Sorry listeners! I won’t be able to do my live show on Revolution.Radio tonight due to a bad flu. But I should have fresh material up at my Patreon page soon.
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
The Saker on “Our Fundamental Disagreement About WWII, Hitler, Jews and Race”
Listen HERE Western views of Jews, Jewish identity politics, and Zionism are extremely polarized these days. The mainstream world seems enslaved to Zionist propaganda caricatures; while perhaps in reaction to the appalling lies and omissions of the MSM, increasing numbers of alt-right dissidents have gravitated toward severely anti-Jewish views. The Saker—one of the anglophone world’s most important voices on Russia-related strategic issues—recently incited a constellation of controversies with his new article “Our Fundamental Disagreement About WWII, Hitler, Jews and Race.” He wrote me: “Do you know that I never got as much hate mail as for that article about Russia…
FULL ARTICLEJeff Brown of Bioweapon Truth Commission: Coronavirus Is Biowar on China
Listen HERE Jeff Brown, author of China Rising, discusses the coronavirus epidemic, which he argues looks like a US biological warfare attack on China, as explained in Jeff’s conversation with a retired US special services guy who goes by the pseudonym Uriah Heep. Jeff is a co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, which just got handed a whole lot more work by whoever weaponized and unleashed the coronavirus. For more information suggesting the coronovirus pandemic may not be an accident, see: FFWN‘s Helen Buyniski: Coronavirus a “Drill Gone Live”? Whitney Webb: Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones on Super Bowl Degeneracy, #MayorCheat
Archived HERE Live on Revolution.Radio Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern First hour: Leading Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars Magazine discusses the Super Bowl as a symptom of America’s exponential onrush of decadence and depravity. Then the conversation turns to the astounding exploits of #MayorCheat, who claimed victory in the calamitous Iowa Caucus WAY too early…unless he knew the system was rigged in his favor. E. Michael Jones, a citizen of South Bend, Indiana, has been a horrified witness to the obviously pre-scripted rise of #MayorCheat, the favorite candidate of America’s corrupt Zionist oligarchy.
FULL ARTICLEChannel Islam (South Africa) Interview on “Deal of the Century,” Impeachment
Listen HERE Channel Islam of Durban, South Africa—unlike US-based mainstream outlets—is free to host frank discussions of Zionist organized crime and its hold on the current occupant of the White House. It’s sad but telling that Americans need to tune into foreign media to hear the truth about their own country. Heads-up: Friday’s live show (8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio) will feature E. Michael Jones on Super Bowl Decadence and #MayorCheat. Then in the second hour Jeff Brown comes on live from China to talk about the coronavirus outbreak, which he sees as a probable US-sponsored biowar attack.…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Howard (American Herald Tribune) on “The Iranian Black Legend”
Listen HERE Judging by his photo, American Herald Tribune writer Michael Howard doesn’t look old enough to remember the 1960s and 1970s. But he seems fully up to speed on the propaganda “black legend” that’s been blasting out BS about Iran ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In this interview we discuss the insanity of American foreign policy, especially its mad infatuation with nuclear weapons and Zionism, its Iranophobia, and its clumsy aggression towards Russia and China, forcing those two nations to form an alliance against the declining US (ex-)hegemon. Note: The American Herald Tribune has recently come under attack…
FULL ARTICLERon Jacobs (Counterpunch) on 1960-1970s, Iran, Impeachment
Listen HERE Looking for non-MSM perspectives on the Middle East and more? Counterpunch and American Herald Tribune are worth checking out. My January 31st live show highlights two notable writers who are both making debut appearances on Truth Jihad Radio. The first hour (this archive) features Counterpunch journalist Ron Jacobs, author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies and Capitalism Is the Problem. Topics: Ron’s recent articles on Iran and impeachment. I’m also curious about his take on the ’60s and ’70s counterculture movements. My next post will be the second hour of this live show, an interview with American Herald…
FULL ARTICLEDiscussing “Deal of the Century” with J. Michael Springmann on Press TV; then explaining impeachment to Radio Islam
Listen HERE Had I been in the room with Trump, Netanyahu, and that truckload of applauding sycophants bussed in from the Israeli Embassy, and had been forced to sit down in the front row and listen to Trump-and-Bibi’s “Deal of the Century” bullshit, I could easily have suicide-bombed the whole place without needing an explosive vest—since just listening to the live feed made me so angry I almost went up in a 100 megaton fireball while merely sitting at my desk ; – ) But seriously, folks, we have a serious problem with evil in high places. Today’s show features…
FULL ARTICLETwo Shia Muslims and a Goat Farmer Walk Into a Radio Show: Part 2
Listen HERE Andrew Israel reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. He writes: “I want to discuss the Illuminati from a personal standpoint and how the holocaust parallels the story of imam Hussein at Karbala: fake jews/muslims turning against their own people.” He adds: “You’re not wrong to challenge these Luciferian Zionists who pretend to be Jews. What Jews fail to understand, more than any other religion is that every faith has its corrupted leaders! It is unfortunate that they are so sensitive to the holocaust that it blinds them to their actual criminal nature exposed in the Quran. So…
FULL ARTICLETwo Shia Muslims and a Goat Farmer Walk Into a Radio Show: Part 1
Listen HERE Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and the Shia school of thought may be its fastest-growing segment. Tonight we talk to two white American converts to Shia Islam—one ethnically Italian, one ethnically Jewish—plus an Italian-American dairy goat farmer who hasn’t converted to Shiism…yet. (Disclaimer: I haven’t either. I’m just a plain ole Muslim.) First half hour: Charles Messina is an Italian-American Shia Muslim. He wrote me: “Salaam Dr. Kevin, I have been very busy on the [NYC] subway talking about Islam, Iran, & the great General Soleimani, and I want to let the American people know…