towers might not have been! (The discussion of 9/11 occurs during the last 20 minutes of the show.) Dr. Rancourt argued that the gravitational energy released by the Towers’ coming down was great enough, and the mysteries of how various materials interact with each other under such conditions mysterious enough, to cast doubt on many of the apparent “smoking…


Sunlight Disinfects Sunstein – Now Bring on the War Crimes Tribunals

Cass Sunstein argues that the government should infiltrate 9/11 truth groups, “disable” 9/11 “conspiracy purveyors,” and thereby promote the spread of “beneficial cognitive diversity.” To my readers, David Ray Griffin’s new book Cognitive Infiltration is absolutely brilliant. It elegantly does several things at once: * Puts forward  key 9/11 evidence; * Reveals the slightly hilarious inadequacy of the  official story defenders’ case,  as exemplified by Cass Sunstein’s “Conspiracy Theories” article; * Uses irony to demolish the neocons’ philosophy of the noble lie — the philosophy that in all probability led directly to the 9/11 inside job. David has been out…

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