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Karin Brothers on 7/7 false flag anniversary

Broadcast live Friday June 29 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio Both hours: Canadian journalist Karin Brothers notes that we are approaching the 13th anniversary of the 7/7/2005 false flag London bombings. Her draft notes detailing the British authorities’ appalling mass murder and coverup are appended below. (Projected 2nd hour guest Ralph Rodehag couldn’t make it.) — Draft Notes on London bombings of July 7, 2005 by Karin Brothers Significance of the London bombings of July 7th, 2005: War on terror became war on Islam: now, respected Muslim neighbors might murder in the name of Islam. The perception that all…


Ibrahim Soudy on Supreme Court upholds Trump’s Muslim ban; Scott Bennett on Iran’s plans to take the real 9/11 criminals to court

Listen HERE First half hour: Trump’s Muslim ban has only one cause: the Islamophobia intentionally created by the 9/11 false flag operation. Yet most Americans, including American Muslims, are sleepwalking into an ever-worsening nightmare. Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer and member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, says that science is now a dead letter in America…and American culture is a disease, with no cure on the horizon. Second half hour: Scott Bennett, the whistleblowing former US Army psy-ops officer and one-time assistant to 9/11 suspect Dov Zakheim, discusses how he, along with former Wolfowitz colleague Michael Maloof…


Ron Ridenour on “The Russian Peace Threat”

Listen HERE Is Russia a threat to peace? Or is peace the threat, and Russia the pretext? Today’s guest Ron Ridenour says it’s the US military empire that craves endless war. Russia, he says, has been pro-peace and defensive in its orientation since at least the 1917 revolution…and in some ways for centuries before that. The Russian Peace Threat begins: “United States leaders have the gall to accuse Russia, and the Soviet Union earlier, of being a threat to world peace, of annexing foreign territory, of meddling in the affairs of other nations even the greatest free country in the…


Mytchell Mora on “Newly tech-restored Zapruder film proves JFK Conspiracy”; Anab Whitehouse on “Unscientific America, 9/11, Sam Harris and Noam Chomsky”

Broadcast live Friday June 22,  8 to 10 pm Central on Revolution.Radio 1st hour: Mytchell Mora, a mainstream news producer from the LA area, has produced many investigative reports. He writes: “Newly devleloped tech- restored Zapruder film proves that President Kennedy was killed by more than one gunman !!!!!  The President’s motorcade shows two objects breaking the windshield twice coming from the front of the windshield proving that the Warren commission was wrong and or lied on purpose !!! Easy to see video for ANYONE to watch and notice for themselves !!!  What ???   A newly restored, stabilized and…


Greg Felton: American politics is a living joke

Listen HERE In his latest satirical article, ex-mainstream journalist Greg Felton asks: “What do you get when you mash together The Beverly Hillbillies, House of Cards and The Godfather?” I’ll tell you what you get: A Living Joke!, the first political satire that is also a reality TV show!” Is Greg referring to the Trump presidency, its Democratic deep state opponents, or all of the above? Tune in and find out! Final 20 minutes: Kevin reads his prescient 2013 article “Will Israel Merge With Saudi Arabia?”


Ibrahim Soudy on Trump regime’s “Islamic Reformation”; Pastor Don Grahn interviews Kevin Barrett

Listen HERE First half hour: Ibrahim Soudy, Ph.D. Structural Engineering is one of the most highly qualified members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth…and one of America’s most eloquent Muslim voices.  In this interview we discuss the recent Intercept article LEAKED STATE DEPARTMENT MEMO ADVISED TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO PUSH FOR “ISLAMIC REFORMATION.” Second half hour: Pastor Don Grahn’s youtube channel has been repeatedly censored. But that hasn’t stopped him from inviting controversial guests on his Truth v New$ show. In this edition we discuss the New Horizons conference in Iran; Pompeo’s absurd ultimatum to Iran (written by the terrorist group MEK);…


Tom Mysiewicz on Trumpworld, solar minimum; Elana Freeland on “Under an Ionized Sky”

First hour: Tom Mysiewicz writes: “Forget about ‘Russian meddling’ in the 2016 election. There was no ‘Russian meddling’–but I don’t doubt there was a powerful Religious Cult and the Russian-Israeli mob meddling in that election.” And: “The agricultural aspect also requires a discussion of where food supplies will be heading for the next 3-5 years–down–due to the global cooling from the solar minimum (also causing the volcanoes.)”  But is the big oncoming climate threat really “natural” global cooling (or warming)—or rather, as Elana Freeland suggests, potentially catastrophic human climate manipulation? Second hour: Elana Freeland‘s Under an Ionized Sky argues that “weather…


Peter Koenig on Trump-Kim meeting, currency wars, Iran/Venezuela vs. NWO

Listen HERE Whistleblowing former World Bank economist Peter Koenig helps us make sense of seemingly bizarre recent developments, including: Trump blows up the G7 then meets Kim Jong Un (a ploy to split Russia from China?) Iran, Russia, and Venezuela abandon the US dollar; Pompeo and Bolton threaten Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history” while dreaming of handing Tehran to MEK terrorists; all this as Netanyahu tries to drag the US into war on Iran for Israel. Will it end well? Peter Koening thinks it actually could. Tune in and find out how. Peter Koenig is an economist and…


Jeff Brown, Peter Myers on China vs. US hegemony

Broadcast live, Friday, June 8, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on http://Revolution.Radio First hour: Jeff Brown, author of China Rising.’ Second hour: Peter Myers of Topic: Peter Myers recently sent out the following email digest: China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs, trapdoor in computers it supplied to African Union   (1) The China Threat meets US hegemony (2) China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs in Xinjiang (3) China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like Palestine, with Apartheid too (4) China planted a trapdoor in computers it supplied to headquarters of African Union (5) China’s ‘debtbook…


Ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling breaks down Bilderberg 2018

Listen HERE What nefarious deeds are the New World Order elites plotting at this year’s Bilderberg conference, running from June 7 to 10 in Turin, Italy? Let’s ask former BBC journalist Tony Gosling of (Tony obtained that url in the 1990s; needless to say, it isn’t the official one!) Tony reports: The 66th Bilderberg Meeting to take place from 7 – 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy TURIN, 5 JUNE 2018 –The 66th Bilderberg Meeting is set to take place from 7 – 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy. As of today, 131 participants from 23 countries have confirmed…

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