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E. Michael Jones on #BanTheADL

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Dr. E. Michael Jones, one of the world’s leading critics of the Anti-Defamation League, shares his thoughts on the viral hashtag #BanTheADL—which garnered support from Elon Musk, whipping up MSM hysteria and raising hopes that one of the world’s nastiest organizations may get taken down within our lifetimes. So did the ADL finally pick on someone its own size? Did it finally pick on the wrong goy, I mean, guy? Will Musk, with his impending lawsuit, push the ADL into bankruptcy before the ADL bankrupts him?

Though the ADL calls itself a civil rights group, a more apt description might be “organized crime ring.” For the appalling details, check out Ron Unz’s “The ADL in American Society” and his recent “Elon Musk and the True History of the ADL.”

Incidentally, I have a 15-year history with the ADL which might be summarized as: They defame me, I challenge them to debate, they ignore me. Rinse and repeat.

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