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Et tu, Neil Conan? NPR censors 9/11 truth – here’s how to defeat them

This afternoon Neil Conan told a man he was going to hang up on him, and he did so. Mr. Conan said that it had been scientifically proved that the towers had fallen from the airplanes that hit them…he was not going to give the man  a chance to continue his statement to the effect that we need more investigation.  I do not have a twitter or facebook connection, but it would be great if someone who does would address Mr. Conan’s hanging up on what I consider at the very least free speech.  Talk of the Nation should be…


Christopher Bollyn returns to the KB Show

Tuesday, October 11th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Christopher Bollyn, author of the important book Solving 9/11. He has a great new article out entitled Chicago’s Elders of Zion and Obama’s War for Profit. Highly recommended! Excerpts: “Because the scale of the war-for-profit scam is so immense, an example comparing what the money wasted on the wars could have bought for the American people is helpful: The U.S. military spends an estimated $20 billion a year just to air-condition its tents and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. This…


9/11 Conspiracy Theories Finally Laid to Rest

New Witnesses Prove Government Was Right After All 9/11 conspiracy theories have been laid to rest many times. But somehow they seem to keep bouncing back. A few years ago, the military released a few frames from one of its eighty security videos showing the attack on the Pentagon. As Sean Hannity said, “This will silence the conspiracy theorists.” And by all rights it should have. After all, if you enter a state of deep relaxation and watch those frames with your eyes closed and visualize a 757 hitting the Pentagon, you can almost see it – even if O’Reilly…


Pushing the Anthrax Envelope: Barry Kissin responds to NY Times admission that CIA-military “may have” made Ameri-thrax

The US government officially admits that the 9/11-follow-up anthrax mailings were a false-flag attack, originating from the US military-intelligence community, designed to demonize Muslims. How long before they admit that 9/11, the other phase of the same event, was equally false-flag? Barry Kissin, expert on the anthrax aspect of the 9/11-anthrax event, will be my guest on Truth Jihad Radio next Monday, October 17th, along with former BBC lead Mideast correspondent Alan Hart. Barry writes: A very real breakthrough occurred Monday on the front page of the NY Times. See The comment on this article I posted at was…


Fatty Bin Laden “confession video” : Fake or bogus?

I think the “Fatty Bin Laden smoking gun confession video” is fake. Maher Osserian thinks it is merely bogus. Actually, Maher doesn’t use that word. Professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, the leading Bin Laden expert, does. He says the Fatty Bin Laden video is not only bogus, but that all his friends on the 24/7 Bin Laden detail in Homeland Security KNOW it is bogus. (Listen to Bruce Lawrence ridicule and debunk the Fatty Bin Laden “confession video.”) Maher argues that the Fatty Bin Laden video, which the US government and media have cited as alleged proof of Bin…


Elias Davidsson debates Joshua Blakeney: Is Veterans Today wrong about Zionism-9/11 connection?

Elias Davidsson and Joshua Blakeney  are two of my favorite 9/11 researcher-activists. They recently copied me on this email exchange, which seems timely, since I just joined the staff at Veterans Today. Joshua and other Veterans Today writers will join me this week on Truth Jihad Radio; I have invited Elias as well, and hope to have him as a guest next week. Dear Josh, Is it true that you cooperate with Veterans Today?  If so, I wish to warn you that Veterans Today are most probably a covert operation aimed at destroying the 9/11 movement by peddling the “Israel…


Tony Farrell, honest anti-terror cop, joins TJ Radio today!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 9/19/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Peymon and Steve plus mystery guest… Second hour: Kevin interviews Tony Farrell, the whistle-blowing British police intelligence analyst (Principle Intelligence Analyst for the South Yorkshire Police) fired for writing an annual report on the “terror threat” exposing the 9/11 and 7/7 inside jobs. We’ll get an update on Tony Farrell’s employment discrimination court case, which poses the question: If you fire an anti-terror cop for going after the real terrorists, are you committing religious…


Today on TJ Radio: Toronto Hearings, Israeli Spying on U.S.

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 9/19/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Rolf Lingren discusses new developments in Ron Paul’s campaign; then Jim Fetzer comes to to discuss his new article on the Wellstone assassination, as well as the Toronto Hearings. (9/11 scholar Joshua Blakeney ( ) has just published a very interesting critique of the Toronto 9/11 Hearings, and will join Truth Jihad Radio next week.) Second hour: Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.…


Obama appoints 9/11 scriptwriter & master criminal Zelikow to Intelligence Advisory Board

Zelikow has admitted that the US public has been terrorized by nonexistent threats: “I’ll tell you what I think the real threat [is] and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel,” Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on September 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of September 11 and the future of the war on al-Qaeda.  “And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don’t care deeply about that threat, I will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn’t…


Safe to Breathe

I’m starting to recover from the toxic “official story fumes” emitted by the corporate media on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of 9/11. (Cough, choke, gag.) Unfortunately, a lot of good-hearted people – those who rushed to Ground Zero to try to save lives – are never going to recover from the toxic lies they breathed, thinking it was air. They’re dropping like flies, just like the Iraqis whose whole country is choking on depleted uranium – another kind of toxic dust. Maybe the first responders and the Iraqis will meet in Paradise. And for those agnostics and atheists…

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