Unbanned by YouTube as of Sunday evening! Guest host E. Michael Jones We could not broadcast live to my YouTube channel this week due to last week’s strike for “medical misinformation.” Screw YouTube! We do not provide medical advice, just political opinions, which are protected speech under the 1st Amendment. Note: YouTube seems to have erased the strike and allowed me to resume posting as of Sunday evening. PSAs 1) Help Keep FFWN Un-banned https://fundrazr.com/01mOq0 1B) Kevin’s talk on censorship (delivered last Sunday just hours after YouTube nuked FFWN) https://colorado911truth.org 2) Poet & “banned books” bookseller Lawrence Ferlinghetti who helped launch…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Mr. Rho and Homer Van Meter on Bitcoin & crypto, NWO & more
Listen HERE Mr. Rho hosts the Crypto Corner and Rho’s Corner shows Mondays and Tuesdays 4 to 5 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio. We’ll discuss Bitcoin’s surge and other challenges to the mainstream economic paradigm. Halfway though the hour, Wisconsin-based author, lumberjack, and scourge of human sacrifice cultists Homer Van Meter—who just finished my book Truth Jihad—will call in. He just wrote: “I wouldn’t mind talking about 9/11 and how it relates in the progression of the big lies right up to our current plague of Covid-19. After all, it is patently obvious to the more observant of us that these…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on (neo)liberalism
Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson, author of “Theocracy’s Challenge” and Political Illiberalism, continues last week’s conversation on “debt traps” and discusses the impending fall of the Western neoliberal empire. Is neoliberalism’s achilles heel its financial system, which rewards rent-extracting parasites (like Wall Street) and discourages investment in real infrastructure and goods and services? Is China eclipsing the West because its public banking system rewards real production? As Michael Hudsonwrites: “So the question is what kind of financial system are you going to have to back up a central banking system and credit creation? Is credit going to be a…
FULL ARTICLEDisasters Everywhere! Is God Punishing America for Supporting Israel’s Genocide of Jesus’s Family?
By Kevin Barrett America is suffering a series of disasters of Biblical proportions. Political chaos reigns, and possible civil war looms, in the wake of the January 6 Capitol insurrection. Half a million Americans have died of COVID—the worst death toll in the world. In Texas, America’s biggest hotbed of Christian Zionism, millions of people have been left without electricity and drinking water after the Polar Vortex hammered the Lone Star State. Hurricanes, wildfires, tornados…the list seems endless, and it’s getting worse. Is God angry with the USA? That’s what Christian Zionist preachers love to tell us. After 9/11, Jerry Falwell…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on (neo)liberalism, Mr. Rho and Homer Van Meter on Bitcoin & crypto, NWO & more
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson, author of “Theocracy’s Challenge” and Political Illiberalism, continues last week’s conversation on “debt traps” and discusses the impending fall of the Western neoliberal empire. Is neoliberalism’s achilles heel its financial system, which rewards rent-extracting parasites (like Wall Street) and discourages investment in real infrastructure and goods and services? Is China eclipsing the West because its public banking system rewards real production? As Michael Hudson writes: “So the question is what kind of financial system are you going to have to back up a central…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Super-Spreaders of Truth: Should They Be Quarantined?
WATCH ON TWITCH: CENSORED BY YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/8AoH4RoEejM: Text of appeal: Please make your process transparent! Which guidelines?! What violated them?! Taking a wild guess…maybe it was our commentary on this? https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241577&findnew#new There is a legitimate scientific-medical debate about possible dangers of MRNA vaccines. In this video we speak derisively about most of the “conspiracy theories” about these vaccines, while pointing out that recent reports that vaccine-induced antibodies are distinct from disease-induced antibodies raise legitimate concerns as addressed in the (perhaps exaggerated) article. This is a perfectly reasonable exchange of reasonably well-informed opinions. Censoring all views except the Big Pharma party…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Brenner Debunks West’s Anti-Russia Narrative
Listen HERE International Affairs professor Michael Brenner questions the anti-Russian hysteria emanating from the alleged poisoning of wannabe color-revolutionist Navalny. Like Peter Myer, Michael Brenner “blogs” via his email list, which is very much worth subscribing to: https://list.pitt.edu/mailman/listinfo/mbrenner
FULL ARTICLEAP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me “COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader”— and Erase Ron Unz
By Kevin Barrett, for Unz Review The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a “COVID super-spreader.” The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading “COVID conspiracy theories,” not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, “conspiracy spreaders” may soon be quarantined in COVID camps as threats to public health. Dissidents, it seems, are the new terrorists. The Associated Press and the Atlantic Council simultaneously published a coordinated attack on me and others accused of propagating alternative analyses of the origin of COVID-19. Though…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers Responds to “Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth”
Listen HERE Peter Myers is one of many Australians concerned about Chinese financial encroachment, or “debt trap imperialism.” But are Chinese lenders really as predatory as Western economic hit men? Even the Atlantic now tells us that the “Chinese debt trap”—at least the Sri Lanka version—is a myth. We’ll also discuss other subjects taken up in Peter’s email digest. To subscribe, contact him at myerspeterg(at)mail.com.
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers Responds to “Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth”; Michael Brenner Debunks West’s Anti-Russia Narrative
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE The Anglo-Zionist empire’s stale propaganda war on Russia and China, and the Eurasian bloc they are building, drones on in the MSM. Let’s open the Overton window and let some fresh air in! First hour: NWO researcher Peter Myers is one of many Australians concerned about Chinese financial encroachment, or “debt trap imperialism.” But are Chinese lenders really as predatory as Western economic hit men? Even the Atlantic now tells us that the “Chinese debt trap”—at least the Sri Lanka version—is a myth. We’ll also discuss other subjects taken…