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FFWN 9/11 anniversary special!

Click HERE to make the next episode happen! FFWN. 9/11 Anniversary Special, Sept. 14, 2018 1.Donald Trump Marks 17th Anniversary of 9/11 by 2.National Park Service Enlisted to Perpetrate Lies and Crimes of 9/11 3.Trump Demolishes Robert David’s Steele Plan to Influence US President’s 9/11 Speech 4. Trump Immediately After 9/11: Those Building Could Not Have Been Penetrated by Aluminum Airplanes 4A.The Image of the Plane Penetrating South Tower Must Be Fake Image of Plane Cutting Through South Tower Must Be Fake.png 4B. Shankesville Plane Crash Must Be Fake Plane in Shankesville Pit.png  FFWN, 14…


FFWN: 9/11 death cult anniversary: pseudo-religion of MSM zombie lemmings

PSAs 1) Strip off the blindfolds! Share and support FFWN 2) Lobby YOUR congress-critter to support the Bobby McIlvaine Act 9/11 Anniversary 3) Coming Sept 10-11 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! 4) New-“The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11” Directors cut War on Syria 5) Trump warns Assad against ‘reckless’ attack on Syria’s Idlib 6) Armageddon in Idlib 7) Report on IDF funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of ‘army’s censor’ – Jerusalem Post to RT War on Russia 8) Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast 9) PM points to Putin as Russian pair…


FFWN: Never Forget 9/11 (was an inside job)

Thank you to our donors who made this show possible! PSAs: Countdown: 11 days from 17th 9/11 anniversary 1) Never Forget 9/11 (was an inside job)…and help FFWN keep shouting it from the rooftops! 2) Coming Sept 10-11 (3) 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! 3) Join or start a candlelight vigil in front of YOUR local courthouse on 9/11/18! 9/11 Truth Emerging? 4) CIA AND SAUDI ARABIA CONSPIRED TO KEEP 9/11 DETAILS SECRET, NEW BOOK SAYS 5) Here are the details: 9/11 A Mossad-PNAC Operation 6) Ex-mayor’s “Israel did 9/11″ post puts new pressure on…


FFWN Aug. 24: Trump’s Trials and Travails

PSAs  1) Defeat Censorship: Watch and Promote FFWN! 1a) Coming Sept 10-11 (3) 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! Trump Trials & Travails 2) It could be Trump’s worst day, ever: Manafort guilty on eight counts 3) Cohen pleads guilty and implicates Trump 4) Manafort: The American Lobbyist Who Undermined a Democracy 5) Manafort trial sheds light on Cyprus links of Trump/Rothschild ‘serial grifter’ Commerce Sec. Ross & Russian Jewish Oligarchs Deripaska & Vekselberg 6) DONALD TRUMP IS A ‘RUSSIAN ASSET’ OWNED BY THE MAFIA, AUTHOR CLAIMS IN NEW BOOK 7) Christopher Steele wins libel…


FFWN: It’s False Flag Season—9/11 anniversary approaches

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above. Click HERE to donate  9/11 truth events are coming to San Francisco, New York, and Washington DC…and will be live streamed by No Lies Radio!  I’ll have a table at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA. Stop by and say hi! If you can’t make it to SF, NYC, or DC, but want some real world 9/11 truth action, why not call your friends and create a mini-event in your own neck of the woods? Have a 9/11 truth barbecue party— burn the…


FFWN: Stop the assassination of liberty!

PSAs 1) Stop the assassination of liberty, support FFWN! 1a) PSA: Protest KPFA banning of Guns & Butter psa.jpg 2) Letter to the Editor: “Was 9/11 a ‘false-flag’ operation?” (write one yourself!) War on Free Speech 3) Bnai Brith lynch mob still persecuting Professor Anthony Hall 4) War on Alex Jones Goes Nuclear 5) Alex Jones’ Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents’ Home Addresses Public 6) Constitution-shredding traitors cite Cass “jail the 9/11 truthers” Sunstein in call to ban “conspiracy theories” 7) How purging Alex Jones from social media could backfire spectacularly according to free speech advocates 8)…


FFWN 8/3/18: Trump briefed on 9/11

FFWN broadcasts live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern, then is archived right here 1) PSA: Help FFWN keep the 9/11 issue alive  9/11 Is Still THE Issue 2) 9/11 Memo to Trump: 27 experts brief the president 3) Senator Richard Blumenthal seeks declassification of last 9/11 documents Seymour Hersh: “I don’t buy ‘Bin Laden did 9/11’ story” 4) Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh on the truth behind novichok, the Russian hacking and 9/11 (this article was deep-sixed, then put back up) 5) Seymour Hersh, 9/11 truther War on Palestine 6) Concerns over Freedom Flotilla activists ‘beaten,…


Fight Fake News, Watch FFWN!

1)PSA: Fight Fake News, Watch FFWN! (and spread the word) Why FFWN Is More Necessary than Ever 2) Government begins battle against ‘alt-news’ sources and ‘alarmist’ stories with pilot of rapid response team dubbed ‘fake news unit’ 3) Facebook slammed by Sandy Hook parents over lies, hoax claims 4) FaceBook stock plunges 20% overnight as “MSM-approved info only” campaign escalates 5) Advertiser-Driven Censorship on YouTube Hits 9/11 Truth Doc 6) Amazon’s Face Recognition Tool Confused 28 Lawmakers With Arrestees 7) THE ‘GUERRILLA’ WIKIPEDIA EDITORS WHO COMBAT CONSPIRACY THEORIES “ISIS”: Mossad, crazy people, or Mossad manipulating crazy people? 8) Notorious Israel-linked “terror journalist” Gutjahr crushed…


FFWN July 20 2018

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above. PSAs 1) Remember Building 7 — and FFWN! 2) Pass H Res 922 to define presidential wars as impeachable offenses  Summit Hysteria/Trump Follies 3) ‘Feed Him To The Corgis’: Tens of Thousands of Brits Protest Trump 4) Angry Trump Baby Takes Flight as UK Protests Tell President He’s Not Welcome 5) Thousands joined Trump protest as US leader played golf 6) Pepe Escobar: A walk on the wild side as Trump meets Putin at Finland station 7) Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying.…


FFWN 7/13/16: If you like the “war on terror” you’ll LOVE the War on Breast Milk!

1)PSA Help FFWN keep dancing to the tune of truth! Good News (Man Bites Dog) 2) Rapper Madd Cold Defeats Case Launched Against Him By Powerful Jewish Lobby Group TrumpWorld 3) Fireworks Begin At NATO As Trump Prepares For Putin Summit 4) Trump pardons Oregon ranchers who sparked 2016 militia standoff 5) Prison Operators Could Cash In on Trump’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Immigration Policy 6) Unit 8200-Founded and Flynn-Linked NSO Company Employee ‘Stole’ Classified Israeli Cyberweapons to Sell on Darknet 6.5) Black Cube Israeli intelligence firm targeted Soros NGOs during Hungary’s election campaign 7) Outgoing Trump Deputy Worked In Libya…

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