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Henry Herskovitz on Defeating Jewish Power Lobby in 6th Circuit and US Supreme Court

Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz of Ann Arbor, MI appears to have defeated the Jewish Power Lobby in court. Such things don’t happen every day! The short version: Henry and his activist group got sued by some high-power deep-pockets Jewish Power folks who didn’t appreciate his weekly protests in front of the local synagogue. Normally, all a rich, powerful would-be censor has to do is scream “hate speech! harassment! anti-Semitism!” and the courts and other official institutions whimper in obsequious acquiescence. But this time it didn’t work. The courts have consistently sided with Henry and the First Amendment.


Ellen Brown on “Food Systems Under Attack?”

Listen HERE In a new article Ellen Brown notes that “our food systems seem to be under attack.” She cites reports of 99 accidental fires, farmers unable to get supplies, diesel prices putting farmers out of business, cyberattacks on agricultural companies, and mass cattle die-offs. How, she asks, did the Rockefeller Foundation know this was coming back in 2020? Are they creating a food crisis to push through a Great Food Reset, a.k.a. “Reset the Table“? Are they trying to create a huge, centralized food control grid—the exact opposite of the real solution, which is small, local, and resilient? And…


Ellen Brown on “Food Systems Under Attack?”, Henry Herskovitz on Defeating Jewish Power Lobby in 6th Circuit and US Supreme Court

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: In an article published today, Ellen Brown notes that “our food systems seem to be under attack.” She cites reports of 99 accidental fires, farmers unable to get supplies, diesel prices putting farmers out of business, cyberattacks on agricultural companies, and mass cattle die-offs. How, she asks, did the Rockefeller Foundation know this was coming back in 2020? Are they creating a food crisis to push through a Great Food Reset, a.k.a. “Reset the Table“? Are they trying to create a huge, centralized food control grid—the exact…


Peter Koenig on Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030

Listen HERE for today’s 7/7/2022 interview; and/or watch our April video on Rumble. Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig discusses his new article A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030. Among the questions considered: Has resistance to Agenda 2030 convinced the Davos crowd to push it forward to 2025? Who is really running the show, and does BlackRock’s leveraged ownership of much of the global economy provide a clue? Was the controlled demolition of the Georgia Guidestones a sign of growing resistance against the NWO agenda—or an inside…


Jim Fetzer breaks news on Supreme Court & local court cases on Sandy Hook lawsuits

Listen HERE Jim Fetzer, like my previous guest Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, is a friend and former False Flag Weekly News colleague. And like Jeremy, Jim is someone I don’t always agree with. Today Jim returns to my show to break the news about today’s hearing in Dane County Circuit Court concerning Lenny Pozner’s attempt to seize control of Jim’s book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. We’ll also discuss Jim’s appeal to the Supreme Court of Pozner’s earlier, seemingly questionable victory before the same judge who is hearing today’s case.


Jeremy Rothe-Kushel challenges my “anti-liberal” stance

Listen HERE I have somehow managed to annoy free speech hero Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, who writes: “While I still feel kismet with you as a human, and maybe because of that, in terms of the responsibilities of what I had felt we both held as colleagues towards truthful public speech, this seems like beyond disagreement to me, and my duty to oppose what I see as your reactionary idolatry and consequent core political abandonment of the path of the truth jihadi as flinging the words of truth in the face of tyrants even if uncomfortable to internal intellectual inertia and pressures, both…


LIVE RADIO! Jeremy Rothe-Kushel challenges my “anti-liberal” stance; Jim Fetzer breaks news on Supreme Court & local court cases on Sandy Hook lawsuits

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: I have somehow managed to annoy free speech hero Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, who writes: “While I still feel kismet with you as a human, and maybe because of that, in terms of the responsibilities of what I had felt we both held as colleagues towards truthful public speech, this seems like beyond disagreement to me, and my duty to oppose what I see as your reactionary idolatry and consequent core political abandonment of the path of the truth jihadi as flinging the words of truth in the face of…


Bruce Leichty on Holocaust Conference Arrest Lawsuit

Listen HERE Mennonite attorney Bruce Leichty discusses the brief he filed in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals last month, asserting that federal judge John W. Broomes committed numerous errors when he granted summary judgment to Bethel College, and prevented him from taking his case to a jury. Leichty was arrested in 2019 for participating in a holocaust conference at Bethel College in Kansas for which he had paid and registered. His crime? Handing out fliers until he was asked not to, then participating in Q&A and posing questions that made people uncomfortable. Since when was it illegal to ask questions?…


Mr. Rho on Crypto Crash, Ellen Brown on Backyard Food Shortage Solution

Listen HERE First 35 minutes: Mr. Rho discusses the crypto implosion and related topics. Final 15 minutes: Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt and other books, recently published “The Food Shortage Solution in Your Own Backyard.” It describes Russia’s vast superiority over the US in residential land use: “…in the United States there are 40 million acres of lawn. Lawns are the most destructive monoculture on the planet, absorbing more resources and pesticides than any other crop, without providing any yield…(whereas) Russian families have shown the possibilities, using permaculture methods on simple cottage gardens or allotments called dachas…In 2004, food gardens accounted for…


Richard Cook on neocons & Ukraine; Francis Boyle on Resisting Medical Tyranny

Richard Cook, the Challenger disaster whistleblower, asks: “Who are the Neocons and what are they trying to do with respect to the Ukraine war? Why are they trying to use the US, UK, and NATO/EU to destroy Russia? How are Biden, Johnson, Scholz, van der Leyen etc. their instruments? Is Zionism part of it? These questions are not being addressed by most commentators. Btw, your essay on Leo Strauss, I thought, was spot-on. The hybrid war against Russia, and against both Christianity and Islam, was right out of that playbook.” Next 30 minutes: International Law professor Francis Boyle discusses his new…

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