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Trump Asserts “Total and Absolute Control Over Everything”—Except His Mouth

Dissociated Press At this morning’s press briefing, Donald Trump claimed that he has “absolute power” and “total control” over coronavirus, the nation’s governors, whether or not people are allowed to leave their homes, the efficacy of coronavirus cures he and Jared Kushner have invested in, and “everything else in America, the world, the solar system, the galaxy, and the whole universe.” In response to a reporter’s challenge, Trump responded: “With the president of the United States, the omnipotence is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be.” Trump’s assertion—that the powers of the US president are absolute—took Constitutional scholars…


Trump Doubles Down: America Will Be “Opened Up and Raring to Go” on April Fool’s Day

Dissociated Press After being raked over the coals for telling Americans to “pack the pews on Easter Sunday” (which falls on April 12) Donald Trump has upped the ante, calling for Americans to celebrate April Fool’s Day on  Wednesday, April 1, with “YUUUUGE gatherings of happy Fools.” “Why wait for Easter? Why not be Foolish next Wednesday?” Trump tweeted. The President is urging people to break out of self-imposed quarantine on April 1 and pack themselves tightly together in town squares, auditoriums, and stadiums in crowds of tens or even hundreds of thousands, celebrating premature victory over coronavirus by playing…


Trump Demonstrates Use of Condoms to Prevent Spread of Covid-19

Dissociated Press At a press conference this morning President Donald Trump announced a novel solution to the coronavirus problem: condoms. “We now have it totally under control, it’s going to be just fine. All you have to do is wear a condom when you go out in public,” Trump explained. The President proceeded to extract a foil packet containing a condom from his shirt pocket, open the packet, remove the condom, and pull it down over his head. As Trump mumbled guttural noises from within the rubber encasement, First Son-in-Law Jared Kusher explained: “My shadow coronavirus task force has solved…


U.S.-backed ‘peace process’ in Afghanistan is a charade: Balkan Post interviews Kevin Barrett

“The U.S. will ultimately have to admit defeat and leave Afghanistan,” Kevin Barrett said in an interview with the Balkans Post, adding, “But the current ‘troop reduction’ is an election-year ploy by Trump.” Balkans Post Balkans Post: More than 18 years have passed since the United States invaded Afghanistan. What goals and strategies has the U.S. pursued in Afghanistan? Has the U.S. been successful? Kevin Barrett: The U.S. originally claimed it was invading Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda’s base of operations there, and to remove the supposedly al-Qaeda-supporting Taliban government from power. But this pretext was a lie. The Taliban had…


Channel Islam (South Africa) Interview on “Deal of the Century,” Impeachment

Listen HERE Channel Islam of Durban, South Africa—unlike US-based mainstream outlets—is free to host frank discussions of Zionist organized crime and its hold on the current occupant of the White House. It’s sad but telling that Americans need to tune into foreign media to hear the truth about their own country. Heads-up: Friday’s live show (8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio) will feature E. Michael Jones on Super Bowl Decadence and #MayorCheat. Then in the second hour Jeff Brown comes on live from China to talk about the coronavirus outbreak, which he sees as a probable US-sponsored biowar attack.…


Trump’s Insane “Deal” – Kevin Barrett & Mike Springmann Throw Rotten Fruit

US President Donald Trump has repeated his hugely-controversial endorsement of occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “undivided capital” as he outlined his administration’s self-styled plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which Palestinians have already dismissed. (Press TV)


LaRouche Associate Dennis Speed: Trump Blasts “Prophets of Doom” at Davos

Listen HERE Dennis Speed of LaRouche Pac met Lyndon LaRouche 50 years ago and has worked with the LaRouche Organization over much of that time. Today he joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss an interesting six-minute passage from Trump’s recent speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Dennis views the speech as a slap in the face of the ecofascist global elite. He thinks Trump still could conceivably “make America great again” by issuing public currency to build infrastructure. Obviously I disagree; I think Trump is a fool who lacks the courage, vision, and intelligence to take on…


Trump Impeachment Exposes Rotten USA: Kevin Barrett interviewed by Radio Islam International

Donald Trump has committed enormous crimes. But the Democrats are helping him cover them up, and focusing on his relatively minor transgressions. The whole American system is rotten to the core. It has lost its spiritual grounding and has no regard for truth or justice.


Trump’s Shameless Murder of Soleimani Will Kill Thousands of US Troops — By Suicide

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Each and every day, an average of 20 American veterans take their own lives. The standard diagnosis is PTSD. But that catch-all label conceals the deeper reality: The biggest single factor driving veteran depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide is shame. Veterans know that US attacks against Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran are unjust. They have seen, and in some cases participated in, horrifically immoral behavior. Invading someone else’s country is the supreme war crime, the worst crime that a human being can commit according to the Nuremburg Principles, and it encompasses and leads…


Trump fails rudimentary White House IQ test, orders Soleimani killed—advisors now hinting Trump is insane

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The New York Times reported today that when Trump was offered the option to murder Gen. Qassem Soleimani, it was framed as an insane measure that obviously nobody in their right mind would choose. As the Times understated the case: “In the chaotic days leading to the death of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s most powerful commander, top American military officials put the option of killing him — which they viewed as the most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq — on the menu they presented to President Trump. “They didn’t think…

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