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Edward Curtin on Zelikow’s 9/11 & COVID commissions

Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,” which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks….It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped the report from start to finish…based on Zelikow’s work creating a…


LIVE RADIO! Edward Curtin on Zelikow’s 9/11 & COVID commissions, Meryl Nass on anti-vaccine petition to FDA

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,” which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks….It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped…


FFWN: “YouTube Will Annihilate My Channel If I Even Mention This” (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch above. A shorter version on censorship-infested YouTube  will begin live broadcasting on my YouTube channel when we get to story #8) PSAs 1) Help FFWN stay in business—truth IS essential! YouTube Will Annihilate My Channel If I Even Mention This 2) Nobel Laureate virologist Luc Montagnier agrees with Vanden Bossche: Vaccines are making COVID worse 3) Cynthia McKinney on “When China Sneezes” —the best COVID book yet 4) Meryl Nass and all other doctors I trust say effective COVID treatments are being deliberately suppressed — she appears on Truth Jihad…


Cynthia McKinney on “When China Sneezes” —the best COVID book yet

Listen HERE The COVID “conspiracy” books by James Perloff and Greg Felton are very much worth reading. But the best and most comprehensive one-volume investigation into what COVID-19 really is and where it came from is Cynthia McKinney’s edited compilation When China Sneezes (which should have been titled When DARPA Sneezes). Former six-term congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and some of the other contributors spent late December 2019 and the first half of January 2020 traveling around China on a fact-finding trip, flying out just a few days before the unprecedented lockdown. Their original mission was to…


Eric Zuesse says FDR’s death wrecked the world; Ron Avery laments Fetzer’s Kafka-esque trial

First half hour:  Investigative historian Eric Zuesse says the U.S. And Its Allies Try to Split the World in Two, and adds that Israel Is Ethnically Cleansing Gaza. In this interview he breaks the news of his forthcoming laudatory book on FDR, which argues that had FDR not died and been replaced by Truman, the world would be a much better place. Final half hour: Legal expert Ron Avery discusses his new article “To Support the Sandy Hook Narrative Wisconsin Court of Appeals District IV Makes Gross Errors.” (Check out Ron’s website devoted the Pozner v Fetzer.) Avery  argues that the Circuit…


Dave Lindorff: “Keep masking!” Barry Kissin on COVID as lab leak

Listen HERE First half hour: Dave Lindorff of ThisCantBeHappening kicks off the show with a discussion of his “A Maskless US Heads Down a Dark Road as the Covid Pandemic Rages On.” The article begins: “In the clash between sound science and political pressure from anti-science crackpots in the United States, the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control have blinked, announcing prematurely that people who are vaccinated can basically give up masking except when traveling on public transit or visiting health facilities. The idiocy and mendacity of this announcement at a time when only 36% of Americans have…


LIVE RADIO! Dave Lindorff: “Keep masking!” Barry Kissin on COVID as lab leak, Eric Zuesse on Israeli ethnic cleansing, Ron Avery on Fetzer’s Kafka-esque trial

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Anybody who says I’m not featuring a wildly diverse array of voices and viewpoints on Truth Jihad Radio hasn’t been listening! First half hour: Dave Lindorff of ThisCantBeHappening kicks off the show with a discussion of his “A Maskless US Heads Down a Dark Road as the Covid Pandemic Rages On.” The article begins: “In the clash between sound science and political pressure from anti-science crackpots in the United States, the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control have blinked, announcing prematurely that people who are vaccinated can…


FFWN: Resistance Victory in Gaza!

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above (no longer broadcasting on censorship-infested YouTube) Featuring J. Michael Springmann 1) Help FFWN Burst Bubbles 2) Good News for Iran. And Maybe for the US? 9/11-COVID 3) Biden administration plans to release three Guantanamo Bay inmates, including a 9/11 ‘conspirator’ and Osama Bin Laden’s suspected bodyguard, who have been held for nearly 20 years  4) Interview with Philip Shenon: Lessons from the Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission 5) Parallels Between the Phony War on Terror and the Current Pandemic Resistance Victory! Gaza Bloody but…


Ron Unz on “The Truth” and “The Whole Truth” About the Origins of Covid-19

Listen HERE Alternative media legend Ron Unz, the world’s most important writer on the origins of COVID, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his latest:  “American Pravda: ‘The Truth’ and ‘The Whole Truth’ About the Origins of Covid-19.” In it he updates his analysis citing important new sources including Nicholas Wade’s work. As I wrote in my latest American Free Press op-ed: Wade’s new article “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” makes the strongest case yet for the laboratory origin hypothesis. Wade begins by exposing mainstream attempts to debunk the lab origin hypothesis…


Tessa Lena on “War on Touch”

Listen HERE Tessa Lena of “Tessa Fights Robots” discusses her latest article “A War on Touch.” In it she posts screen shots of actual Guardian headlines like “People in England Urged to Be Patient Amid Reports Hugging May Soon Be Allowed“—and wonders why today’s mainstream journalism reads like parody. (People in England have been cold, formally polite, and stand-offish since the days of William the Conqueror, so maybe they’ll have to patiently wait another 1000 years before they’re allowed to hug each other? I mean, seriously, how do these people reproduce?) Meanwhile the wankers at Forbes Magazine and the New York…

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