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“Freedom From Choice” Movement Demands Mandatory Vaccinations Against Free Will

Dissociated Press The debate over mandatory vaccinations just got even stickier, as a new group is demanding the roll-out of mandatory universal vaccinations against free will. “Obligatory COVID vaccinations may alleviate symptoms, but they don’t address the root cause of the disease,” explained Dr. Dee Turmanist, founder of the Freedom From Freedom Foundation (FFFF). “The real problem isn’t vaccine hesitancy, it’s the freedom of choice that makes vaccine hesitancy—and other choices I don’t agree with—possible.” Dr. Termanist explained that according to the materialist philosophy underlying the modern scientific paradigm, free will should not exist: “And if something shouldn’t exist, it’s…


“Don’t Know Much About the Holocaust”

ADL: Sam Cooke Classic Is Anti-Semitic! Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League (ADL) has issued a press release slamming Sam Cooke’s classic “Wonderful World” and demanding the song be canceled. According to ADL president Jonathan Greenbutt, the line “don’t know much about history” is unacceptable. “Every American needs to know everything we tell them about the most important thing that ever happened in history—the Holocaust,” Greenbutt explained at a press conference. “That’s why we’re forcing it into every preschool curriculum in the nation and putting up Holocaust museums in every city, town, village, and hamlet.” Greenbutt insisted that “not knowing much…


Ron Jacobs on “Hazy Cosmic Jive”

Listen HERE Ron Jacobs, author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies (and the new article “Some Hazy Cosmic Jive“) discusses the evolution of popular culture in general and science fiction in particular. We’ll also touch on subjects of other recent articles including houselessness and Ron’s experience serving jail time for marijuana possession.


Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on Friday’s Oral Arguments

Plus: In a Separate Case, 9/11 Truth Has Finally Been Granted Discovery Power! Listen HERE Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discuss the oral arguments presented earlier today to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit: “Court to decide if 9/11 victim family members, ground zero responders, and nonprofits have standing to sue U.S. Attorney for obstructing their First Amendment petition to grand jury… “The second highest court in the nation will hear arguments from family members of 9/11 victims, 9/11 Ground Zero responders, and two national nonprofits in a case likely…


LIVE RADIO! Ron Jacobs on “Hazy Cosmic Jive”; Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on Today’s Oral Arguments

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at 1st hour: Ron Jacobs, author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies (and the new article “Some Hazy Cosmic Jive“) discusses the evolution of popular culture in general and science fiction in particular. We’ll also touch on subjects of other recent articles including houselessness and Ron’s experience serving jail time for marijuana possession. 2nd hour: Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discuss the oral arguments presented earlier today to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit: “Court to decide if 9/11 victim family…


Robert Singer Explains Why the World Will End in 2023

(Whew! Glad It’s Not This Year!) Listen HERE On December 17  I discussed the end times (akhir uz-zamaan) with Islamic Scholars Jowad al-Ansari and Alamdar Zaidi and Convert Andrew Israel. This episode continues the conversation with Robert Singer, #9 below in the list of thinkers who are saying the “end” is 2023. Robert is one of the few end times researchers who has an explanation for, why if 2023 is the “end,” we are not in the tribulation that should have begun at the end of 2015. Mr. Singer, a researcher who specializing in eschatology was on my show in 2013  talking about mass casualty…


Allan Stevo on How and Why to Stay Mask-Free

Listen HERE Allan Stevo, author of The Bitcoin Manifesto, recently published “How Do I Ride Amtrak Without a Mask?” His method sounds like it would work. He writes: “This method of 1.) inquiring about the policy and 2.) requesting an exemption under the policy is covered in depth in the bestselling “Face Masks in One Lesson,” alongside many methods of getting through life normally without wearing a mask. If you are looking for the science on how mask wearing harms everyone, have a look at “Face Masks Hurt Kids.”  For a radically different view of masking, listen to my interview with…


LIVE RADIO! Allan Stevo on How and Why to Stay Mask-Free; Robert Singer Explains Why the World Will End in 2023 (Whew! Glad It’s Not This Year!)

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Allan Stevo, author of The Bitcoin Manifesto, recently published “How Do I Ride Amtrak Without a Mask?” His method sounds like it would work. He writes: “This method of 1.) inquiring about the policy and 2.) requesting an exemption under the policy is covered in depth in the bestselling “Face Masks in One Lesson,” alongside many methods of getting through life normally without wearing a mask. If you are looking for the science on how mask wearing harms everyone, have a look at “Face Masks Hurt Kids.”  For…


FFWN: Bill Gates: “The Worst Part of the Pandemic Is Coming – It’s Ending!”

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. 1) Help FFWN deprogram the hypnotized Top Headlines 2) Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses 3) Meryl Nass’s License Suspended by State Medical Board – Stalinist “Dissident Psychiatric Exam” Ordered   4) Physician Meryl Nass Targeted by COVID Inquisition 5) California governor denies RFK patsy Sirhan Sirhan parole Mad Dr. Fauci & His Evil Experiments 6) Coronavirus research deemed too dangerous by DARPA was approved by Fauci…

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