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LaRouche Associate Dennis Speed: Trump Blasts “Prophets of Doom” at Davos

Listen HERE Dennis Speed of LaRouche Pac met Lyndon LaRouche 50 years ago and has worked with the LaRouche Organization over much of that time. Today he joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss an interesting six-minute passage from Trump’s recent speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Dennis views the speech as a slap in the face of the ecofascist global elite. He thinks Trump still could conceivably “make America great again” by issuing public currency to build infrastructure. Obviously I disagree; I think Trump is a fool who lacks the courage, vision, and intelligence to take on…


Linh Dinh in Laos: White Immigrant Invasion Alert!

Listen HERE And read Linh’s new article (featuring material discussed in this interview) HERE. Some of my Veterans Today friends and colleagues (readers as well as editors) visited Southeast Asia in the 1960s. Their task: Spread death and degeneracy on behalf of Operation Apocalypse Now. Today, Westerners are still spreading death and degeneracy in Southeast Asia, but in a kinder and gentler way—at least if you consider drunken headbutting and corrupting the local women as kinder and gentler than bombing the sh*t out of the place and corrupting the local women. Anyone with eyes to see knows the West is…


Henry Herskovitz on Zionist Lawfare vs. 1st Amendment

Listen HERE First hour: Henry Herskovitz of Ann Arbor, MI is the prime target of an 86-page lawsuit filed last month by Marvin Gerber. Henry, who visited Palestine two decades ago and saw the suffering of Palestinian genocide victims, has been leading anti-Zionist protests outside the Beth Israel Synagogue every Saturday for the past sixteen years. On January 6, Henry explained to the Ann Arbor City Council why he leads the Beth Israel protests, and got pushback from a City Councilman named Ackerman. Below is Henry’s email. * “Anti-Semitism in modern America looks exactly like Mr. Herskovitz” Thus spoke Ann…


Geopolitical Experts The Saker & Eric Walberg on the Shocking Murder of Gen. Soleimani—& Looming WW3?

Listen HERE First 25 minutes: The Saker is one of the alternative media’s leading geopolitical/strategic thinkers. He says he literally couldn’t believe the news that Trump murdered Gen. Soleimani, thinking it must be a mistranslation: “It’s beyond outrageous. They’re freaking out because they’re losing power, and they need to reassert themselves. There’s a vital need, both internal and external, to reimpose the image of the hegemon that you cannot defy with impunity. And I think that kind of primitive restatement, re-establishment, of hegemony is what’s behind (the assassination).” The Saker says Trump and Pompeo “are both arrogant, both narcissistic, and…


Andre Vltchek and Peter Koenig Defend Iran

Listen HERE Is the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran and its allies a stronghold of decency and goodness, standing bravely against the forces of evil arrayed against it? That’s pretty much how it looks to me. Today’s guests Andre Vltchek and Peter Koenig do not disagree. First half hour: Author and journalist Andre Vltchek defends Iran against Western lies. Andre Vltchek says: “Iran, one of the proudest, oldest civilizations on Earth, is being demonized even when it acts in a very humane and civilized way. Iran was attacked. One of its great commanders, General Soleimani, admired all over the…


Alan Sabrosky and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel on Madman Trump’s Attack on Iran, and More

Listen HERE Two legendary truth warriors, Dr. Alan Sabrosky (“The Most Censored Man in America“) and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel discuss Trump’s war on Iran…and the neocon-Zionist power behind it. Among other topics, we discuss Jeremy’s hypothesis that Iran’s accidental shootdown of Ukrainian airliner PS752 could have been the result of cyber-hacking of Iran’s Russian-supplied air defense equipment. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, spent ten years in Marine Corps. He is the former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute where he held the position of The Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. Some view Dr. Sabrosky, the best known…


Ken Meyercord on Trump’s Insane War on Iran, and Other Free Speech Issues

Listen HERE Ken Meyercord is the author of “Immoral Injury,” the heart of my recent Veterans Today post “Trump’s Shameless Murder of Soleimani Will Kill Thousands of US Troops—By Suicide.” Ken is also a fearless truth warrior who attends think-tank-sponsored events in the Washington, DC area and asks the hard questions. Watch him intervene during the Q&A at the SETA Foundation’s forum on US war on Iran (at the 1:02:50 minute mark) asking about a near-future Iran-liberates-Iraq-from-US-occupation scenario. Concerning which, he writes: “The SETA event took place on Tuesday, before Iran retaliated with missiles. The moderator collected 5 questions at…


Cynthia McKinney on US War on Iran & More

Listen HERE First 40 minutes: Cynthia McKinney Ph.D., former six-term Congressional representative and Green Party Presidential candidate has just returned to the United States from Bangladesh, where she teaches at North South University. During her trip the news broke about Trump ordering the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, effectively declaring war on Iran. In this conversation we discuss the Iran situation and related issues, including the power of the Israel lobby in the United States—a topic on which Dr. McKinney has been quite outspoken. Toward the end of the interview, we ask: What would it take to transform the current awareness…


Myers-Brown Debate Pt. 2; Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3

Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Ellen Brown and Peter Myers continue their debate on the rise of China. Final 30 minutes: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today, discusses Trump’s murder of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and what it portends for the rest of 2020. Hint: It isn’t good! Gordon just published “Trump’s War on Iran: A Bullet in the head for America.” Excerpt: “General Soleimani is being smeared as is the Quds Force.  For those of us who know the facts, who are combat veterans and security specialists, Soleimani is Robert E. Lee (yes, VT would keep his statues up despite…


China: Brutal or Benign? Ellen Brown vs. Peter Myers! Plus: Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3

Listen HERE Ellen Brown rebuts the anti-China position Peter Myers articulated on my previous show. Peter Myer responds.  One key issue: Has China been making tremendous strides towards ecological sustainability, as Andre Vltchek and John Cobb argue?  We’ll reference Ellen’s latest article on the Green New Deal and how to finance it. Ellen says China’s mostly-public banking sector points the way toward a better and more sustainable way of doing business. She adds that China like all countries has corrupt elements and negative aspects, but that we shouldn’t let negatives dominate our perception of the country as a whole. Peter…

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