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Historian/novelist Dr. James Hufferd on Col. Crystal’s defense-only military; Ph.D. structural engineer Ibrahim Soudy on 9/11 & WW2 lies

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: James Hufferd, Ph.D. geologist/historian, advocate of a defense-only military, and coordinator of, writes: “My new book, Colonel Crystal’s Parallel Universe, (189 pages) is officially published today, May 15, by Trine Day…It’s based on two premises, or questions. The first, partly for my own bemusement, but serious, was: Would it be possible for a very high-ranking U.S. military officer to develop the same critical dissident view of United States foreign policy practices, tactics, and especially, the multi-faceted brutal nonstop war on humankind, ultimately including its own helpless people at…


Novelist Philip Kraske on “11/9”

Listen HERE “Nuclear blackmail! America’s iconic symbols attacked! The nation is terrorized again. Not only that, but it emerges that one of the terrorists is still on the loose…” That’s from the publicity for Philip Kraske‘s excellent new novel 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bansai Trees. It’s a great read—and one of the most plausible fictional portrayals of false flag terror you’re ever likely to come across. Most of us who continue to do research on 9/11 focus primarily on the question of what really happened that day. There will eventually be a definitive answer to that question that…


Adam Green of KnowMoreNews on censorship; Binoy Kampmark on Assange

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Adam Green of makes his debut appearance on Truth Jihad Radio to discuss the free speech vs. censorship battle—and certain sensitive topics the censors don’t want you to hear about. Adam is one of the alternative media’s most passionate and accurate critics of Zionist power in general, and Likudnik messianic millenarianism in particular. Is Chabad Lubavich really plotting to install a Jerusalem-based one-world government? Are they planning to blow up Masjid al-Aqsa and build a blood sacrifice temple in its place? Would their “messiah” be the Antichrist? Do…


The Saker on National Zionism, Venezuela, and the Twilight of Empire

Listen HERE The Saker is a former NATO military analyst, now a leading alternative media commentator. In this interview we discuss “The Great Fraud of National Zionism” and “The Breathtaking Weakness of the Empire” as displayed in Venezuela. Bottom line: “The Empire only appears to be strong. In reality it is weak, confused, clueless and, most importantly, run by a sad gang of incompetent thugs who think that they can scare everybody into submission in spite of not having won a single significant war since 1945. The inability to break the will of the people of Venezuela is only the latest…


Kerry Bolton: Islamophobia is the conservatism of fools

Listen HERE Kerry Bolton, a notable conservative thinker from New Zealand, publishes at Arktos Journal—and drew police attention after the Christchurch shootings. (Kerry’s description of the police visit to his home is a must-hear.) Obviously the cops were barking up the wrong tree. Far from being an Islamophobe like the Christchurch shooter(s) and the neocons behind them, Kerry Bolton is the author of a terrific three part series “Islamophobia: Trojan Horse Amidst the Right.” Read it:  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 While real conservatives like Kerry Bolton (and conspiracy radio hosts like Vinnie Eastwood) are getting swarmed by New Zealand…


John Shuck on his pilgrimage to Karbala; Cat McGuire and Andrew Blair debate the term “holohoax”

Listen HERE First hour: John Shuck is a Presbytarian pastor and KBOO Portland radio host with an exemplary commitment to truth and justice. (Check out his Palm Sunday and Easter sermons.) We discuss his Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, the subject of his new documentary film For Love of Hussain (A.S.)…as well as the subject of my article “Arbaeen: The World’s Biggest Event.” We also discuss the ongoing annihilation of free speech and free thought by the forces of Orwellian censorship—including those that pressured the KBOO board to force John to cancel his planned interview with me. (Negotiations aimed at rescinding…


Thierry Meyssan on the 9/11 wars: The mainstream version is a pack of lies

Listen HERE At the beginning of 2002, just a few months after 9/11, Thierry Meyssan wrote the biggest blockbuster in French publishing history, L’Effrayeuse imposture. Meyssan convinced French president Chirac, and the whole Muslim world, that 9/11 was a fraud. His book was the most important single factor leading to France’s refusal to join the US war on Iraq. Meyssan’s bestseller was perhaps the most important and influential 9/11 truth book of all time, because it came out early enough to have a major impact on history. Now Meyssan is out with a new book providing an alternative perspective on…


Randy Short on the War on Religion & ID politics; Ken Meyercord on Mueller Report & Russia/Israel-gate

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio Studio A First hour: Washington, DC based pastor and activist Dr. Randy Short comments on the War on Religion—including the wave of apparent false flags targeting houses of worship. (See my article “Simultaneous Notre Dame/Al-Aqsa Fires: Coincidence or Conspiracy?“) Dr. Short, a true native son of Washington DC (descended from Jamestown colonists, Martha Washington, enslaved Africans, and Native Americans) also discusses some of the nuances of identity politics issues that are overlooked or censored in the mainstream. Second hour:  Journalist and TV host Ken Meyercord (also based in Washington, DC) writes: “I attended an…


Ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling questions my Islamic eschatology

Listen HERE Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling hosts a Bristol UK based radio show “Politics This Week.” To my mind he is one of the most interesting voices out of the UK. In this interview, recorded for Politics This Week, Tony asks me about Islam in general and my views on Islamic eschatology in particular, which have been heavily influenced by the brilliant work of Shaykh Imran Hosein.


Peter Koenig: “This Empire Is Going Down”

Listen HERE Is the Anglo-Zionist Empire on its way out? If so, what comes next? Whistleblowing ex-World Bank economist Peter Koenig joins us to ponder such questions—and to parse details including the possible implosion of NATO, China’s arrival in Europe and eventual victory over the US, Pompeo and Bolton’s farcical attempt to stop Iran from exporting oil, the stalemate in Venezuela, and Likudnik-Messianic Israel’s madcap attempt to rule the Middle East and the world.  

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