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Helen Thomas’s courageous legacy: “Zionists go home!”

“Helen Thomas, the dean of the Washington press corps, spent her career watching the Israel lobby destroy Palestine – and American democracy. Finally, in June 2010, she could no longer hide her disgust with Zionism…” Read the full story:


Gordon Duff on Snowden, Bloomberg, and what the world is really like

Tuesday, July 2nd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Special sporadic summer broadcast! Regular programming will resume in August. When I stopped at his house on my way home from PorcFest,  Gordon tried to tempt me – a good, practicing Muslim – with his ridiculously expensive wines and high-end scotch. Shame on you, Gordon! (I did drink his turbo-charged espresso, which was so strong it too should probably be declared haram)  Guest: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today. Did Bloomberg News Service just dream up its story about…


West, Zionists Mortally Threatened by Truth

  Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, with the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin, to share his thoughts on the West’s double standards on freedom of speech. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Dr. Barrett, you heard our guest there [talking about Intelsat “complying with sanctions against Iran”], your reaction. Barrett: That was the most vague and nonsensical bunch of gibberish I have heard in a long time and I’ve been up against some pretty goofy people on this show before. “It is not a breach of freedom of speech” (he says)…


Iran: Threat or Menace? Part 1: Background briefing

The first of a three-part series of brief articles considering the run-up to the June 14th Iranian presidential elections Compared to citizens of other developed countries, Americans are not especially well-informed about the world. Like other peoples only more so, Americans view the world through a glass darkly – a glass darkened by ignorance and prejudice. Much of the fault lies not with the people, but with their corporate-monopoly media. Consider the case of Iran, a geo-strategical lynchpin nation more than three times the size of Iraq. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has gotten uniformly bad press in…


Erdogan’s attack on Syria backfires

“FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed that elements of the Gladio-linked Turkish deep state were used by neoconservative moguls Richard Perle and Douglas Feith to finance the 9/11-anthrax coup d’état of September 11th, 2001. Obviously it is these people, not Erdogan, who hold the real power in Turkey.” Read the article:


Richard Falk discusses trip to Lebanon; Klaus Dona says ancient artifacts challenge conventional chronologies

Fri.  5/31/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Richard Falk First hour: UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur Richard Falk visited Lebanon earlier this month for a conference on Palestinian refugees. Now, in the wake of Hezbullah’s decision to defend Syria against al-CIA-duh and the bankers behind it, peace advocates fear (and some Zionists hope) that the war in Syria may spill over into Lebanon. (I listened to NPR, National-socialist Public Radio, yesterday, and was appalled to hear the Zionist guests and hosts drooling at the prospect of destroying Lebanon again, barely able to suppress their chortles of triumph…


Daniel Hopsicker joins TJ Radio

First hour: Legendary journalist and author Daniel Hopsicker, known for his “investigative reporting into drug trafficking, 9/11, and state-sponsored crime,”  joins us for the first time! His latest pieces include Did the CIA commandeer the Boston bombing investigation?  and Uncle Ruslan’ aided terrorists from CIA official’s home.       Daniel Hopsicker’s book Welcome to Terrorland is one of the key documents of the real, unofficial 9/11 investigation. Second hour: Martin Hill discusses recent articles including Jews Suing Jimmy Carter over Palestine book represented by ‘Dancing Israelis’ Lawyer, Response to HAARETZ on the Holocaust and Allegations of Anti-Semitism,  ‘Holohoax’ Girl Featured in…


Historian Norton Mezvinsky joins the truth jihad – for two full hours!

Fri.  5/24/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Norton Mezvinsky is a history professor emeritus at Central Connecticut State University, and President of the Council for Middle East Studies. His areas of expertise include Zionism and the Palestine conflict, terrorism, Judaic history, and immigration history and policy. Norton Mezvinsky is organizing a private event next week at which my friend Gilad Atzmon will be speaking to and with a select group of high-powered movers-and-shakers in Washington, DC. (I took Gilad to Ragstock here in Madison to buy the suit and tie he needs for this event.) Dr. Mezvinsky…

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