Listen HERE Jonathan Simon, one of America’s leading election integrity experts, asks: “What happens when a dangerous and serial liar like Donald Trump blunders onto an inconvenient and disruptive truth? The truth Trump is inadvertently pointing to is not that elections in the United States are rigged, but that our privatized, electronic vote counting system is unobservable and incapable of proving that it is not rigged. This is a true crisis for American democracy.” I interviewed Jonathan Simon before and immediately after the 2020 election. How have his views on the national crisis of confidence around Trump v. Biden developed since…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
LIVE RADIO! Mr. Rho and David Kenney on Corruption & Collapse in California; Jonathan Simon Offers Updates on Election Fraud
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Scheduled guest Steven Rosenbaum, filmmaker behind The Outsider, was unavailable, so instead I discussed corruption and collapse in California with Revolution Radio host Mr. Rho and whistleblowing attorney David Kenney. Second hour: Jonathan Simon, one of America’s leading election integrity experts, asks: “What happens when a dangerous and serial liar like Donald Trump blunders onto an inconvenient and disruptive truth? The truth Trump is inadvertently pointing to is not that elections in the United States are rigged, but that our privatized, electronic vote counting system is unobservable and incapable of…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Worldwide Demonstration vs. Great Reset
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #9) PSA 1) Help FFWN Push the Red Pill Neocon “Vaxis of Evil” 2) David “Axis of Evil” Frum, Front Man for Neocon 9/11 & COVID Perps, “Has Had Enough” of Vax Resisters 3) NYT Nominates G.W. Bush as Vaccine Envoy—Helen Buyniski Rolls Her Eyes Fact Checked 4) Mike Yeadon vs. Reuters fact check 5) Most hospital admissions classed as ‘Covid’ were not ‘Covid’ 6) Why…
FULL ARTICLEVax Resisters Need Experimental Capital Punishment Therapy
A Modest Proposal Guest op-ed by Dr. Joe Gubbles, New York Times Vaccine Compliance Messaging Czar Dissociated Press As our obligatory five minutes of hate lingers into five days, five weeks, five months or even five years of hate for the irresponsible nincompoops who refuse experimental gene therapy, we are going to have to stop dangling carrots in front of their noses and start beating the hell out of them with sticks. Unfortunately, these people are stubborn, so even walloping them black and blue with a thick oak stave probably won’t convince them. We could always send police to grab…
FULL ARTICLEMoti Nissani: Death to Oligarchs!
Listen HERE Moti Nissani is one of the most knowledgable and outspoken academic opponents of the American Deep State and the oligarchy that owns it. His “Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations” lists more than 40 of the Deep State’s political murders of domestic opponents, while “Who Rules the Anglosphere?” exposes the nature and identity of the psychopathic oligarchs who dominate the West’s fake democracies. In this conversation Prof. Nissani explains the difference between oligarchy and democracy, explains why direct democracy (as advocated by the late Senator Mike Gravel) is the only real kind, and suggests that only a violent revolution targeting the…
FULL ARTICLEIraq to US: “What part of ‘GO HOME’ don’t you understand?” The Iraqi prime minister says his country no longer needs American combat troops, and a formal time frame for their withdrawal would depend on the outcome of his talks with US officials. In an interview, Mustafa al-Kadhimi said the American withdrawal schedule would be based on the needs of Iraqi forces. Al-Kadhimi, who is set to meet with US president Joe Biden in Washington on Monday, underlined that the Iraqi army is capable of conducting its own independent operations against Daesh terrorists. However, the premier said, Iraq will still ask for the US help for training and military intelligence…
FULL ARTICLERalph Cinque on film “The Pro Bono Watchman” and the JFK Ice Bullet Theory
Listen HERE Ralph Cinque of the Oswald Innocence Campaign and scriptwriter for the forthcoming film The Pro Bono Watchman (watch the trailer) thinks JFK got iced…literally. He argues for a new interpretation of the (edited-by-the-perps) Zapruder film, claiming that the first shot hit JFK’s back earlier than the official story and edited film depict, which shot consisted of an ice flechette that released a nerve agent paralyzing the president as the limousine slowed down for the kill zone. Sounds crazy? Maybe…but not nearly as crazy as the official magic bullet theory! Note: The Pro Bono Watchman’s plot includes an ice bullet shooting. UPDATE: Ralph uses photos and…
FULL ARTICLEResisting US intervention (Press TV’s Spotlight) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a Jihad-like struggle and continued resistance is what can prevent America and other international aggressors from interfering in the affairs of the Islamic countries. In this edition of Spotlight, Press TV interviews Sam Mahdi Torabi, director of Risalat Strategic Studies Institute, and Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert, to analyze Iran Leaders message on the annual Hajj pilgrimage.
FULL ARTICLERay McGinnis on New 9/11 Book “Unanswered Questions”
Listen HERE Ray McGinnis, author of Writing the Sacred, has just come out with a new book about 9/11. Entitled Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, it “explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and independent investigation into the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” A few days ago Ray McGinnis posted a list of resources for those wishing to learn more about the first responders’ and family members’ quest for truth and justice.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ray McGinnis on New 9/11 Book “Unanswered Questions”; Ralph Cinque on film “The Pro Bono Watchman” and the JFK Ice Bullet Theory
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ray McGinnis, author of Writing the Sacred, has just come out with a new book about 9/11. Entitled Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, it “explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and independent investigation into the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” A few days ago Ray McGinnis posted a list of resources for those wishing to learn more about the first responders’ and family members’…