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Saturday, September 5th: Dr. Richard Curtis will debate me on Zionism and 9/11

Dr. Richard Curtis to debate Dr. Kevin Barrett on Zionism and 9/11 Saturday 9/5/09, Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, (to be archived at Call-in number: 512-879-3805 – please call in, especially during the second hour! * * * Esteemed reader and/or listener, Oh oh! Now it isn’t just Hannity and O’Reilly who think I’m crazy. Several readers and listeners have informed me that I must be out of my freakin’ gourd to admit that I’m an anti-Zionist (like the other 1,499,999,999 Muslims) and to agree with Tuesday radio guest Christopher Bollyn that the Mossad and its…


Reflections on Bollyn Interview: Is Jewish-Zionist Domination of the US Media a Factor in the 9/11 Truth Blackout?

And will the Zionist propaganda brigade wage all-out war on me for even raising the question? Any more rhetorical questions? BEFORE YOU READ THIS BLOG, PLEASE LOOK AT THE GRAPHIC, THEN READ THIS COURAGEOUS ARTICLE BY PHILIP WEISS: Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do? My in-box is overflowing with praise and blame concerning my “coming out” as an anti-Zionist who thinks Zionism was the biggest motive behind the 9/11 false-flag attack, and who thinks the overrepresentation of Zionist Jews in the U.S. media helps explain the cover-up. First, some of the praise. A listener…


Today, Tuesday 9/1, on Fair and Balanced: Christopher Bollyn speaks out from exile

Catch a rare interview with 9/11-truth-seeking journalist-author Christopher Bollyn! Tuesday, September 1st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern),,To be archived for on-demand listening at Ever noticed how those of us in the 9/11 truth movement who mention the elephant in the living room — the evidence of Mossad/Zionist involvement, and more generally Zionist political power in the USA — get slandered, reviled, set up, threatened, verbally and sometimes physically assaulted, kicked off 911blogger, libeled at Wikipedia, and generally mistreated? (Compare the Wikipedia biographies for me and Christopher Bollyn to those of…well, pick any 9/11 truth advocates who ignore…


In May 2008 I announced I was running for Congress on a 9/11 truth and “end aid to Israel” platform, and that I was calling for the prosecution of DHS chief Michael Chertoff and the whole Israeli lobby as unregistered agents of a foreign power. And all hell broke loose. Upon announcing my candidacy, I was banned from my main internet outlet,, ostensibly because the owner of that website did not like ONE of the hundreds of people I had talked to on the radio. All of my posts at 911blogger were removed, and other users at 911blogger were…


Who’s Crazy, the Truth-Seeking Journalist or the Shrinks Who Locked Her Up?

My Sat. 8/29 radio show: Psychology professor meets journalist committed to mental hospital for 9/11 truth-seeking More news… is in court fighting to validate signatures and force a real 9/11 investigation: Silencing of NYC Voters Will Not Go Unchallenged New Craig Ranke article: INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION INTO PENTAGON ATTACK YIELDS ALARMING INFORMATION, GARNERS WIDE-RANGING ENDORSEMENTS Interview with Emmy Award Winning and Social Activist Actor Ed Asner… supporter of 911 Truth. Click here to listen. Also, Ed Asner did read the hard-hitting 9/11 truth PSA (public service announcement) I wrote for him, as well as several others. Contact your local Pacifica…


Sat. 8/29: Psychology professor meets journalist committed to mental hospital for 9/11 truth-seeking

This Saturday August 29th on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, on American Freedom Radio… Dr. William Woodward, professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire, will join me during the first hour to deliver his professional opinion concerning the respective sanity of Clare Swinney and the psychiatrists who institutionalized her for believing that 9/11 was an inside job. Then in the second hour, Clare Swinney herself will join us to tell her amazing, outrageous story. Clare is a journalist from New Zealand who began reporting on the holes in the official story of 9/11 and was subsequently threatened…


Interfaith Dialogue Requires a Level Playing Field

The 9/11 truth interfaith dialogue book I edited, 9/11 and American Empire: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out, just came out in Arabic. I would love to visit the Arab world and promote it. The last time I lectured on 9/11 in an Arab country (Morocco, 2007) I found the audience extremely receptive…though the reaction I got, over and over, was “We already know 9/11 was an inside job, so please go back and inform your fellow Americans of this simple and obvious fact.” Every single person I talked to about the subject in Morocco believed or suspected that 9/11…


David Ray Griffin: My new book can help end Afghan war

Note: We will be rebroadcasting my interview with David Ray Griffin, “the Dean of 9/11 Studies,” tomorrow, Tuesday, August 25th, 9 a.m. Pacific (noon Eastern) on NoLiesRadio. The ninth anniversary 9/11 is fast approaching, and the media will once again be revisiting the unsolved crime of the century. It’s the perfect time to approach friends, family, media, and people in your community with a 9/11 truth message. The problem is, you can’t argue people into accepting the truth. It is both more pleasant and more effective to raise a few key questions, like “does this endless ‘war on terror’ really…


Progressive Magazine, Like U.S. Empire, Drowning in Debt & Lies

The mainstream media, like the Zio-American empire it serves, is going broke because it is drowning in lies.(1) Ironically, Matt Rothschild’s “alternative” Progressive magazine is in the same predicament. The Progressive pretends to oppose corporate power, but ignores its source: the handful of trillionaire families, whose capo (like the Progressive’s editor) happens to be named Rothschild, that own the Federal Reserve and other central banks, and create our currency by lending it into existence at unpayable interest, driving the entire world into exponentially-increasing indebtedness to themselves.(2) And while it pretends to oppose Bush’s wars, the Progressive ignores the fact that…

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