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False Flag Weekly News 5-12-2018

1) PSA: Help get us through this difficult month   Stage set for Mideast Armageddon as US exits nuke deal & opens Jerusalem embassy   2) Beware the Ides of May!   3) Iran’s Revolutionary Guard welcomes Trump’s pullout from nuke deal  -Mark Glenn   4) U.S. Embassy to open in Jerusalem amid Palestinian outcry   5) We can’t deny the similarities (between Trump and Netanyahu –l both are kosher nostra gangsters)   6) Trump Admin Used An Israeli Company to dig up dirt on JCPOA Negotiators 7) US Court Ignored Fact That 9/11 Terrorists Were Not Iranians –…


False Flag Weekly News – Friday, May 4

1) PSAs  Help FFWN keep bringing the truth back to life! (Censored?) Gilad Atmon event WILL HAPPEN next Friday – inside or outside Wil-Mar Community Center   FFWN’s Jeremy Rothe-Kushel files free speech lawsuit  2) Lawrence Activist Sues Over Arrest At Kansas City Library Public Event Two Years Ago 3) Man arrested at Kansas City library event sues KCPD, Jewish Community Foundation Douma False Flag Exposed 4) Syria, Russia present witnesses of ‘staged’ gas attack 5 )Russia ‘won’t allow’ another US military action in Syria based on false flag – OPCW envoy MSM on False Flags and “Conspiracy Theories”…


False Flag Weekly News: Friday, April 20, 2018

Watch it above. Below are the stories we covered. PSA: False Flags Are Real — Help FFWN Keep Saying So! RT columnist admits “False Flags Are Real” (But Fails to Mention the 9/11 Elephant in the Living Room) Two Brave Women Tell Truth, Face Pushback Charlotte City Council Member Questions 9-11, Posts About Controlled Demolitions on Facebook MSM incites lynch mob vs. prof who spoke truth about Barbara Bush War on Syria: Douma False Flag Fallout Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive ‘To say Douma attack was staged is to enter…


FFWN: Can false flag awareness stop World War 3?

Watch False Flag Weekly News above. Click HERE for links to the stories, and HERE to support our work. On September 11, 2001, the only people who knew what false flag meant were the professional strategists who teach the tactic in military academies. Today, almost everyone has at least heard of the concept. Unfortunately, the world needs far more false flag education than it’s getting. Exhibit A: Trump’s recent bombing of Syria. That war crime (like so many war crimes) was triggered by  false flags: the “Skripal poisoning” and the “Douma poison gas attack.” Both of these stories were obvious…


FFWN: False flags backfire in Britain – voters repudiate lying establishment

1) PSA: Keep False Flag Weekly News on the air! 2) PSA: Support the Left Out Forum 3) Stephen M. Brown’s retraction and apology followed by Kevin Barrett’s response British Election and Its False Flags 4) False flag fail! “Corbyn swing” equals “mayhem for May” 5) Britain’s Conservatives Lose Majority 6) Jeremy Corbyn is now odds-on favourite to become next prime minister – did FFWN help Theresa May’s false flags backfire? 7) “This Is For Allah” – Six Killed In London Terrorist Rampage; Three Assailants Shot 8) London Bridge false flag alert – even CNN says “psy-op” 9) Dundee independence…


Jeremy Rothe-Kushel’s letter to Left Forum Board

Sent to the Left Forum Board:  Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is sitting in for Professor Anthony Hall as co-host of False Flag Weekly News today. To the Left Forum, Is it the case that the Left Forum has deliberatively come down on the historical side of “Never again…Unless the ongoing holocaust is against Arab &/or Muslim semitic peoples and their mainstream worldview & majority understandings of the racist, fraudulent, scapegoat terrorism targeted at them by a garrison Jewish warfare state & its aligned fascist thugs in the ‘West?’ So, the mass slaughter of thousands of Semitic men, women…


Syria sarin scandal: EVERYBODY’S saying “false flag”

CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE LIST OF STORIES WE COVERED ON THIS WEEK’S FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS Experts Say Assad Is Right, It Was a False Flag 6) Letter from MIT Scientist: Sarin attack was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft  7) Former DIA Colonel: “US strikes on Syria based on a lie” 8) Former British Ambassador To Syria Warns That ‘Fake Flag’ Attacks Are Being Used And Will Increase 9) Trump Lied: Fmr. Ambassador Peter Ford Busts False Flag Gas Attack 10) Alt-right blogger praised by Donald Trump Jr labels Syrian chemical attack a ‘false…


False Flag Weekly News off the air this week

False Flag Weekly News, the only weekly news show focusing on false flags and the mega-deceptions that rule our world, won’t be broadcasting this week. No, I didn’t have another fight with Jim Fetzer. No, I haven’t started fighting with Tony Hall. Nor is Tony fighting with Jim. Actually we all get along fine! But unfortunately our producer, Allan Rees, is temporarily indisposed…so we expect to be back next week, God willing, with a whole lot of stories too important for the mainstream to honestly cover. To help keep FFWN on the air, click HERE. Meanwhile, here are some of…

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