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Godfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution

Listen HERE Is comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution…an insult to the Cultural Revolution?! Godfree Roberts takes issue with my essay comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. He says the Cultural Revolution didn’t kill tens of millions, but in fact lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and set China on the road to success. Godfree Roberts writes: “I suggest we start with my Unz article on the Cultural Revolution. And you might recommend listeners read The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, by Dongping Han, an American history professor who grew to adulthood during the CR. It’s a wonderful little…


US biological warfare against China could lead to World War III

By Kevin Barrett A number of interesting developments here in the United States and in China suggest that there is something very strange going on regarding the coronavirus and the US government. We are now hearing from the Chinese government itself, as well as from Chinese social media, which is normally restricted, but in this case, it’s actually seems that people are being encouraged to post the same kinds of questions that we just heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang, who suggested that the United States military brought coronavirus to China. US military might have brought…


Ian Henshall on BBC: Coronavirus Scare Stories are “Rubbish”

Listen HERE Ian Henshall of, author of 9/11: The New Evidence,  unwittingly found himself with a front row seat at the coronavirus-panic media carnival: “By a stroke of chance my next door neighbour is the guy who accidentally infected people here in the UK with the corona virus. This has meant that there are lots of newshounds from the MSM hanging around in the street outside with an agenda to create panic. “They were talking about ‘panic in Brighton.’ But the only panic was coming from the Daily Mail correspondent. (See screenshots below. -KB) I thought the important thing…


Jeff Brown of Bioweapon Truth Commission: Coronavirus Is Biowar on China

Listen HERE Jeff Brown, author of China Rising, discusses the coronavirus epidemic, which he argues looks like a US biological warfare attack on China, as explained in Jeff’s conversation with a retired US special services guy who goes by the pseudonym Uriah Heep. Jeff is a co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, which just got handed a whole lot more work by whoever weaponized and unleashed the coronavirus. For more information suggesting the coronovirus pandemic may not be an accident, see: FFWN‘s Helen Buyniski: Coronavirus a “Drill Gone Live”?  Whitney Webb: Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise…


China: Brutal or Benign? Ellen Brown vs. Peter Myers! Plus: Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3

Listen HERE Ellen Brown rebuts the anti-China position Peter Myers articulated on my previous show. Peter Myer responds.  One key issue: Has China been making tremendous strides towards ecological sustainability, as Andre Vltchek and John Cobb argue?  We’ll reference Ellen’s latest article on the Green New Deal and how to finance it. Ellen says China’s mostly-public banking sector points the way toward a better and more sustainable way of doing business. She adds that China like all countries has corrupt elements and negative aspects, but that we shouldn’t let negatives dominate our perception of the country as a whole. Peter…


Welcome to 2020! Baghdad Anti-US Uprising, Pros and Cons of the Rise of China

Listen HERE First 25 minutes: Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News and yours truly join Iranian broadcaster Press TV to discuss the rebellion in Baghdad’s Green Zone, where protestors angered by the US killing more than 30 members of Iraq’s armed forces are threatening to break into the American Embassy. Don’t miss the passionate 9/11 truth rant at the end of the segment (if you like that sort of thing). Note: Jason Unruhe agrees with Peter Myers that China is now an oppressive capitalist imperialist power, not a socialist country. Second half hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the…


John Cobb and Andre Vltcheck discuss “China and Ecological Civilization”

Listen HERE John Cobb is one of the world’s most important thinkers. The leading light in process philosophy/theology, he has authored over 40 books and edited 16 more (including 9/11 and American Empire v.2, which I co-edited). Andre Vltchek is one of the world’s most important journalists. Long ago he left the Western “comfort zone” and never looked back, traveling incessantly, observing trenchantly, and reporting on places that the mainstream correspondents never get to or never really see. Since meeting John Cobb on a bus in North Korea, the leftist-atheist journalist and the eminent theologian have been engaging in a…


Kevin Annett on Vatican ritual abuse, Jeff Brown on Western anti-China propaganda

Broadcast live Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Kevin Annett is a former United Church of Canada minister turned author and indigenous peoples advocate. He is best known for exposing rampant abuse in Canadian residential schools for Native Americans. Kevin Annett is the author of Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada, Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion, and other books. He also made the award winning documentary film Unrepentant. Tonight’s conversation will focus on the current “abuse crisis” in the Catholic church. Kevin Annett says it’s worse than you realize. He writes of…


Peter Koenig on US (trade) wars on China, Iran, Syria, Russia…and pretty much everybody else

Listen HERE Guest: Ex-World Bank economist Peter Koenig. Under Trump the US is picking a trade war with China, the rising #1 threat to American global hegemony…and getting ready to confront the Middle Kingdom militarily, not only in the South China Sea, but also along the “string of pearls” of the Indian Ocean region, and the larger Belt and Road initiative to unite Eurasia free of Atlanticist influence. But the Americans can’t ever seem to get enough enemies, so they are simultaneously fighting Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and even launching trade wars against their own occupied “allies”! But…


Jeff Brown, Peter Myers on China vs. US hegemony

Broadcast live, Friday, June 8, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on http://Revolution.Radio First hour: Jeff Brown, author of China Rising.’ Second hour: Peter Myers of Topic: Peter Myers recently sent out the following email digest: China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs, trapdoor in computers it supplied to African Union   (1) The China Threat meets US hegemony (2) China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs in Xinjiang (3) China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like Palestine, with Apartheid too (4) China planted a trapdoor in computers it supplied to headquarters of African Union (5) China’s ‘debtbook…

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