Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page First hour: Adam Green of KnowMoreNews asks why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” He notes that “Netanyahu takes orders from the Rebbe,” and that “Ariel Sharon says Rebbe gives government officials ‘military advice‘”…and wonders whether “Netanyahu is following ‘war by deception – zohar’ orders from the rebbe?“…and whether this…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
New York Times: Trump Asked Advisors if He Could Fellate Netanyahu Before He Leaves Office
Dissociated Press President Donald Trump last week asked senior aides what possibilities he had for performing fellatio on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, The New York Times reported Monday. Citing four current and former US officials, the paper reported that the meeting occurred in the Oval Office on Thursday. The source said Trump asked his highest-ranking national security advisers whether they thought that after freeing Jonathan Pollard, trying to start a nuclear war with Iran for Israel, officially labeling BDS “anti-Semitic,” and sending Pompeo to bless war criminal settlements, he should just go ahead and blow Bibi at the Wailing Wall and…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: MSM Claims Are Disputed!
Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Tell MSM “This Claim Is Disputed” 2) Coronavirus an Inside Job: Livestreamed Sun. Nov. 29, 3 pm ET Who Made COVID? 3) Suspected Biowar Criminals (Who Made COVID?) Orchestrated “Natural Origin of COVID” Disinfo 4) Flashback: Biowar Expert Dr. Meryl Nass: Lancet’s “COVID-19 Is NOT a Bioweapon” Is a Ludicrous Fraud Transcribed at Trump-n-Yahu 5) Mossad via Newsweek: Trump-n-Yahu Loss “Terrible for the Jews” 6) New York Times: Trump asked advisers about possible strike on Iranian nuclear site 7) Traitor Pollard & His Pedophile Lawyer Dershowitz Get…
FULL ARTICLELady Michele Renouf: I Risked 5 Years in Prison—and Won First-Ever Acquittal in German “WWII Heresy” Prosecution
Listen HERE On November 5th German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden suddenly ended their 32-month criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf just days before the trial was to begin. Lady Renouf was charged with “incitement” under the §130 Volksverhetzung law, which has been used for the wholesale imprisonment of German dissidents, including scientists, authors and even the lawyers who defend them. What speech crime was she charged with? Expressing grief, sympathy, and repentance for the crimes her (British) government committed against German civilians during World War II, including the firebombing of Dresden. Lady Renouf’s impromptu remarks during the…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones: Election Was Rigged, Color Revolution Coming?
Listen HERE E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, recently appeared on False Flag Weekly News in a pre-election episode entitled Exposing Hoax Election—and “Borat’s Holohoax.” Now he’s back to offer his post-election views—which are diametrically opposed to those of previous guest Barrie Zwicker. Selected quotes from this interview: “The election was stolen from Trump, and the question is whether he has enough political power to contest it…so the question is, will the courts listen to what he’s saying? Can he get a fair hearing? I think if he does, there is a fair chance they will overturn the election.” “I…
FULL ARTICLEBarrie Zwicker: Will Trump “Burn the Reichstag and Cross the Rubicon”?
Listen HERE Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker warned us back in 2015: “Is Trump a Fascist? It’s Much Worse.” Ironically, Barrie’s article, originally posted at TruthAndShadows, was purged when that site was annihilated by Google for the crime of supporting 9/11 truth. So who’s really the Nazi, Trump or the internet oligarchs? Neither seems especially tolerant of viewpoints that differ from their own. But the internet and legacy media oligarchs seem to be crushing dissent far more successfully than Trump could ever dream of doing. In fact, they’re even censoring the President of the United States and preventing the American people…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Barrie Zwicker & E. Michael Jones Discuss Demise of Democracy
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page First hour: Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker warned us back in 2015: “Is Trump a Fascist? It’s Much Worse.” Ironically, Barrie’s article, originally posted at TruthAndShadows, was purged when that site was annihilated by Google for the crime of supporting 9/11 truth. So who’s really the Nazi, Trump or the internet oligarchs? Neither seems especially tolerant of viewpoints that differ from their own. But the internet and legacy media oligarchs seem to be crushing dissent far more successfully than Trump could ever dream of doing.…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Coup vs. Counter-Coup?
Watch live 11 to noon Eastern With Prof. Emeritus of Globalization Studies Anthony Hall PSAs 1) Help FFWN Critique the Media that Fabricate “Reality” 2) Coronavirus–An Inside Job. Live Video-Streamed Movie + Webinar Coming Up Sunday, November 29th 3) The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune 3A)American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI 3B) More on The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune 4) Lawyers’ Committee Petitions Congress To Reopen Anthrax Investigation Election Meltdown 5) “Bush Whisperer” Andrew Card Says Slow Transition = 911-2B 6) Trump administration removes senior defense officials and installs loyalists,…
FULL ARTICLEPompeo Adds Details on “Smooth Transition to Second Trump Administration”
Dissociated Press Secretary of Snake Mike Pompeo called an impromptu press conference this morning to explain the coming “smooth transition to a second Trump Administration.” “The courts will smoothly move to nullify election results in key swing states,” Pompeo explained. “Republican state legislatures will, with equal smoothness, refuse to send Democratic delegates to the Electoral College. The Supreme Court will smoothly step in and throw the election to the House, where the state-by-state vote will smoothly award the presidency to that old smoothie Donald J. Trump.” Pompeo said the “smooth transition” would then get even smoother: Massive anti-Trump demonstrations all…
FULL ARTICLEHomer Van Meter: “I Stopped an Illuminati Human Sacrifice”
Listen HERE Homer Van Meter may be the most interesting narrator of “told as true” personal experience narratives I have ever encountered. I read his mind-blowing autobiographical account Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up during Halloween week and all I can say is, boy was I spooked. The book chronicles Van Meter’s killing five satanic cultists, and wounding a couple of others, while stopping a Halloween night (2004) human sacrifice in redwood forests not far from Bohemian Grove. Two of the satanic survivors of that gunfight tracked him down in northern Wisconsin and tried to kill him in spring 2006.…