Dissociated Press The National Association of Preschoolers (NAP) has issued a statement urging all American university professors to enroll in a new remedial sex education program. The preschoolers will be offering “gender clarity for eggheads” classes at pre-kindergarten educational institutions nationwide beginning in January. NAP spokestoddler Sally S. explained: “Grown-ups are so silly. Some grown-ups don’t know boys have penises and girls have vaginas. We are going to tell them so they know.” OK folks that’s it. I just don’t have the heart to write any more satire. I was going to try to satirize this story: “YPSILANTI, MI…
FULL ARTICLECategory: articles
Why “Veterans Day” is really “Palestinian Genocide Day”
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What we call “Veterans Day” in the USA is known as “Remembrance Day” in Australia. Whatever they’re remembering, we’ve apparently forgotten. The end of the “war to end all wars” ? Maybe. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 was supposed to usher in permanent peace…but somehow instead it led to Orwellian dictatorship under an empire of permanent war. Maybe all those 11s were Satanic illuminati signposts pointing down the road to dystopia? Read “11 Questions for Veterans Day“ Something else to “remember” (if you ever knew it…
FULL ARTICLEWhy Bibi LOVES the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre
If It Didn’t Exist, He Would Have Had to Invent It By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When Bibi Netanyahu first heard the tragic news from America, he was asked his reaction. Bibi smirked and barked out: “It’s very good!” Then a faint light of awareness dawned in his beady little pig eyes: an understanding of how bad that sounded. So he caught himself and said: “Uh…well, it isn’t good…but it’s good for Israel!” That was Bibi’s reaction to 9/11. But it also represents his likely response to the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Netanyahu is a gangster. “Israel” is a global…
FULL ARTICLEArbaeen: The world’s biggest event
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Today is Arbaeen, the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson. During the past decade an estimated twenty to thirty million people (with outlier estimates closer to fifty million) have been making the pilgrimage to Karbala each year. Wikipedia’s list of “largest peaceful gatherings” is dominated by recent Arbaeen pilgrimages. It seems rather miraculous that Iraq—the nation most devastated by the 9/11-triggered Zionist-incited scorched-earth operations—should be hosting a pilgrimage five to ten times as big as the much better known canonical Muslim Pilgrimage, the Hajj. The Saudis, with all…
FULL ARTICLEOpen Letter to Angela Merkel, re: Mounir el Motassadeq and Berlin Christmas false flag
Introduction: Elias Davidsson has done excellent work undermining the official stories of various terror PR stunts including 9/11 and the 26/11 Mumbai massacre. Here is his new letter to Angela Merkel on Mounir el Motassadeq, one of many Moroccans who have been falsely blamed for false flag terror events. Motassadeq was recently freed after spending almost two decades in prison for a crime, 9/11, that he had absolutely nothing to do with. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Open Letter to Mrs. Chancellor Angela MerkelDear Chancellor Merkel,I am writing to you regarding the fake terrorist attack that took place at a Christmas…
FULL ARTICLEThe Moroccans who saved my life
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Still finding it hard to believe I’m alive. Three days ago, while I was bodysurfing at Sidi Bouzid beach near El Jadida, Morocco, a freak wave slammed me head first into the sand, rupturing a disc in my neck and leaving me temporarily paralyzed between my waist and chin. I flopped helplessly in the breaking surf for a few minutes that seemed like forever, gasping for air when I could, emitting brief and feeble cries for help, and using my legs to try to shove myself shoreward. Totally underwater except during the rare moments when the…
FULL ARTICLEWhat is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran
I have been traveling in Spain and Morocco, so I am a couple of weeks late posting this new piece by NWO researcher and physics professor Mujahid Kamran. His brand new book The World Order: How It Works, which develops his VT article of the same name, should be available soon. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. -Former CIA Director William Casey…
FULL ARTICLETest your internet IQ: Did Kavanagh REALLY Convert to Judaism?
I recently heard that someone fact-checked my article Kavanagh converts to Judaism to save Supreme Court nomination: Circumcision ceremony scheduled for noon tomorrow at National Cathedral. My friend D got an email from his Christian Zionist friend T as follows: D, I’ve done a fact check on the claim that Kavanagh is to convert to Judaism and I could find no credible evidence to support it – all I find were vague and obscure web sites about all manner of wacky unsubstantiated theories based on innuendo, speculation and assumptions that lead to erroneous conclusions, mainly to do with Left wing conspiracies that…
FULL ARTICLECensorship: The new battleground
Here is the video of my talk at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Berkeley. I included the text of the talk HERE.
FULL ARTICLE9/11 and the crisis in Catholicism: Mainstream paper publishes HERESY!
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I don’t mean to offend people. But I can’t help it. It seems that I’m a heretic. In the bad old days, I would have been quickly burned at the stake. But in our more enlightened age, the inquisitors merely mess with the careers and reputations of their victims. That’s progress, I guess. I am not a heretic against Christianity (since I am Muslim, I agree with about 95% of Christianity…vastly more than secular folks do). Nor am I a heretic against Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism (at least the relatively monotheistic Upanishads variety) or any…