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The Saker on National Zionism, Venezuela, and the Twilight of Empire

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The Saker is a former NATO military analyst, now a leading alternative media commentator. In this interview we discuss “The Great Fraud of National Zionism” and “The Breathtaking Weakness of the Empire” as displayed in Venezuela. Bottom line: “The Empire only appears to be strong. In reality it is weak, confused, clueless and, most importantly, run by a sad gang of incompetent thugs who think that they can scare everybody into submission in spite of not having won a single significant war since 1945. The inability to break the will of the people of Venezuela is only the latest symptom of this mind-boggling weakness.”

One Thought to “The Saker on National Zionism, Venezuela, and the Twilight of Empire”

  1. Amin Abdullah

    “The inability to break the will of the people of Venezuela is only the latest symptom of this mind-boggling weakness.”

    That statement is a bit unfair- to say the least – to the folks of Venezuela.

    First of all, by his very nature, a bully is just a weak and insecure parasite, pretending what he is not. Second, when a bully is not able to break somebody that he bullies, it is a testimony that the bully chose the wrong target, for the target has heart, courage and integrity.

    For instance, the muslims at large being played with and terrorized in so many ways all over the planet, is not a testimony that those bullying them are strong, but it is a testimony that the muslims as a community lack heart, courage and integrity. They have long forgotten that it is Allah Who Has All the Power, so they readily bend and cave in to any bully. “Muslims” on the outside with their beards, hijabs, “salam-alaykum” and rituals. Idiots, selfish, scared, cowards, and comfort-lovers on the inside.

    I think the same regarding the millions of black Africans who were brought as slaves to the american continent, by a tiny minority of slave traders and farmers.

    Same thing for the people of the so-called “west” : being bullied by big pharma, FDA, CDC, biotech companies, the courts, the bankers and a whole bunch of narcissistic bureaucrats.

    Am I controversial enough ?. Am I politically correct enough ?. Please don’t tell my mother-in-law !!.

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