Linh Dinh on Hyperreal vs. Authentic

Listen HERE The brilliant Linh Dinh‘s latest, an interview with João Guimaraes, includes reflections on the hyperreal vs. authentic (i.e. mediated vs. reality). Synchronistically, my latest essay begins: “There are disasters, and there are media representations of disasters. But what if representations are the worst disasters of all?” Even more synchronistically: Last Monday night, after I had triumphantly finished that piece on the horrors of life on the internet, which includes a rant against cell phones and a modest amount of bragging about how I do everything on only one device—a laptop—I used “force shutdown” to turn off my laptop…


Helen Buyniski on “Never Forget to Never Forget (Or Else)” (subbing for this week’s FFWN)

Video link Audio link The bad news is that there’s no False Flag Weekly News this week. Why not? 1) Previous week’s Fundrazr came up short – please fix! and make next week’s show happen: 2) My computer froze. The good news is that Helen Buyniski has returned to do an interview on her scintillating new article “Never Forget to Never Forget (or Else).” Enjoy! Excerpts from Helen’s article: “One might question the sanity of a group that devotes millions of dollars and countless lifetimes to analyzing every negative sentiment ever expressed about it in a way that categorically denies…


LIVE RADIO! Linh Dinh on Hyperreal vs. Authentic; Cat McGuire on UN COVID Treaty Demonstration

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: The brilliant Linh Dinh‘s latest, an interview with João Guimaraes, includes reflections on the hyperreal vs. authentic (i.e. mediated vs. reality). Synchronistically, my latest essay begins: “There are disasters, and there are media representations of disasters. But what if representations are the worst disasters of all?” Even more synchronistically: Last Monday night, after I had triumphantly finished that piece on the horrors of life on the internet, which includes a rant against cell phones and a modest amount of bragging about how I do everything on only…


E. Michael Jones on #BanTheADL

Listen HERE Dr. E. Michael Jones, one of the world’s leading critics of the Anti-Defamation League, shares his thoughts on the viral hashtag #BanTheADL—which garnered support from Elon Musk, whipping up MSM hysteria and raising hopes that one of the world’s nastiest organizations may get taken down within our lifetimes. So did the ADL finally pick on someone its own size? Did it finally pick on the wrong goy, I mean, guy? Will Musk, with his impending lawsuit, push the ADL into bankruptcy before the ADL bankrupts him? Though the ADL calls itself a civil rights group, a more apt description…


Meryl Nass on WHO Pandemic Treaty & UN PPPR Program

Listen HERE   Dr. Meryl Nass takes time out of her busy schedule to return to Truth Jihad Radio! (She was a regular guest on this show, where she exposed the COVID origins coverup, before she was famous.) Next Tuesday, Sept. 19, Maine’s medical licensing board will conclude its hearing on revoking Dr. Nass’s license to practice medicine. Then the following day, Wednesday, Sept. 20, the UN will roll out its own PPPR (pandemic prevention, preparedness and response) program, coordinated to accompany the controversial World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Treaty. A protest against the PPPR and WHO Treaty will be held…


LIVE RADIO! Meryl Nass on WHO Pandemic Treaty & UN PPPR Program; E. Michael Jones on #BanTheADL

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Dr. Meryl Nass takes time out of her busy schedule to return to Truth Jihad Radio! (She was a regular guest on this show, where she exposed the COVID origins coverup, before she was famous.) Next Tuesday, Sept. 19, Maine’s medical licensing board will conclude its hearing on revoking Dr. Nass’s license to practice medicine. Then the following day, Wednesday, Sept. 20, the UN will roll out its own PPPR (pandemic prevention, preparedness and response) program, coordinated to accompany the controversial World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Treaty. A…


Michael Walsh on Medvedev’s ominous warning

Listen HERE Michael Walsh, AFP’s Spain-based Europe correspondent, joins me, Kevin Barrett, AFP’s North Africa correspondent, for a little trans-Mediterranean dialogue. In his recent American Free Press article Michael Walsh notes that Putin’s right-hand man, Dmitry Medvedev,  advocates “the reduction of Kiev to ashes” and says the defeat of the West is “inevitable.” The reason should have been obvious to Western policy-makers from the get-go: “For Western countries, it is a distant conflict but for Russia, it is a war of self-preservation…” Or to use the hackneyed and somewhat un-Muslim metaphor on involvement vs. commitment: In a ham-and-eggs breakfast, the…


MSM: An Ongoing Disaster! (K. Barrett Bilali joins False Flag Weekly News)

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays PSAs 1) Help FFWN Knock Down Towers of Deception 2) 9/11 Truth Callers Light Up C-Span Switchboard on 22nd Anniversary (starting around 17 minute mark) Libya Disaster 3) Why did Derna’s dams break when Storm Daniel hit Libya? Morocco Earthquake 4) Marrakesh Earthquake death toll rises while Morocco refuses aid from numerous nations 5) Morocco Earthquake: France Has Crossed the Threshold of Tolerability 6) Morocco’s Quake Zone Now Fears for Its Livelihood, Too 7) After the Earthquake in Morocco, Tourists Grapple With the…


Edward Curtin says “We are pissing our lives away on abstractions”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin‘s new essay is “Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace.” He writes: “We are pissing our lives away on abstractions, forgetting that notation is a system of symbols that direct us to what they intend.  The key is to grasp what is intended.  The cognitive construction of the number system is a useful tool, but when it is pushed as the essential tool to grasp the meaning of life it has become a tool of control…The Internet and digital media are the greatest propaganda tools ever invented.  They have come to us on…