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Why the Zionists Want to Silence Richard Falk on 9/11

Why did the Zionist group U.N. Watch engineer a witch-hunt targeting Special Rapporteur Richard Falk? Why would Zionists, whose prime concern is maintaining and expanding their apartheid state in Occupied Palestine, care about Falk’s mild allusions to unanswered questions about 9/11? Why the fuss? Debbie Menon suggests an answer: “The fact the Israeli supporters rush to the defense and go into hysterical denial when they have not been accused of something, is sure an indicator that something stinks in Tel Aviv!” In short, the Zionist doth protest too much. In a recent bombshell report, Wayne Madsen explains why. Madsen is…


Alison Weir: “If Americans Knew”….

Truth Jihad Radio Fri.. 1/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Surprise “Best of Truth Jihad Radio” blast-from-the-past! Second hour: Alison Weir, If Americans Knew, setting the record straight on the Palestinian-Zionist conflict. Several of Alison Weir’s articles have been included in anthologies, and she has given briefings on Capitol Hill, presentations at the Asia Media Summit in Kuala Lumpur and at the Jerusalem Media Center Conference in the West Bank, and lectures at Harvard Law School, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, the Fletcher School of…


Zionist terror group “UN Watch” targets Richard Falk; bans comments!

Listen to my latest interview with Richard Falk here.  Richard Falk responds to the Lobby’s vilification here. Elizabeth Woodworth asks “Why the Fuss?” here.Veterans Today says Richard Falk Is Right on 9/11. “UN Watch,” like “Campus Watch,” is a cowardly Zionist terror group. Campus Watch is tasked with terrorizing the academic community, especially professors who teach anything related to Middle Eastern Studies, in order to frighten off would-be critics of Israel. U.N. Watch is tasked with terrorizing the diplomatic community, especially UN officials, in order to frighten off would-be critics of Israel. Like Campus Watch, it may be assumed to be a…


The Islamic Revolution Continues in Egypt

I get bombarded with Islamophobic emails on a regular basis. Most of the culprits, believe it or not, are sympathetic to the cause of truth – yet at an unconscious level they have been programmed by the 9/11 public relations stunt and other Zionist media propaganda to fear and loathe Islam.  So let me briefly explain to these folks, and other non-Islam-friendly readers and listeners, why I think Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Muslim-majority countries desperately need Islamic revolutions. These nations’ societies have been based on Islam – which is a 24/7/365 way of life, not a one-day-a-week gig –…


What are they spraying in our skies?

Truth Jihad Radio Wed.. 1/26/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guests: Rosalind Peterson of and Eric Sayward of We Are Change-Wisconsin ( and (Eric is also the main organizer of the April 7th Achitects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth event in Madison, WI.) Are secret (or not-so-secret) military and scientific programs intentionally polluting our atmosphere, reducing the amount of sunlight reaching earth, and endangering our future? Rosalind Peterson has been researching this issue for many years, and has discovered reams of documents showing…


Mohamed Harkat, victim of Canadian Islamophobic witch-hunt

Tuesday, January 25th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Sophie Harkat will discuss the legal lynching of her husband Mohamed, who is under house arrest and threatened with deportation to the torture chambers of the Algeria under Canada’s “Security Certificate” program. (“Security Certificate” means the Canadian government does not have to produce any evidence to prove its “terrorism” smear.) Mohamed Harkat’s real crime: He joined a peaceful, democratic political party called the Front Islamique du Salut (FIS) when he was a student at Algeria’s University of Oran…


“Legacy of Deception” by Susan Lindauer

Former CIA asset Susan Lindauer broke the story of US government foreknowledge of 9/11, and pointless genocide in Iraq, in my recent radio interview.  Below is her brand-new op-ed.  -KB LEGACY OF DECEPTIONBy Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset covering the U.N. Mission of Iraq He’s got the smirking grin of a politician who knows that he got away with his crimes. He escaped responsibility for his political murders and the full brunt of moral outrage for the wasteful public sacrifice on his behalf. I can see it in his eyes. They don’t know half the truth. They don’t know they’re…


New M-W-F Schedule Kicks Off with Victor Thorn and Kevin Annett!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 1/24/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Controversial truth seeker and patriot movement author-broadcaster Victor Thorn of WingTV, author of 9/11 on Trial, a 2005 courtroom-style brief for controlled demolition, and 9/11 Evil — one of the few books to focus on the Israeli/Mossad connection to 9/11. I first heard about Victor Thorn when my friend Gabriel Day, a key organizer of the early 9/11 truth conferences, complained that Victor was slandering him. Since then, I’ve seen mixed reviews of…


Debating 9/11 hijackers with ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer

Susan Lindauer will be my guest tomorrow, Saturday January 22nd, on Truth Jihad Radio.  On my Tuesday, Jan. 4th show, she broke the story about CIA foreknowledge of 9/11 and how her CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, stated on 9/11/01 that the Mossad did it. We recently had a brief email debate about whether or not there were any actual hijackers on 9/11. Et voilà: Hi Susan, I transcribed and posted the first half of the interview yesterday. Things get around fast these days! You’ll probably hear from some wack jobs as well as thoughtful people, if my experience is…


Back by popular demand: Evelien Gilbert, Susan Lindauer!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 1/22/11, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. This is your chance to call in and talk to two whistleblowers who have recently broken big stories on my show. First hour: Evelien Gilbert (check out her blog!), author of Demolition Sequences and the Willful Suspension of Disbelief: Analyzing the 9/11 Storyboard. Evelien is an SFX engineer/modelmaker & whistleblower who has revealed the existence of demolition software that would have greatly reduced the time and manpower necessary to rig the WTC skyscrapers for demolition.…

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